WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

"Mobil" Oil 1949 Coal-enabled CO2 Recycling

Production of synthesis gas

Before presenting our excerpts from the above link, we must note, prior to some extended preamble, that:

The process of the US Government-certified invention we herein disclose and report, wherein Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Water are all combined to manufacture a hydrocarbon synthesis gas suitable for catalytic condensation into liquid hydrocarbon fuels, can be made possible, and even simplified to the extreme, by one key co-reactant: Coal.

But, Coal, or any independent Carbon source, is not actually named or specified to be included in the process.



We will attempt to explain all of that, as we go forward.

First, we've cited the old "Socony", i.e., Standard Oil Company of New York, aka Socony-Vacuum Oil, the named assignee of the rights to the US Patent were sending along in this report, previously; and, we've explained how they evolved into the now much more familiar Mobil Oil Corporation, developing some interesting Carbon conversion technologies along their way.

A good overview their history can be found in: Mobil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; wherein we learn:

"Following the break-up of Standard Oil in 1911, the Standard Oil Company of New York, or Socony, was founded ... .

In 1920, the company registered the name "Mobiloil" as a trademark.

In 1931, Socony merged with Vacuum Oil to form Socony-Vacuum. In 1933, Jersey Standard (with oil production and refineries in Indonesia) and Socony-Vacuum merged their interests ... .

In 1955, Socony-Vacuum was renamed Socony Mobil Oil Company. In 1963, it changed its trade name from "Mobilgas" to simply "Mobil," introducing a new logo."


Thus, ultimately, although the patent rights have likely expired, the inheritor of the technology we herein report must, in the end, be ExxonMobil.

And, we remind you of the many reports we have made concerning the Coal liquefaction achievements of Consolidation Coal Company's award-winning Coal conversion scientist, Everett Gorin.

We have as yet been unable to precisely document the fact, but, we believe one of the named co-inventors of the Mobil Oil Carbon Dioxide recycling process disclosed by this US Patent to be Everett Gorin's father.

Additional comment and explanation follows excerpts from the initial link in this dispatch to:

"United States Patent 2,485,875 - Production of Synthesis Gas

Date: October, 1949

Inventors: Manuel Gorin and Armand Abrams, Texas

Assignee: Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, New York

Abstract: This invention relates to a method for making synthesis gas for the production of liquid hydrocarbons, methanol and the like from methane ... . More particularly, this invention has to do with a process for the production of carbon monoxide and hydrogen from methane, carbon dioxide and steam.

Numerous processes have been proposed for the production of carbon monoxide and hydrogen in suitable proportions for the synthesis of hydrocarbons.

These processes generally involve the interaction of hydrocarbons such as methane with steam and/or carbon dioxide or with air to give mixtures of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in (variable) ratios.

In the present invention methane ... is reacted with carbon dioxide and steam to give two volumes of hydrogen for each volume of carbon monoxide according to the overall reaction:

3CH4 + 2H2O + CO2 = 8H2 + 4CO;

thus producing a synthesis gas of suitable ration of hydrogen to carbon monoxide to yield a relatively saturated hydrocarbon product in the Fischer type condensation. The ratio is also suitable for the production of methanol from hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Our process should be considered as involving three individual reactions which may be carried our separately or together.

These reactions are:

3CH4 = 3C + 6H2

2H2O + 2C = 2CO + 2H2

CO2 + C = 2CO

Claims: A process for the manufacture of a synthesis gas comprising hydrogen and carbon monoxide from methane, steam and carbon dioxide."


Which "synthesis gas", we remind you, can then be made to yield "a relatively saturated hydrocarbon product" or "methanol".

And, as , for one example, in: Penn State Solar CO2 + H2O = Methane | Research & Development | News; we can, using environmental energy, make all of the Methane which might be required out of nothing but Water and Carbon Dioxide.

However, Methane is specified, you will see, if you scrutinize the details of the above equations, by this Mobil Oil process, only as a contributor of some of the Hydrogen; and, pretty much all of the Carbon - with which the Steam and the Carbon Dioxide are then reacted to yield increased amounts of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide.

We, thus, submit to you that the intermediate step of synthesizing Methane, either, via the Sabatier process, from Carbon Dioxide; or, via processes of Steam gasification of Coal; all of which we have previously described and documented, isn't really necessary.

We could, instead, produce all of the elemental Hydrogen required to produce "a synthesis gas comprising hydrogen and carbon monoxide" suitable for "the Fischer type condensation" into various liquid hydrocarbons and, as above, "methanol", by, utilizing Solar energy to "split" Water, H2O, into it's constituents, as seen in:

Penn State Solar Cell Creates Hydrogen From Water | Hydrogen Fuel Cars and Vehicles Blog; which confirms earlier reports concerning that Penn State Hydrogen generation technology we've reported, by revealing that:

"Penn State researchers Thomas E. Mallouk and W. Justin Youngblood, in collaboration with Arizona State University, have developed a catalyst and dye system that use solar energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The Penn State direct solar to hydrogen system ... uses an orange-red dye to absorb blue light, which offers the most energetic wavelengths. When sunlight strikes the dye, it excites an iridium oxide catalyst, which in turn splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen."

And, once we have that Hydrogen, all we need, to manufacture, as herein, a "synthesis gas for the production of liquid hydrocarbons" and "methanol", is Carbon Monoxide - - which, as we know, as for once instance, via: More Oklahoma CO2 + Coal = Hydrocarbon Syngas | Research & Development | News; concerning: "USP 4.040,976 - Process of Treating Carbonaceous Material with Carbon Dioxide; 1977;  Assignee: Cities Service Company, OK; Abstract: A mixture of carbon dioxide and a carbonaceous material, such as coal, is rapidly heated in a reactor, giving a gaseous effluent comprising carbon monoxide"; we can make, simply, by reacting Carbon Dioxide, reclaimed from whatever convenient source, with red-hot Coal.