WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

US Navy Makes Ceramics from Coal Ash

United   States Patent: 5521132

In a recent dispatch, we documented that Coal Ash can be used, as a   substitute for the traditional raw materials, in the making of Ceramics; which   is an entirely different class of materials than the Cement and Concrete that,   we have more than thoroughly documented, can be made in such   property-enhancing and energy-efficient ways from Coal Ash.

The ceramics we were talking about, in:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Coal Ash Makes Better Bricks | Research &   Development; concerning:
"US Patent Application 20120031306 - Bricks and Method of Forming Bricks   with High Coal Ash Content;
2012; (Presumed Assignee: Belden Brick Company,   OH); Abstract: There is provided an apparatus and process for manufacturing a   brick or paver with a high content of coal ash (ranging from 60% to 100% coal   ash or fly ash) so that a waste product (coal ash, and more particularly Class   F coal ash) from a coal-fired power plant is incorporated into a building   product (high content fly ash brick or paver). A fly ash brick comprising, in   the fired state, up to 80% fly ash. The brick (can be) an ash-based paver that   exhibits a useful life of at least 2 times that of a concrete paver   manufactured from Portland cement and having the same dimensions";

even though just fired "brick", as seen in:

Brick - Wikipedia, the free   encyclopedia; "A brick is a block, or a single unit of a ceramic material   used in masonry construction"; and, in:

Ceramic - Wikipedia, the free   encyclopedia; "A ceramic is an inorganic, nonmetallic solid prepared by   the action of heat and subsequent cooling. Ceramic materials may have a   crystalline or partly crystalline structure, or may be amorphous (e.g., a   glass). Because most common ceramics are crystalline, the definition of   ceramic is often restricted to inorganic crystalline materials, as opposed to   the noncrystalline glasses. (Examples:) bricks, pipes, floor and roof   tiles; Refractories, such as kiln linings, gas fire radiants, steel and   glass making crucibles; Whitewares, including tableware, cookware, wall tiles,   pottery products and sanitary ware; Technical, is also known as engineering,   advanced, special, and in Japan, fine ceramics. Such items include tiles used   in the Space Shuttle program, gas burner nozzles, ballistic protection,   nuclear fuel uranium oxide pellets, biomedical implants, coatings of jet   engine turbine blades, ceramic disk brakes, missile nose cones, bearing   (mechanical). Frequently, the raw materials do not include clays";

are, nonetheless, ceramics; and, are closely related to both your   grandma's fine china and the necessary fixtures in your bathroom.

And, as seen in the above excerpts from the Wikipedia, ceramics   have a wide variety of other uses, ranging from the prosaic to the somewhat   glamorous, i.e., "tiles used in the Space Shuttle program".

Herein, we see that our own United States Navy, the same one's who, as   seen in:

US   Navy 2008 CO2 to Synfuel | Research & Development; concerning: "US   Patent 7,420,004 - Producing Synthetic Liquid Hydrocarbon   Fuels; 2008; Assignee: The USA, as represented by the Secretary of   the Navy; Abstract: A process for producing synthetic hydrocarbons that reacts   carbon dioxide, obtained from seawater or air, and hydrogen obtained from   water";

told us before the election of President Obama that we can   efficiently recycle Carbon Dioxide into liquid hydrocarbon fuels, and, who, as   well, as in:

US   Navy Coal + H2O = Low Cost Methanol | Research & Development;   concerning: "United States Patent 4,476,249 - Low Cost Method for Producing   Methanol; October, 1984; Assignee: The Johns Hopkins University,   Baltimore; The Government has rights in this invention pursuant to Contract   N00024-78-C5384 awarded by the Department of the Navy. Abstract: Method for   producing low cost methanol. A source of carbon is provided to an OTEC plant   or plantship which is processed to produce carbon monoxide which is reacted   with hydrogen to produce methanol. The oxygen and hydrogen are obtained from   the electrolysis of water with the required energy supplied by ocean thermal   energy conversion. Method of producing low cost methanol from coal';

told us before the reelection of President Reagan that we can use   environmental energy to convert Coal into a valuable liquid fuel;

told us a little more than a decade and half ago that we can consume   and utilize Coal Ash as a raw material in the making of ceramics.

