WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Germany 98% Pure Carbon Monoxide from Coal, CO2 and O2

Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #5178027

Herein is yet more confirmation of the fact, that:

If we want to start treating our Carbon Dioxide more as a valuable resource - - rather than as some sort of dangerous pollutant we must, through taxation disguised as something called Cap & Trade, or, through indentured servitude to Big Oil labeled as mandated Geologic Sequestration, somehow economically enslave and parasitize our vital and productive Coal-use industries, and the people who depend upon them, somehow bring under control - - then all we need to do that is, basically, more Coal.

We've previously reported on various technologies that posit reacting Carbon Dioxide, recovered from whatever source, with red-hot Coal, in order to make Carbon Monoxide.

In fact, we recently documented that such a technology had been invented by the German parent company of the Ohio Valley's own Bayer Corporation, as in our report of:

Carbon Dioxide Recycled in the Manufacture of Plastics | Research & Development; which includes summaries of two Bayer technologies: "US Patent 4,564,513 - Process for the Production of Carbon Monoxide", which discloses how Carbon Monoxide can be efficiently produced by reacting Carbon Dioxide with hot Carbon, i.e., Coal; and: "US Patent Application 0040141901 - Process for the Desulfurization of Carbon Monoxide Gas"; which relates how Carbon Monoxide, can, after having been made by passing CO2 over hot Coal, be cleansed of any Sulfur compounds it might have picked up from the Coal, and thus be made suitable for use as a raw material in the synthesis of desirable compounds.

Those "desirable compounds", by the way, as seen in our report of:

Standard Oil Carbon Monoxide + Water = Gasoline | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 4,559,363 - Process for Reacting Carbon Monoxide and Water; 1985; Abstract: A process for reacting carbon monoxide and water ... for the direct production of gasoline";

would include things we've in latter decades been fighting wars, indenturing ourselves to foreign powers, and polluting oceans to keep ourselves supplied with.

In any case, herein, from another German company about whom we've previously reported, is further confirmation of the fact, that, if we want Carbon Monoxide in a form pure enough for use as a raw material in chemical syntheses, then all we really need to make it is hot Coal and Carbon Dioxide.

Comment follows brief excerpts from the initial link in this dispatch to:

"Carbon Monoxide from Coke, Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen; Hydrocarbon Process(US); 1986

Authors: E. Lath and P. Herbert

Research Organization: Lurgi GmbH, Frankfurt (Germany)

Abstract: Many valuable organic chemicals-both as intermediate or final products-can be made from high purity carbon monoxide (CO). Mainly, this includes: Diisocyanates; Polyurethane; Fatty acid derivatives; Acrylic glass. In order to provide a source of inexpensive CO for the above syntheses, a very attractive new scheme has been developed. This is very competitive indeed when compared to processes using natural gas or oil as feedstock. The scheme is well suited for (plants with low capacities) though much higher capacities can easily be accommodated. According to this concept merely two process steps are required to convert coke to high purity CO. The purpose of the first process step is to gasify coke using a mixture of CO2 and O2 as gasification agent while the second one serves to remove sulfur compounds and residual CO2.

Both processes are commercially proven.

Depending on the quality of the feedstocks the produced gas shows a CO concentration of 97 to 98.5% by volume. This CO level makes for an excellent feedstock for most syntheses."


First of all, Lurgi GmbH should be a name by now somewhat familiar to you.

We've previously documented, and as separately reported in:

Clean-Energy.us - Information - Sasol's Unique Position in Syngas Production from South African Coal Sources Using Sasol-Lurgi

"Sasol's Unique Position in Syngas Production from ... Coal Using Sasol-Lurgi ... Gasifiers

2004 Gasification Technology Conference; Washington, DC, USA; October, 2004

J. van Dyck, et. al., Sasol

Summary: Technical paper gives an overview of Sasol's 50+ years of experience producing liquid fuels from coal using Lurgi's fixed bed dry bottom (FBDB) gasification process.

Sasol has been operating the Sasol-Lurgi fixed bed coal gasification process for more than fifty years, and with ninety seven units in operation still remains the world's largest commercial application of this technology.

Coal is a crucial feedstock for South Africa’s unique synfuels and petrochemicals industry, and is used by Sasol as a feedstock to produce synthesis gas (CO and H2) via the Sasol-Lurgi fixed bed dry bottom gasification process.

Includes process flow diagrams and simplified Sasol-Lurgi gasifier schematics. Mix of information, valuable for both technical and general audiences"; that:

Lurgi GmbH is an expert in Coal conversion technology; and, through their partnership with South Africa Synthetic Oil Limited, Sasol, they have known for better than half a century how to convert abundant Coal into anything now derived primarily from conventional petroleum, i.e., "synfuels and petrochemicals".

In any case, they also know, as in their exposition of "Carbon Monoxide from Coke, Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen", how to make nearly-pure Carbon Monoxide from Carbon Dioxide.

And, as seen separately in:

Germany 1957 Carbon Monoxide + H2O = Hydrocarbons | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 2,786,863 - Catalytic Steam-Carbon Monoxide Synthesis; 1957; Assignee: Rheinprussen Aktiengesellschaft fur Bergbau and Chemie, (Germany) Abstract: This invention relates to the catalytic steam-carbon monoxide synthesis of hydrocarbons and oxygen-containing compounds.

The production of hydrocarbons and oxygen-containing compounds by the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide with hydrogen ... is well known in the prior art.

(But) it has now ... been found that the hydrogen required for the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide ... can be replaced by steam"; we should know, that:

all we really need to do to make "hydrocarbons" is mix Carbon Monoxide with a little H2O.

However, since Sasol specifies Hydrogen, rather than Steam, as the other component of their hydrocarbon "synthesis gas", along with the nearly-pure Carbon Monoxide made from hot Coal and Carbon Dioxide via Lurgi's "commercially proven" technology, we remind you, that, as seen, for just one instance, in:

Chicago Hydrogen from H2O | Research & Development; in which we make report of: "United States Patent 4,793,910 - Photoelectrochemical Cell for Unassisted Photocatalysis; 1988; Assignee: Gas Research Institute, Chicago; Abstract: A multielectrode photoelectrochemical cell ... which ... contains two bipolar electrode panels for photoelectrochemical reactions such as water photolysis to produce H2 (and) O2";

we can make the Hydrogen specified by Sasol to hydrogenate Carbon Monoxide, through the efficient use of environmental energy, which process also would co-generate at least some of the Oxygen required by Lurgi, in their own process of making essentially-pure "Carbon Monoxide from Coke, Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen".