WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Germany Self-Powered, Auto-Thermal Coal Conversion

United   States Patent: 4468315

As can now be accessed on the West Virginia Coal Association's web site,   via:

West   Virginia Coal Association | USDOE Efficient Hydrogen for Liquid Fuel Synthesis   | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent   Application 20120149789 - Apparatus and Methods for the Electrolysis of Water;   2012; Assignee: UT-Battelle, LLC; Oak Ridge, TN; This invention was made with   government support under Contract Number DE-AC05-000R22725 between the United   States Department of Energy and UT-Battelle, LLC. The U.S. government has   certain rights in this invention. An apparatus for the electrolytic splitting   of water into hydrogen and/or oxygen (and, a) method for producing hydrogen   and oxygen gases from the electrolytic splitting of water ... wherein said   electrolyzer is powered by a renewable energy source (and) wherein said   renewable energy source comprises solar energy (or) wherein said renewable   energy source comprises wind energy (and) wherein said electrolysis method is   coupled to a process that utilizes hydrogen or oxygen gas. The method ...   wherein said process is a Fischer-Tropsch process for the synthesis of liquid   hydrocarbons (or) wherein said process is a hydrogenation process";
we recently confirmed that our United States Department of Energy has   developed technologies which would enable, through the use of renewable,   environmental energy, the efficient and large-scale production of elemental,   molecular Hydrogen.

As we've previously documented, elemental Hydrogen enables the rather   direct conversion of Coal into various hydrocarbons, a fact we believe first   formally established by Nobel Prize-winner Freidrich Bergius, for which he was   awarded the 1931 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, more about which can be learned   via:

http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1931/bergius-lecture.pdf;   "Friedrich Bergius, 'Chemical Reactions Under High Pressure', Nobel Lecture   (delivered May 21, 1932)".

Bergius covers a lot of ground in his Nobel lecture; so, if anyone out   there surprises us by digging into it, we urge you to hang in there, the   hydrogenation of Coal is dealt with after a fair amount of preliminary   wandering.

What you'll discover is, that, his process is one which, in the presence   of pressurized, elemental Hydrogen, hydrogenates and liquefies particles of   Coal that are suspended in an "oil", which Oil is itself hydrogenated and   converted into other, more desirable liquid hydrocarbons.

Now, that might seem to tie the direct hydrogenation of Coal into the   processing of petroleum. It does not.

If you are careful to read the Bergius lecture, you will find that the   oil in which the Coal is to be suspended is specified to be "naphthalene",   and, as in:

Naphthalene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; "Most naphthalene is derived from coal tar".

Should you recall our reports concerning WVU's "West Virginia Process"   for the direct liquefaction of Coal, as, for one example, in:

WVU   Hydrogenates Coal Tar | Research & Development; concerning:   "Hydrogenation of Naphthalene and Coal Tar Distillate over Ni/Mo/Al2O3   Catalyst; Abhijit Bhagavatula; Thesis submitted to the College of Engineering   and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University in partial fulfillment of   the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering.   John W. Zondlo, Ph.D., Chair; Elliot B. Kennel, M.S; Alfred H. Stiller, Ph.D;   Department of Chemical Engineering; Morgantown, West Virginia. 2009. Abstract:   The hydrogenation of naphthalene and coal-tar distillates has been carried out   in a Trickle Bed Reactor, in which the liquid is allowed to flow through the   catalyst bed in the presence of hydrogen. Direct liquefaction, the direct   reaction between coal and hydrogen, involves the conversion of coal to   refinable crude hydrocarbons, from which liquid fuels such as gasoline,   diesel, kerosene, etc., can be produced";

you'll know that the Coal Oil Naphthalene can serve as a Hydrogen   transfer agent that directly hydrogenates and liquefies Coal, using a   supply of Hydrogen; and, thereby converts Coal into "crude (liquid)   hydrocarbons" suitable for refining into a full range of liquid hydrocarbon   fuels.  .

There is, though, one interesting fact about such efficient, direct Coal   conversion processes that utilize elemental Hydrogen to effect the Coal   hydrogenation:

They involve exothermic chemical reactions that generate enough heat to,   essentially, provide for all of the pressures and elevated operating   temperatures required by the entire process of converting Coal into "crude   hydrocarbons, from which liquid fuels such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene,   etc., can be produced". 