Comment follows, and is inserted within, excerpts from the initial link   in this dispatch to:

"United States Patent 5,521,132 - Ash-based Ceramic Materials

(Ash-based ceramic   materials - The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of   the Navy)

Date: May, 1996

Inventors: Inna Talmy, et. al., MD and VA

Assignee: The USA as Represented by the Secretary of the   Navy

Abstract: A ceramic material made from raw coal fly ash or raw municipal   solid waste fly ash and (1) sodium tetraborate or (2) a mixture of sodium   tetraborate and a calcium containing material that is triple superphosphate,   lime, dolomitic lime, or mixtures thereof.

(First, the "lime" would just be Calcium Oxide, CaO, as made, via   calcination, in a cement kiln, as per the equation CaCO3 + Heat = CaO + CO2,   from plain old limestone. Nearly all limestone is also comprised of at least   some Magnesium Carbonate, MgCO3, and is known, depending on how much of the   MgCO3 there is, as "dolomite", or "dolomitic limestone". Such limestone, when   calcined in a cement kiln, would yield the above-specified "dolomitic lime".   We do confess, that, since Fly Ash can replace nearly all of the raw materials   in a cement-making process, it seems strange to us that what is, in essence,   cement, would be required to convert Fly Ash into a ceramic. But, the raw   materials are plentiful and inexpensive. And, as in:

Borax ( Na2B4O7. 10H2O   ) - Sodium Borate - Occurrence, Discovery and Applications; and:

Borax - Wikipedia, the free   encyclopedia; "Borax, also known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or   disodium tetraborate, is an important boron compound, a mineral, and salt of   boric acid"; and:

Monocalcium   phosphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; "Superphosphate is a   fertilizer produced by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on powdered   phosphate rock";

even the ones that sound a little exotic are pretty darned common.   Further, as can be learned via:

Ceramics; "Borates have   been an essential ingredient in ceramic glazes ... for centuries";

there isn't anything revealed herein that's revolutionary. The "envelop"   is not being pushed.)

Claims: A process for producing a ceramic material comprising:  

A. mixing raw fly ash particles that are raw coal fly ash particles,   raw municipal solid waste fly ash particles, or mixtures thereof with a flux   material that is sodium tetraborate or a mixture of sodium tetraborate and a   calcium-containing material that is triple superphosphate, lime, dolomitic   lime, or mixtures thereof;

B. forming the mixture of raw fly ash   particles and flux material into a green body;

C. heating the green   body up to a temperature just below the melting point of sodium tetraborate to   drive off water and other volatiles and to burn off carbon to produce an   intermediate body in which the raw fly ash particles of the green body have   been converted to residual fly ash particles;

D. converting the   intermediate body into a ceramic body by firing the intermediate body at a   temperature of from just above the melting point of sodium tetraborate to   about 1000.degree. C. until the sodium tetraborate or mixture of sodium   tetraborate and calcium-containing material melts to form a molten flux which   reacts with chemicals in a portion of the residual fly ash particles to   produce water-insoluble reaction products which bind the residual fly ash   particles together; and

E. cooling the ceramic material body to   ambient temperature;

wherein the raw fly ash particles, sodium   tetraborate, and calcium-containing material if present are mixed in step A in   amounts that will produced an intermediate body in step C that consists   essentially of from about 4 to about 10 weight percent of anhydrous sodium   tetraborate, from zero about 5 weight percent of anhydrous calcium-containing   material with the remainder of the intermediate body being residual fly ash   particles formed from the removal of water and other volatile materials and   the burning off of carbon from the raw ash particles used in the mixture of   step A.

The process  wherein the flux material in step A is   sodium tetraborate.

The process ... wherein raw the fly ash used   in step A is raw class C coal fly ash.

The process ... wherein   the flux material in step A is a mixture of sodium tetraborate and a   calcium-containing material.

The process ... wherein the   calcium-containing material is triple superphosphate.

The process   ... wherein the calcium-containing material is a mixture of lime and dolomitic   lime.

The process ... wherein the raw fly ash used in step A is   raw coal fly ash.

The process ... wherein the raw fly ash used in   step A is raw class F coal fly ash.

The process ... wherein the   raw fly ash used in step A is raw class C coal fly ash.

