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US Taxes Pay for Coal to Gas and Liquids - In Turkey

TURKEY COAL GASIFICATION PROJECT - 2009-81021A (Archived) - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities

In point of fact, our United States taxes were used in two different ways, both directly and indirectly, to subsidize the construction and operation of a factory, in the nation of Turkey, that converts low-grade Turkish Coal into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons.

We've provided you with many reports documenting the Carbon conversion expertise that had been developed, over the course of decades, by the former Gas Research Institute, of Chicago, Illinois.



One example would be

West Virginia Coal Association | Chicago CO2 + H2O = Hydrocarbons | Research & Development; concerning: "US Patent 4,756,806 - Synthesis of Gaseous Fuels from Water and Carbon Dioxide; Assignee: Gas Research Institute, Chicago; Abstract: A hybrid thermoelectrochemical process cycle for production of gaseous fuels from cycle inputs of water and carbon dioxide".

We also explained how the Gas Research Institute evolved into another entity, the Gas Technology Institute, aka Institute of Gas Technology, make note of that name, it figures in a little further on, and, with United States Government tax money support, expanded their efforts into the conversion both of Coal and of Carbon-recycling biomass and wastes into both hydrocarbon synthesis gas and synthetic natural gas, SNG; in a report accessible via:

West Virginia Coal Association | Chicago Gasifies Coal, and Recycles CO2 and Carbon for USDOE | Research & Development; concerning both:

"United States Patent 5,092,984 - Pyrolysis of Coal; 1992; Assignee: Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago; Abstract: A method for mild gasification of crushed coal ... . Government Interests: The U.S. Government has a paid-up license in this invention and rights as provided for by the terms of contract No. DE-AC21-87MC24266 awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy"; and:

"United States Patent 4,699,632 - Process for the Gasification of Cellulosic Materials; 1987; Assignee: Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago; Abstract: A process for gasification of cellulosic materials (which)provides high throughput, efficient production of low and medium Btu fuel gas. The medium Btu fuel gas may be readily upgraded to high Btu SNG (Synthetic Natural Gas). Claims: A process for gasification of cellulosic materials ... wherein said cellulosic materials feed is selected from the group consisting of biomass, municipal solid wastes, industrial solid wastes, and mixtures thereof".

In sum, our taxes were used to help an accomplished research organization, who had figured out for themselves how to synthesize "Fuels from Water and Carbon Dioxide" and from Carbon-recycling, renewable "Cellulosic Materials" to develop a process that could do the same thing with Coal.

So successful was that USDOE-sponsored process for converting Coal into Synthetic Natural Gas, and into liquid hydrocarbon Synthesis Gas, that another United States Government agency took it upon themselves to help see, through the use of our tax dollars, that such a technology was actually reduced to commercial, industrial practice - in the largely-Islamic, near-Middle East nation of Turkey.

And, we don't intend any slur or insult to the noble nation of Turkey. They have actually been an ally, and a stalwart, trusted and needed member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, for many decades.

See: NATO - News: NATO Secretary General thanks Turkey for vital role in the Alliance, 17-Feb.-2012.

However, honorable comrades in arms that they might be, they are not West Virginia or Pennsylvania, or any other constitutional constituent of United States Coal Country. Still, our United States Government selected them to, with United States tax dollar support, reduce to commercial practice the Chicago-based Coal conversion technology, that had itself been developed with United States tax dollar support.

We were able to pick up the trail only after Turkey had already, somehow, been chosen to receive Uncle Sam's Coal conversion largesse, as seen in excerpts from the initial link in this dispatch to:

"Turkey Coal Gasification Project; Solicitation Number: 2009-81021A

Agency: United States Trade and Development Agency; USTDA

(United States Trade and Development Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; "The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), located in Rosslyn, Arlington, Virginia, is an independent U.S. Government foreign assistance agency pursuant to section 661 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 ... . The agency was established to advance economic development and U.S. commercial interests in developing and middle income countries. USTDA’s stated mission is to “promote economic growth in developing and middle income countries, while simultaneously helping American businesses to export their products and services, thereby creating U.S. jobs,” and the agency currently works in 66 countries."

USTDA: About USTDA; " USTDA is an independent U.S. Government foreign assistance agency that is funded by the U.S. Congress. Our mission ... is to help companies create U.S. jobs through the export of U.S. goods and services for priority development projects in emerging economies. USTDA links U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project planning activities, pilot projects, and reverse trade missions while creating sustainable infrastructure and economic growth in partner countries. USTDA provides grant funding to overseas project sponsors for the planning of projects that support the development of modern infrastructure and an open trading system. The hallmark of USTDA development assistance has always involved building partnerships between U.S. companies and overseas project sponsors to bring proven private sector solutions to developmental challenges.")