The potentials for such economies should become more apparent via   the disclosure of the United States Patent we send along in this dispatch,   wherein a very major, Germany-based multi-national chemical company, one whose   name is likely familiar to nearly all our readers, explains that Coal can be   converted into hydrocarbons via direct reaction with Hydrogen, in a process   that is capable of generating all, or nearly all, of the energy required to   drive that conversion of Coal into Hydrocarbons. As seen in excerpts from the   initial link in this dispatch to:

"United States Patent 4,468,315 - Hydrogenation of Coal

(For backup, should the initial link fail, try:

Hydrogenation of coal - BASF Aktiengesellschaft or Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #6440093.)

Date:   August, 1984

Inventor:   Helmut Romberg, Germany

Assignee:   BASF Aktiengesellschaft (AG)

Abstract: A   process for hydrogenating coal which has been mixed with oils, by bringing the   coal slurry to the reaction pressure by pumping, heating the slurry and   catalytically hydrogenating it with hydrogen, wherein some or all of the hot   gases and vapors formed during hydrogenation are intimately re-mixed with the   coal slurry in a plurality of stages. After the first mixing stage, the gases   are freed from the product, and the product-free gases, especially hydrogen,   are used as a thermal medium.

Claims:  A process for hydrogenating coal in a slurry of   coal and oil which comprises:

- contacting the slurry of coal and oil   with hydrogen and a hydrogenation catalyst in a reactor;

- passing the   hot vapors from the reactor to a first mixing zone wherein the vapors are   mixed with a preheated coal and oil slurry and wherein the vapors heat the   slurry to a temperature of at least 350C while the vapors are correspondingly   cooled;

- separating the vapors from the slurry;

- pumping the   heated slurry to the reactor; cooling the vapors and separating reaction   product from product free gases; and

- thereafter mixing the   product-free gases, which include hydrogen, with the coal and oil slurry in a   second mixing zone, said product-free gases being used as a thermal medium to   preheat said slurry.

The process ...  wherein, after the first   mixing stage, heat exchange between the gas and the coal slurry is effected   (and) wherein the first mixing stage is operated at from 380 to 440C.  

(and) wherein the amount of gas, consisting essentially of hydrogen,   which serves as the thermal medium is increased by recycling a part-stream so   as to permit better utilization of the heat of reaction and to minimize any   additionally required external heat.

(Some   Hydrogen seems to be generated within the process, either from Water or   naturally entrained hydrocarbons, in addition to the Hydrogen from an outside   source; but, not all of the Hydrogen is consumed initially in the Coal   hydrogenation reaction, and, the Hydrogen that isn't consumed is made very,   very hot by the exothermic hydrogenation, and, it can be used as a heat   transfer agent to recycle the generated heat back into other, energy-consuming   steps in the total process, which serves "to minimize any additionally   required external heat".)

Background   and Description: In the conventional process for hydrogenation of coal, the   economics greatly depend on the utilization of the heat of reaction generated   in the process. Conventionally, the heat content of the reaction vapors   leaving the reactor is utilized in order to pre-heat the coal slurry, for the   reaction, in counter-current in tube bundle heat exchangers. This presents   major problems due to crust formation on the heat exchanger surfaces and due   to difficulties in distribution of the two-phase mixture on the slurry side of   the exchanger, the difficulties being the greater, the larger the size of the   apparatus.

Direct heat exchange between reaction vapors and coal   slurry would offer advantages. The type of mixing zone required for direct   heat exchange is less affected by problems of distribution of the two-phase   mixture and there is no danger of cracking occurring at superheated heat   exchanger surfaces. Moreover, using the hydrogen as an essential constituent   of the thermal gas ensures that the heating of the coal slurry always takes   place in the presence of hydrogen.

Direct heat exchange in one step,   or in a counter-current apparatus over a limited temperature range, has also   already been employed. In both cases, a proportion of the vaporous reaction   product condenses out in the coal slurry; this restricts the application of   the direct heat exchange principle to relatively high temperatures. Extensive   heat recovery by direct exchange is not possible by this method.

I   have found that better utilization of the heat of reaction is achieved if some   or all of the hot gases and vapors formed during the hydrogenation are   intimately mixed with the coal slurry in a plurality of stages, and after the   first mixing stage the gases are freed from the product, and the product-free   gases, especially hydrogen, are used as a thermal medium.

In the   hydrogenation process according to the invention, the gases and vapors leaving   the reaction are cooled, in a first mixing stage, to a temperature of not less   than 350C, preferably from 380 to 440C, especially from 390 to 410C. The   high-boiling oils are then removed in an intermediate separator.