The   process ... wherein the raw fly ash used in step A is raw municipal solid   waste fly ash.

(They do provide guidelines concerning how much of each component is to   be used; and, without reproducing the Navy's numbers, our read of it is that   Coal Ash will make up at least eighty percent of the final ceramic blend, and   could make up, as we read it, 90%, or a little more. The other materials are   essentially just "fluxes" added to help things melt and flow together more   easily. - JtM)

The process ... wherein ... the intermediate body is   heated at a temperature of from 750 to 950 C.

The process ...   wherein in step A the raw fly ash particles are mixed with a suspension of   lime particles, dolomitic lime particles, or mixtures thereof in an aqueous   solution of sodium tetraborate which is at a temperature of from about 60C to   the boiling point of the aqueous solution at ambient pressure and the   resulting mixture is then cooled to ambient temperature ... (and) the moisture   content of the resulting mixture is reduced by evaporation.

A   ceramic material that is produced from a precursor mixture of ... dry   residue fly ash particles that were produced by removing essentially all   carbon and volatile materials from raw coal fly ash particles or raw municipal   solid waste fly ash particles, or mixtures thereof ... ;

(Since they prefer "all carbon" to be removed from the Fly Ash, we remind   you of our report concerning:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Virginia Converts Coal Ash to Cash | Research   & Development; about: "South Carolina Electric and Gas Successful   Application of Carbon Burn-Out (CBO); 1999 International Ash Utilization   Symposium; Center for Applied Energy Research, University of   Kentucky; South Carolina Electric and Gas Company; Progress Materials,   Inc.; and, Southeastern Ash Co., Inc.; CBO combusts residual carbon in   fly-ash, producing a very consistent, low-carbon, high-quality pozzolan.   Extensive concrete testing has been and continues to be undertaken in order to   demonstrate the superior characteristics of very low-carbon Class F fly ash   from Carbon Burn-Out. An important feature of Carbon Burn-Out is heat recovery   from the residual carbon's combustion. Heat is recovered from both the flue   gas and the hot product ash. This recovered heat is returned to Wateree   Station by heating a portion of the power plant's process stream (which)   increases the quantity of steam available to the turbine-generator".

Such "Carbon Burn-Out" processes for Coal Ash, wherein the Coal Ash   product is improved by removing residual Carbon while, at the same time, some   energy content is recovered, are actually well-established technologies,   which we will attempt to do a better job of explaining in future reports.)

The ceramic material ... wherein the residual fly ash particles in the   precursor mixture were produced from raw class C coal fly ash particles   (and/or) raw class F coal fly ash particles.

Background: Coal fly ash has complex chemical composition containing up   to 80 weight percent of SiO2 and Al2O3, with Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O, SO3   and other oxides as the remainder.

The chemical composition significantly varies depending on coal deposits   and power plant operating parameters. In addition to coal fly ash, large   quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW) ash are being produced by the   incineration of municipal trash, garbage, and even sewage solids.

Fly   ash has been used in cement as a substitute for shale; in concrete as a   substitute for cement and sand, and as aggregates; in road construction as a   filler to bitumen, and as a substitute for sand in the foundation layer; in   bricks as a substitute for clay; for soil stabilization; etc. These prior art   uses do not lead to massive consumption of fly ash because the ash is usually   only a minor component in these composites. It would be desirable to provide   processes and products that would use fly ash as the major component,   preferably in amounts exceeding 85 weight percent.

(The above assertion that "prior art uses do not lead to massive   consumption of fly ash because the ash is usually only a minor component in   these composites" is simply mistaken; or, it is deliberate hyperbole for   the sake of the original patent application. As seen in our   introductory reference to: "US Patent Application 20120031306 - Bricks   and Method of Forming Bricks with High Coal Ash Content"; and, in numerous of   our other reports concerning the use of Coal Ash in the making of Cement   and Concrete, virtually the entire matter of the products can be made out of   Coal Ash and/or other Coal Utilization Byproducts, such as the sludge from   desulphurization scrubbers.

In the case of Concrete, that would include the Cement, and, the coarse   and the fine aggregate. We'll provide more documentation of those facts in   future reports. There are other reasons why "prior art uses do not lead to   massive consumption of fly ash"; and, one of those reasons, we think, as with   the facts that Coal can be efficiently converted into Gasoline and that Carbon   Dioxide can be recycled into Alcohol, but only a few people are doing it, is   ignorance. We here are doing our dangdest to combat that; but, shameful truth   to tell, we ain't getting' a whole lot of help.)