Proposal Submission Place: Proposal Evaluation Committee; Turkish Coal Enterprises; Ankara; Turkey

TURKEY COAL GASIFICATION PROJECT. The Grantee invites submission of qualifications and proposal data (collectively referred to as the "Proposal") from interested U.S. firms that are qualified on the basis of experience and capability to develop a feasibility study to evaluate the technical aspects and economics of a conceptual design for a coal (lignite) gasification project, the implementation of which would enable the production of lignite-derived substitute natural gas (SNG) for use in Turkey’s natural gas transmission system.

In October 2008, USTDA approved funding for the Turkey: Energy Diversification and Efficiency Assessment Mission (Activity No. 2008-81002A), to review Turkey’s overall energy balance, evaluate a range of options to meet domestic electricity needs, recommend a strategy to diversify the types and sources of fuels used in energy production, recommend methods to improve overall energy efficiency, and identify policy reforms that would encourage more private sector investment in the Turkish energy sector. An additional objective of the Assessment Mission was to recommend further relevant USTDA activities, of which the study for which proposals are now solicited is one.

The objective of the study is to assess the technical, economic and financial feasibility of a lignite gasification facility to produce pipeline-quality SNG for introduction into Turkey’s natural gas transmission system. The study includes technical, financial, economic and environmental analyses.

The U.S. firm selected will be paid in U.S. dollars from a $437,020 grant to the Grantee from the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA).

This project will assess the technical economic and financial feasibility of a gasification system to provide synthetic natural gas (SNG) into the gas transmission system.

(And, folks, make special note of the following, concluding statement, with regards to our above citation of the USDOE-sponsored Gas Technology Institute/Institute of Gas Technology "United States Patent 5,092,984 - Pyrolysis of Coal; DE-AC21-87MC24266 awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy.)

Also, TKI cannot provide prospective bidders with the Gas Technology Institute (GTI report), but TKI can share the report with the selected bidder.

(What "GTI" report? If we US taxpayers paid for it, why can't they "share" it with us? Following is someone we might ask.)

Contracting Office Address : 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1600; C/O US TDA 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1600; Arlington, Virginia 22209-3901; : John Kusnierek; jkusnierek@ustda.gov;

Phone: (703) 875-4357."


All of that transpired back in 2008, the same year we began reporting on the truths concerning the rather immense potentials for converting Coal into liquid hydrocarbon fuels, we believe; and, the good people in Turkey didn't waste any time getting to work on their Coal gasification project.

Moving ahead to the year 2011, we remind you first of the "Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference", held each year in Pittsburgh, PA, and sponsored, in part, or "hosted" as they seem to prefer to put it, by the University of Pittsburgh's Swanson School of Engineering.

The 2011 Conference was held last September; and, more about the whole shebang can be learned via:

http://www.engineering.pitt.edu/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=2147494367; and:


And, at that 2011 conference, a rather interesting presentation was made:


"The 28th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, September 12 - 15, 2011, Pittsburgh, PA'

Development of Gasification and Activities in Turkish Coal Enterprises

Mustafa Zypak; Head of The Research and Development Department

Coal is one of the most important energy sources of Turkey. Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI) ... have been performing research and development activities for 5 years.

R&D activities are mainly comprised of: coal preparation and enrichment; gasification, related of which gas cleaning, gas conditioning and separation, fuel and methanol production.

TKI’s gasification R&D Projects can be grouped into:

- Conventional Gasification Projects

- TKI Pilot Gasification Projects

- Liquid Fuel Production From Biomass and coal blend

- Feasibility study for Turkish Lignites gasification (USTDA supported)

Slide 28: The U.S Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) provided a grant in the amount of US$437,020 to Turkish Coal Enterprises in accordance with a grant agreement dated August 27,2009 for coal gasification project. In this project, (was studied the) technical, economical and financial feasibility of:

- Gasification of Turkish lignites in a gasification plant

- Converting syngas into synthetic natural gas, SNG, (and) inserting SNG in gas transmission system

Liquid Fuel from Biomass and Coal Blend


- to produce more economic, efficient and clean liquid fuels from coal and biomass (and) to enhance the utilization of the widespread national resources for sustainable development and energy security."


Get the picture?

Our US Government, using the taxes they collected from all of us, bought into and helped to financially support an industrial project, now in operation, in the nation of Turkey, that, using, in part, technology developed in Chicago with the help of taxes collected from all of us, converts Coal, and CO2-recycling "biomass", through the art of gasification, into "synthetic natural gas" and "clean liquid fuels", for the purposes of Turkey's national "energy security".

May God bless our good friend and staunch NATO ally, Turkey.


Why, in the name of God, wasn't our US tax money spent on establishing "energy security" for the United States of America itself, through, in states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Kentucky, the building of "gasification plant’s, like the one our US Government helped to build in Turkey, that would convert some of our abundant Coal, and our renewable, CO2-recycling biomass, into such seemingly-desirable things as "synthetic natural gas" and "economic, efficient and clean liquid fuels"?

Really: Why?