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Germany Bio-Converts CO2 to Fuels and Pharmaceuticals

United   States Patent Application: 0110113681

We submit herein what we are led to characterize as an overly-specific   Carbon Dioxide recycling technology; and, we are, further, led to suspect   that it is so overly-specific because the CO2-recycling concepts it embodies   are, unbeknownst to us common Coal-mining folk who are being threatened   with Cap and Trade CO2 taxation, and being extorted by OPEC   oil, becoming so well-recognized and accepted among the cognoscenti that   those cognoscenti are scrambling now to find one way or another to   cash in on a coming CO2-recycling bonanza. 

We've previously documented numerous times, as, for several   examples, in:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Penn State Designs CO2-to-Methane Bioreactor |   Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent Application 20110281333 - Methane   Production from Single-Cell Organisms; 2011; Inventors: Paul W. Brown, (Penn State University's   Department of Materials Science and Engineering), et.   al., Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for   enhancing the growth of single-cell organisms, such as methanogens.   The growth of the single cell organisms includes consuming carbon   dioxide to produce methane"; and:
West Virginia Coal Association | USDOE Algae Recycle CO2   into Liquid Fuels | Research & Development; concerning: "Title: Liquid Fuels from Microalgae; 1987; National Renewable   Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO; USDOE; Abstract: The goal of the DOE/SERI Aquatic Species Program is to   develop the technology to produce gasoline and diesel fuels from microalgae";   and:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Chicago Bugs Convert CO2 into Methane | Research   & Development; concerning: "United States Patent Application   20090130734 - The Production of Methane from CO2; 2009; Inventor: Lauren   Mets, (University of Chicago) Abstract: A method of converting CO2 gas   produced during industrial processes comprising contacting methanogenic   archaea with the CO2 gas under suitable conditions to produce methane";

that various microorganisms, specifically certain types of Algae and   specific strains of Bacteria, are able to consume Carbon Dioxide and produce,   among other things, Oil and Methane.

What's happening, we think, is that those sorts of technologies are so   obviously valuable, and feasible on a practical basis, to anyone knowledgeable   enough who looks into them, that, those knowledgeable people are now trying to   "lock in" their individual pieces of the CO2-recycling pie by identifying and   claiming specific types of CO2-recycling organisms and, as seen in:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Algae Recycle More CO2 and Produce Butanol |   Research & Development; concerning: "US Patent Application 20110177571   - Designer Calvin-Cycle-Channeled Production of Butanol; 2011; Inventor: James   Weifu Lee; Designer ... transgenic photosynthetic organisms for   photobiological production of butanol and related higher alcohols from carbon   dioxide and water are provided"; .

specific products that can arise from the biological recycling of Carbon   Dioxide. 

That, we suspect profit-motivated, drive towards such Carbon   Dioxide recycling specifics is now extending, perhaps surprisingly, to the   source of the Carbon Dioxide.

Keep in mind that, chemically speaking, CO2 is CO2, no matter   where we get it.

But, it might matter in terms of legalities relative to where and   how the CO2 is collected, and, who then gets to share in the profits from   whatever products might be made from that CO2.

That, as we perceive it, is the motivation behind the US Patent   Application we submit herein, as seen in excerpts, with comment inserted   and appended, from the initial link in this dispatch to:

"United States Patent Application 20110113681 - Use of By-Product Carbon   Dioxide from a Steam Methane Reformer in an Algae Biofuel Production   Process 

Date: May, 2011

Inventors: Mathias Mostertz, Germany, and John Brull, New Jersey

(As we've previously noted, the affiliations of the inventors, if any,   and the ultimate Assignee of US Patent rights, are often not published in   early versions of US Patent applications. Based on references available   online, we believe the two inventors are employed by Germany's Linde Group,   AG, a multinational supplier of industrial gases. See:

Home | The Linde Group;   and: The Linde Group -   Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The Linde Group, registered as Linde AG   is an international industrial gases and engineering company founded in   Germany in 1879. The group is headquartered in Munich, Germany ... . The Linde   Group underwent a significant transformation in September 2006, following the   acquisition of UK based competitor The BOC Group. The merger and subsequent   disposal of non-gas interests recast the group as the world's largest   pure-play industrial gases supplier".)

Abstract: Carbon dioxide that is collected as a by-product of hydrogen   production from a steam methane reformer (SMR) is used as a feed stock for   growth of algae biomass for various purposes, e.g. biofuel production,   chemical intermediates, nutraceuticals or pharmaceuticals. This invention   helps reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, a known greenhouse gas, and helps to   optimize algae growth that is used for the production clean biofuel to reduce   the dependence on petroleum and fossil fuels.

Claims:  A system for the production of algal biomass comprising: a   steam methane reformer that produces by-product carbon dioxide; means to   collect the by-product carbon dioxide from the steam methane reformer; means   to transport the collected carbon dioxide from to an algae production   facility; and means to introduce the transported carbon dioxide to algal   biomass production at the algae production facility.

