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Penn State Designs CO2-to-Methane Bioreactor

United States Patent Application: 0110281333 

We've previously documented the work underway at Penn State University, to harness the power of a group of ancient, naturally-occurring bacteria known as "methanogens", and to use them to convert, on a practical basis, Carbon Dioxide into Methane.

Such Penn State-developed technology is exemplified in our report of:

West Virginia Coal Association | US Gov Hires Penn State Bugs to Convert CO2 to Methane | Research & Development; concerning:


"United States Patent Application 20090317882 - Electromethanogenic Reactor and Process for Methane Production; 2009; Inventors: Shaoan Cheng and Bruce Logan, PA; Assignee: The Penn State Research Foundation; Abstract: Increasing competition for fossil fuels, and the need to avoid release carbon dioxide from combustion of these fuels requires development of new and sustainable approaches for energy production and carbon capture. Biological processes for producing methane gas and capturing carbon from carbon dioxide are provided according to embodiments of the present invention which include providing an electromethanogenic reactor having an anode, a cathode and a plurality of methanogenic microorganisms disposed on the cathode. Electrons and carbon dioxide are provided to the plurality of methanogenic microorganisms disposed on the cathode. The methanogenic microorganisms reduce the carbon dioxide to produce methane gas, even in the absence of hydrogen and/or organic carbon sources".

Herein, we present a later, related development in the art of utilizing "methanogenic microorganisms" to "reduce the carbon dioxide" and convert it into "methane gas"; one which we believe as well to have originated at Penn State University.

As we've previously noted for you, early versions of official applications for US patents don't publish the affiliations of the inventors, or name the eventual "Assignee of Rights" to the patent-applied-for technology.

Those revelations come later in the patent application and review process.

However, the bio-based Carbon Dioxide recycling technology disclosed herein appears, to us, to be an adjunct to that disclosed in "United States Patent Application 20090317882 - Electromethanogenic Reactor and Process for Methane Production"; and, other evidence suggests that it, too, was developed at Penn State University.

As we explain in the course of our excerpts from the initial link in this dispatch to:

"United States Patent Application 20110281333 - Methane Production from Single-Cell Organisms

Date: November, 2011

Inventors: Paul W. Brown, State College, PA, and Wendy E. Brown, West Sacramento, CA

Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for enhancing the growth of single-cell organisms, such as methanogens. The growth of the single cell organisms includes consuming carbon dioxide to produce methane. The method can include providing a porous solid having an internal surface with a surface charge density, adhering the single-cell organism to the internal surface of the porous solid, populating the internal surface with the single-celled organism at least to confluence, introducing to the single-cell organism essential macronutrients consumed in the production of methane, and controlling the temperature conditions and pH conditions to allow the single-cell organism to produce methane.

(Now seems a good place to interrupt to explain that "Paul W. Brown", as can be learned via:

Paul. W. Brown | Materials Science and Engineering at Penn State; is a Professor of Ceramic Science and Engineering in Penn State University's Department of Materials Science and Engineering; whose "interests include establishing the mechanisms leading to strength development in calcium silicate cements used for civil engineering and alumina and phosphate based cements used in refractory applications. ... Professor Brown is also evaluating the mechanisms by which synthetic hard tissue analogs can be formed in vivo. His interest is focused on compositions close to native tissues as these are easily osteointegrated. In particular his group has carried out a significant number of studies related to the formation of monolithic hydroxyapatite and calcium phosphate-collagen composites at physiologic temperature. These studies have demonstrated the ability to form hydroxyapatite compositions containing various substitutions which confer bioactivities that can be tailored to a specific need".

He is, accordingly, an accomplished Penn State scientist, one of whose specialties is the manufacture of mineral composites that are especially compatible with "bioactivities".

Other web-based resources explain that "Wendy E. Brown", having performed undergraduate studies at both Penn State University and Georgia Tech University, where she was a research assistant in Georgia Tech's "Matrix Biology and Engineering Lab", is now a PhD student and candidate in Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, Davis.

The research concerns of both the Browns involve, in part, the development of synthetic bone graft, or bone substitute, mineral materials, that, when installed in the  body, are porous enough, and of an appropriate enough mineral character, that natural tissue can colonize and grow into the graft, and, thus, in a way, "assimilate" it.

Such porous, biologically-compatible mineral matrices are a significant component of the bio-based Carbon Dioxide recycling technology they have, as herein, devised.

