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USDOE pays Texas to Gasify and Liquefy New Mexico Coal

New Mexico synfuels project. Coal-liquid fuels and high-Btu coal gas. Volume I. Executive summary. [San Juan County, New Mexico] 

Herein, we submit evidence of a somewhat extraordinary Coal liquefaction and gasification R&D program, that was conducted, for and by our United States Department of Energy, just about as far away from the Appalachian heart of US Coal Country, and Coal Country journalists, and Coal industry activists, as they could get; and, still have a little Coal to play around with.

Moreover, this project required some "tracking" on our part; and, some of the links we enclose might not be durable; might not retain their function.



In light of that, we are, with regrets for the additional clutter, enclosing related links that should hook up with duplicate information accessed via different US Government information channels.

Even further, we are not certain that we've captured "everything" that there is available concerning this Coal liquefaction and gasification development, undertaken, significantly, we think, where it was because the fuel products they intended to derive from Coal were expected to help alleviate Southern California's air pollution problem. Seriously.

In any case, comment follows more links and excerpts relating to the "New Mexico Synfuels Project":

Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #5618452

DOE/RA/50356-1308-Vol.1; OSTI ID: 5618452; DOE Contract: FG01-81RA50356; October 1982

Research Organization: Texas Eastern Synfuels, Inc., Houston (USA); Utah International, Inc., San Francisco, CA (USA

Abstract: Volume 1. The New Mexico Synfuels Project is technically feasible to construct and operate. No major environmental issues have been identified that would cause significant adverse impacts in the region. Socioeconomic conditions existing in the region of the plant are conducive to a project of this type. Federal and state authorities have been kept advised of the progress of the project and have been encouraging in their assistance. A suitable plant site and the basic input resources of coal and water are available. There is limited market potential for the plant products. With the exception of carbon dioxide, revenues derived from sales of the by-products do not contribute significantly to support of the plant. Of the two primary products, SNG (Synthetic Natural Gas) has potential markets in Southern California and the Gulf Coast but suffers a price disadvantage relative to conventional supplies in both areas. Methanol has possible uses as a utility or turbine fuel, particularly in Southern California where power companies have expressed an interest in methanol for peaking purposes. A base load demand, however, is necessary for the development of a substantial market and at this time is not anticipated as developing unless additional environmental constraints are imposed on emissions. If carbon dioxide produced by the plant could be marketed to West Texas enhanced oil recovery projects, it would contribute significantly to the economics. (Note: If it could be marketed. Current mandated sequestration laws under consideration would demand that the CO2 be given to Texas, where one of the prime contractors of this project was located, post paid.) The economic viability of the project as proposed is marginal. Estimated market prices for the plant products do not appear to be sufficient to achieve an acceptable rate of return on investment to the project sponsors. Some means of financial assistance, preferably in the form of loan guarantees and price supports, will be necessary if the project is to proceed.

(In 1982, the "economic viability" was "marginal". What about now, 30 years later, with all that has happened relative to OPEC, and to the price of oil, since then?)

New Mexico Synfuels Project: coal-liquid fuels and high-Btu coal gas. Feasibility study. Volume II. Plant site, resources, and waste disposal. [San Juan County, New Mexico]

Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #5733349

DOE/RA/50356-1308-Vol.2; OSTI ID: 5733349

Abstract: Volume 2 considers site selection in detail and compares the advantages and disadvantages of 5 potential sites. Coal requirements for the plant are determined and the availability of coal resources, transport methods and materials handling and coal preparation are considered, including potential environmental and permitting constraints. Next, the water requirements are evaluated and then, the availability of water supply (including pumps, pipelines and reservoirs needed). Solid waste disposal methods (for hazardous and non-hazardous wastes) are evaluated (including permitting constraints).

New Mexico Synfuels Project: coal-liquid fuels and high-Btu coal gas. Feasibility study. Volume III. Plant design. [San Juan County, New Mexico; comparison of methanol synthesis and methanation processes and licensors]

Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #5760523

DOE/RA/50356-1308-Vol.3; OSTI ID: 5760523

Abstract: A data base has been established to permit preparation of the scope and estimation of the cost of a coal gasification facility. The proposed plant would gasify New Mexico coal to produce methanol and synthetic natural gas (SNG), the quantities of the two fuel products being approximately equal in terms of heat of combustion. Marketable by-products will also be produced. Process technology from gasification of the coal through manufacturing the main fuel products was supplied by the Lurgi Corporation, Eastern Division. Information related to auxiliary units was supplied either from qualified licensors, or was derived from Bechtel in-house data. Note also that the facility has been designed in accordance with appropriate local and federal regulations in effect as of June, 1982. The data, information, bases and assumptions used in carrying out the technical and cost studies are presented. The general design philosophy was to minimize any risks and uncertainties associated with a coal gasification facility, while developing capital and operating costs sufficient to decide whether to proceed with the project after the feasibility study. In addition, the philosophy was to make selections of alternatives that provided the maximum amount of cost information for use in evaluating plant configurations and size.

New Mexico Synfuels Project: coal-liquid fuels and high-Btu boal gas. Feasibility study. Volume IV A. Environmental. [San Juan County, New Mexico]

Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #5639000

DOE/RA/50356-1308-Vol.4A; OSTI ID: 5639000

Volume 4A is essentially the geology, hydrology, topography and baseline ecology of the site. Along with this, possible federal and state standards, constraints and permit applications and the authorities involved in each case are considered (a total of 24 regulations, laws and/or authorities).