To achieve   the above temperature in the intermediate separator, a preheating zone at a   lower temperature is needed, in which the coal slurry is preheated. In the   case of direct heat exchange, such treatment cools the reaction gas to below   350C.  However, below 350C too high a proportion of the reaction products   precipitates and is returned, with the coal slurry, to the reactor. This   accumulation of reaction products in the coal slurry and in the reaction zone   is prevented by first discharging the reaction products from the reaction   gases in a cold separator at about ambient temperature. The remaining gas,   which has been freed from oil vapor, is then reheated in a heat exchanger in   counter-current to the product-laden gas flowing to the cold separator, the   latter gas thereby being cooled. The heated product-free gas can then serve as   a thermal medium and supply the requisite heat to the coal slurry by direct   heat exchange. If external heat is additionally needed to cover peak demand,   then this external heat can be employed to heat the product-free gas, and   accordingly no cracking reaction or carbon deposition occurs on the heat   transfer surfaces.

The advantage of the process according to the   invention is essentially that only clean gases enter the heat exchanger in   which external heat is supplied, while the coal slurry is subjected to direct   heating in multi-phase mixing zones, which require substantially simpler and   accordingly cheaper apparatus and where there is no danger of cracking   reactions, of blockage of individual tubes or of superheating at the heat   exchanger surfaces. The heating of the coal slurry is moreover always effected   in the presence of hydrogen. Given suitable choice of the number of direct   heating stages, the efficiency achievable is substantially the same as on the   counter-current principle. It is also possible to construct the mixing stages,   which are operated below 400C  and where heat is supplied by gas from   which the product has already condensed out, as a counter-current apparatus,   so as to achieve even better heat utilization.

During indirect heat   exchange between the gas from the reactor, which flows to the cold separator   and contains product, and the residual gas which has been freed from product,   a proportion of the useful heat content (for example the heat of condensation)   is lost for regeneration purposes. If this heat is also to be utilized in the   process, the amount of the residual gas must be increased. This is readily   possible if the off-gas from coal slurry preheating, which has been cooled to   room temperature and is to be subjected to gas purification, is split, a   part-stream being admixed to the thermal gas (thus creating a circulatory   system).

The advantage of the process according to the   invention is that the coal slurry, which is difficult to treat, is brought to   the reactor entry temperature by direct mixing with gases coming from the   process, making it possible--in contrast to a one-step arrangement--to   dispense entirely with external heat supply in most cases, or at least to   reduce such external heat supply substantially."


We   apologize for the over-long, excessively-dense excerpts. We felt them needed   to get to the key point emphasized immediately above, which is:

Proper   management of the heat energy generated by the Coal hydrogenation can   "dispense entirely with" any need for an "external heat supply".

The system   could be made to be almost self-sufficient in terms of energy supply, an   economy that could very well cover the cost of supplying elemental Hydrogen,   as via, for one example, the above-cited process of "United States Patent   Application 20120149789 - Apparatus and Methods for the Electrolysis of   Water".

And, that   is the primary claim, or intent, of this Coal conversion process: it is   self-sufficient, or nearly so, in terms of energy supply. Not only that, but,   the design of the process helps to prevent unwanted, and perhaps costly,   "cracking reaction"s and "carbon deposition".

BASF   doesn't bother to specify, beyond "gases and vapors" and "high-boiling oils",   what the products of such efficient Coal hydrogenation might be; but, since,   aside from the operational design, the overall process seems closely related   to that described by the above-cited "Hydrogenation of Naphthalene and Coal   Tar Distillate over Ni/Mo/Al2O3 Catalyst; Abhijit Bhagavatula; West   Virginia University", wherein the final, end products of such similar Coal   hydrogenation, and subsequent refining, can include "liquid fuels such as   gasoline, diesel (and) kerosene", we can, we are convinced, safely assume that   such would be the end products towards which the energy self-sufficient   process of our subject, "United States Patent 4,468,315 - Hydrogenation of   Coal", is directed.

And, that   assumption, we assure you, will be confirmed via reports in process, wherein   closely similar direct Coal hydrogenation technologies - - enabled by other   technologies like that described in our report concerning "United States   Patent Application 20120149789 - Apparatus and Methods for the Electrolysis of   Water", which make possible the efficient and economical supply of elemental,   molecular Hydrogen - - have been developed and established by   major constituents of the international petroleum industry, i.e.: Big   Oil.