We'll not speculate on the seemingly-likely familial relationship between Paul Brown and Wendy Brown; but, both, as web-accessible references demonstrate, have research interests in the interactions between living microorganisms or other living tissue and inorganic substrates, such as, as noted above, "artificial" bone. And, thus, the technology disclosed herein, wherein an enhanced environment for the growth of Carbon Dioxide-recycling, Methane-producing bacteria on such an inorganic, mineral substrate is provided, seems a somewhat logical outgrowth of their interests.)

Claims:  A method of enhancing the growth of a methane-producing single-cell organism, comprising: providing a porous solid having an internal surface with a surface charge density; adhering the single-cell organism to the internal surface of the porous solid; populating the internal surface with the single-celled organism ...; introducing to the single-cell organism essential macronutrients consumed in the production of methane; and controlling the temperature conditions and pH conditions to allow the single-cell organism to produce methane. 

The method ... where the macronutrients are selected from the group consisting of a carbon source, a hydrogen source, and combinations thereof (and) wherein the hydrogen source is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, a hydrogen-containing organic compound and mixtures thereof (and) where the carbon source is carbon dioxide. 

The method ... further comprising the introduction of micronutrients into the porous solid ... wherein the porous solid comprises Portland cement.

(The claims briefly describe how the Cement is made into a "porous solid", shot through with hollow "galleries", by blending aluminum powder, and a few other things, like "wood fiber", into the Cement while it's being mixed.)

The method ...  further comprising exposing the galleries to carbon dioxide (and) wherein the single-cell organism is a methanogen. 

The method ... wherein the temperature conditions includes a temperature from below room temperature to about 100C. 

The method ...  where the pressure is elevated by an artificial means.

The present invention relates to single-cell organisms for producing methane, such as, in particular, methanogens, and methods for enhancing the growth and adherence of said organisms on a surface. Furthermore, the present invention relates to enhancing the production of methane by the single-cell organisms.

Background and Field: Organisms can be characterized as eukaryotes or prokaryotes. The distinction between these two terms is that eukaryotes isolate DNA within a nuclear membrane and prokaryotes do not. Single celled prokaryotes may be further characterized as archaea or bacteria. However, the archaea may be referred to as archeobacteria.

Methanogens are archaea that produce methane as a by-product of their growth.

As of 2003, there were identified 26 strains of methanogens belonging to 13 genera (many of which are identified and specified herein). 

In general, methanogens are highly diverse. However, various methanogens have common traits. For example, the name "methanogens" is indicative of its metabolic activity in that they consume hydrogen (or hydrogen-containing organic compounds) to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and to produce methane gas.

It is known in the art that various biodigesters can produce combustible concentrations of methane. Further, although conditions inherent for methanogen growth exist in various bio-reactor systems, it is believed that optimizing these systems to maximize the rate of methane produced has not been realized with regard to providing the methanogens optimal surfaces on which to populate. Further, it is believed that biodigester systems have been designed to operate at elevated pressures, to accept CO2 produced by the combustion of hydrocarbons or to accept hydrogen generated externally to a biodigester system and then introduce to it. It is also believed that biodigesters do not provide gallery surfaces designed to be populated to confluence by methanogens. Thus, the rate of methane production in biodigester systems is not optimal and there is room for improvement. Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to both provide highly porous solids to the methanogens and to tailor the characteristics of those surfaces to facilitate the adherence methogens to them. 

(It is one) object of the present invention to provide for processing of CO2-containing gases by creating conditions wherein a methanogen can act on such gases.

A further object of the present invention is to improve or maximize the conversion of CO2 to methane

Still, another object of the present invention is to provide to the single-cell organism a porous solid. The single-cell organism will preferentially invade the porous solid and reside on an internal surface of the porous solid. In yet another object, the present invention provides to the single-cell organism trace nutrients needed to permit the single-cell organism to produce methane.

Summary: The present invention provides a method of enhancing the growth of a methane-producing single-cell organism. The method includes providing a porous solid having an internal surface with a surface charge density, adhering the single-cell organism to the internal surface of the porous solid, populating the internal surface with the single-celled organism at least to confluence, introducing to the single-cell organism essential macronutrients consumed in the production of methane, and controlling the temperature conditions and pH conditions to allow the single-cell organism to produce methane. 