A method ...  wherein the algal production facility is an open pond   system or a closed photobioreactor system ... .

(We've touched briefly on both the above CO2-recycling Algae cultivation   techniques. The use of "a closed photobioreactor system" would seem most   appropriate for the often less-than-balmy climes of our more local piece of US   Coal Country, and, as seen in:

West   Virginia Coal Association | USDOE Enables CO2-Recycling Processes | Research   & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 6,603,069 - Adaptive   Full-Spectrum Solar Energy System; 2003; Assignee: UT-Battelle, Oak   Ridge (USDOE); Abstract: An adaptive full spectrum solar energy system   having at least one hybrid solar concentrator, at least one hybrid luminaire,   at least one hybrid photobioreactor. This invention was made with Government   support under contract no. DE-AC05-00OR22725 to UT-Battelle, LLC, awarded by   the United States Department of Energy. The optical and mechanical properties   ... more efficiently deliver large quantities of visible sunlight (to)   photobioreactors. This invention uses: advanced materials ... and ... biomass   resource development through innovative approaches to improve sunlight   utilization in photobioreactors used in carbon sequestration and the   production of fuels, chemicals, and agriculture products";

and as we will further document, the development of such "closed   photobioreactor system"s for Carbon Dioxide recycling by Algae and   other organisms, is well underway.)

A method ... further comprising purifying and conditioning the collected   carbon dioxide.

A method ... further comprising harvesting   biomass produced at the algal production facility, processing the harvested   biomass for industrial use (and) wherein the industrial use is biofuel (or) a   chemical intermediate, a nutraceutical or a pharmaceutical.

Background and Field: The present invention relates to methods and   apparatus that use by-product carbon dioxide (CO2) from a steam methane   reformer (SMR) to provide feed for the growth of algae used in biomass   production, including the production of algal biomass for any purpose, e.g.   biofuel production, chemical intermediates, nutraceuticals or   pharmaceuticals.

Methane reformers are devices used to produce   pure hydrogen from natural gas, such as methane, and a catalyst, usually   nickel. Two types of reformers are predominantly used in the industry,   autothermal reforming and steam methane reforming (SMR), both working by   exposing the natural gas to the catalyst at high temperature and   pressure."


We included the information about the direct application of   this Carbon Dioxide recycling technology to the "methane reformer", a device   employed by some petroleum refiners to obtain Hydrogen for upgrading heavy   crude, only to emphasize that this is, again, an application-specific   CO2-recycling process, wherein the CO2 is generated by the reaction: CH4 +   2H2O = 4H2 + CO2.

There are a lot better ways to generate Hydrogen, as   we've documented, for just one example, in:

USDOE   Algae Make Hydrogen for Coal and CO2 Hydrogenation | Research &   Development; concerning: "United States Patent 4,442,211 - Method for   Producing Hydrogen and Oxygen by Use of Algae; 1984; Assignee: The United   States of America; Abstract: Efficiency of process for producing H2 by   subjecting algae in an aqueous phase to light irradiation is increased by   culturing algae which has been bleached during a first period of irradiation   in a culture medium in an aerobic atmosphere until it has regained color and   then subjecting this algae to a second period of irradiation wherein hydrogen   is produced at an enhanced rate.Claims:A method of producing H2 and O2 by use   of algae and light";

wherein, in a technology conceptually related to the process of   our subject, "United States Patent Application 20110113681 - Use of By-Product   Carbon Dioxide from a Steam Methane Reformer in an Algae Biofuel Production   Process", Algae can be used to both consume CO2 and produce Hydrogen.

But, again, our main point herein is, that, the use of Algae to recycle   Carbon Dioxide, arising from any industrial process, into a wide variety   of valuable products is becoming so well understood that the various   Algae-based CO2-recycling technologies are beginning to differentiate   themselves based on their source of the Carbon Dioxide. 

It is, in essence, a "CO2 Rush", like the California Gold Rush, in it's   early stages. A number of enlightened folk have come to recognize the immense   raw material value inherent in Carbon Dioxide, have refined some Carbon   Dioxide recycling technologies and, to legally lock in a portion of the CO2   prize, are applying their CO2 recycling technologies to specific Carbon   Dioxide sources.

We'll be supporting that thesis with additional reports to follow. But,   it all goes to emphasize a point we have been attempting to drive home, which   is:

Carbon Dioxide, as it arises in only a small way, relative to natural   sources of emission, such as volcanoes, from our essential use of Coal in the   generation of economical electric power, and, as herein, from the steam   reforming of Methane gas for the production of Hydrogen, is a valuable raw   material resource.

Carbon Dioxide can be collected from any available source, and, again as   herein, be converted, in this case by Algae, into a variety of valuable and   needed organic chemical products, including, again in the specific case of our   subject, "United States Patent Application 20110113681 - Use of By-Product   Carbon Dioxide from a Steam Methane Reformer in an Algae Biofuel Production   Process", "clean biofuel", and "chemical intermediates, nutraceuticals or   pharmaceuticals".