The present invention provides a method for enhancing or optimizing the growth of single-cell organisms and their adherence on a substrate. In one embodiment, the single-cell organism can be a methanogen. In alternate embodiments, the methanogen can include a single strain or multiple strains. In this embodiment, the present invention provides a method for enhancing or optimizing the production of methane by the methanogen."


We close our overlong excerpts there, even though the full Disclosure does go on at some appreciable additional length, since the essential point has been made; and, so that we can emphasize a few things.

First and foremost, this is a process intended to recycle Carbon Dioxide, regardless of source, and convert it efficiently, with little input of energy, into Methane.

Not reflected in our excerpts is the fact, that, the Penn State inventors suggest that, regardless of the source of the Carbon Dioxide, waste heat from Coal-fired power plants would be a good way to maintain any needed warmer temperatures, which are not extreme.

Again though not reflected in our excerpts, the inventors don't recommend anything higher than 100C, and suggest that, in some cases, room temperature would be just fine.

Further, note that Hydrogen gas is required to convert the CO2 into Methane, although the specification reads: "the hydrogen source is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, a hydrogen-containing organic compound and mixtures thereof".

In point of fact, again though not reflected in our excerpts, the Disclosure specifies as being preferable pure Hydrogen, as might be obtained "by the electrolysis of water".

But, there is another, much more economical, option which, though not openly identified in the Disclosure, the inventors, as we take it, deliberately allow for and allude to, as in our concluding excerpted statement, that, in "alternate embodiments, the methanogen can include a single strain or multiple strains. In this embodiment, the present invention provides a method for enhancing or optimizing the production of methane by the methanogen".

We'll have more on what is indicated by that statement concerning just how such "production of methane", from Carbon Dioxide, can be enhanced and optimized in a system such as that described by "United States Patent Application 20110281333 - Methane Production from Single-Cell Organisms", utilizing Hydrogen produced within such a system itself, in a report or two to follow.

But, for now, keep in mind that what our subject, "United States Patent Application 20110281333", and our previously-reported "United States Patent Application 20090317882 - Electromethanogenic Reactor and Process for Methane Production", both describe are processes developed by Penn State University to enable the efficient conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Methane; and, that, Penn State's purpose for making that Methane is likely so that it can be used in yet another process, such as that described in our report of:

More Penn State CO2 Recycling with Methane | Research & Development | News; concerning the: "Catalytic Tri-reforming of Methane Using Flue Gas from Fossil Fuel-based Power Plants; The Pennsylvania State University; The present work is an exploratory study on a new process for the production of synthesis gas (CO + H2) using CO2 in flue gas from fossil fuel-based electric power plants. The new process is called tri-reforming of methane, referring to simultaneous oxy-CO2-steam reforming. Tri-reforming is a new process designed for the direct production of synthesis gas with desirable H2/CO ratios by reforming methane (with)flue gas from fossil fuel-based electric power plants without pre-separation of CO2. (The) syngas can be used to produce liquid fuels by established routes such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, and to manufacture industrial chemicals by methanol and oxo synthesis";

wherein the CO2-derived Methane would be reacted with even more Carbon Dioxide, in a reforming process that yields "synthesis gas" particularly well-suited for the production of liquid hydrocarbon fuels, in a process similar to or "such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis".

In sum, there exists herein the outline of a complete process for recycling Carbon Dioxide, as might be harvested from any convenient source, into Methane, and, then, with that CO2-derived Methane, into various liquid hydrocarbon fuels.

The sub-processes use, in large part, naturally-existing biological agents to facilitate the process; and, the energy requirements are low enough that they can be supplied by waste heat from already-existing industrial processes; or, by available environmental energy sources.

We, all of us resident in United States Coal Country, need to wake up and accept the reality that Carbon Dioxide, as is co-produced in only a very small way, relative to natural sources of emission such as volcanoes, from our essential use of Coal in the production of genuinely economical electric power, is a raw material resource of potentially immense value.

We can, as herein demonstrated by the Pennsylvania State University, efficiently convert Carbon Dioxide into Methane, a substitute for natural gas; and, then, through and with Methane, into liquid hydrocarbons.

Far past time exploitive concepts, like Cap & Trade taxation and mandated Geologic CO2 Sequestration, and exploitive entities, like OPEC, were sunk, and sunk for good, ain't it?