Summary and Description: The present invention is directed to ceramic   materials made from coal fly ash and from municipal solid waste (MSW) fly ash   and to processes for producing these ceramic materials. The fly ash is   preferably used as it comes from the power plant or the municipal incinerator   without any costly cleaning or separation steps. Over 85 weight   percent of the ceramic material is fly ash with the remainder being   low cost, commercially available additives such as borax and a   calcium-containing material such as triple superphosphate (a common inorganic   fertilizer), lime, dolomitic lime, or mixtures thereof.

The ash-based ceramic materials are lighter and yet stronger than   the corresponding convention products (such as clay based bricks).  

(Further, the) environment is helped by reducing the need for ...   clay strip mines.

These advantages are achieved by providing   a process of

A. mixing the coal fly ash or MSW fly ash with sodium   tetraborate and a calcium containing material that is triple superphosphate,   lime, dolomitic lime, or mixtures thereof;

B. forming the mixture into   a green body;

C. converting the green body into an intermediate body   by heating the green body up to a temperature just below the melting point of   sodium tetraborate in a manner that allows water and other volatiles to be   driven off and further allows carbon to burn off and the resulting gaseous   oxidation products to escape;

D. converting the intermediate body into   an ash-based ceramic body by firing the intermediate body at a temperature of   from just above the melting point of sodium tetraborate to about 1000.degree.   C. until the sodium tetraborate and calcium-containing material melt to form a   molten flux which reacts with a portion of the fly ash particles to produce a   matrix of water-insoluble reaction products which bind the ash particles   together; and

E. cooling the ceramic material body to ambient   temperature.

The product ash-based ceramic material is made of   nonvolatile fly ash residue particles which are bonded together by   water-insoluble reaction products formed by the reaction of a molten flux   mixture of sodium tetraborate and a calcium-containing material which is   triple superphosphate, lime, dolomitic lime, or mixtures thereof with a   portion of the residue fly ash particles, wherein the sodium tetraborate   comprised from about 4 to about 10 weight percent, the calcium-containing   material comprised from more than zero to 5 weight percent, and the residue   fly ash particles comprised the remainder of a precursor mixture which   produced the ash-base ceramic material.

The present invention   provides methods of producing new ceramic materials and structures from ash   which includes coal fly ash and municipal solid waste (MSW) fly ash. The coal   fly ash is produced by the burning of coal in power and heating plants. The   MSW fly ash is produced by the burning of trash, garbage, and even sewage   sludge in municipal incinerators. Two important terms are raw fly ash which   refers to the ash as it comes from the power plant or the municipal   incinerator and residue fly ash which refers to the ash remaining after water   and other volatiles have been driven off and carbon has been burned off and   the resulting gaseous oxidation products have escaped during the process of   this invention. More specific terms are raw coal fly ash and residue coal fly   ash and also raw MSW fly ash and residue MSW fly ash.

The coal fly ash   includes class C coal fly ash which comes from ... lignite coal and the class   F coal fly ash which comes from ... bituminous coal.

The present process works well with high as well as low carbon coal   fly ash.

(The above seems contradictory to the earlier statements about Carbon   removal; but, the issue might, in fact, have to do with the type of ceramic   that is desired. Residual Carbon will "burn out" during the firing in the   ceramics kiln, in any case, due to the high temperatures employed. And, the   resulting porosity and lighter weight due to the Carbon loss could be a   desirable attribute in some ceramic applications, as seems to be confirmed by   following statements.)

The coal fly ash preferably contains from zero to 20 weight percent   carbon. More preferably the coal fly ash will contain from zero to 15 and   still more preferably from zero to 10 weight percent carbon. Low carbon coal   fly ash (about 1 to 3 weight percent carbon) is in demand for special   applications.

It is useful and economical, therefore, to use coal fly ash containing   preferably from 4 to 20, more preferably from 4 to 15, and still more   preferably 4 to 10 weight percent carbon. During the process of this   invention, carbon is burned out of the coal fly ash. The removal of carbon   increases porosity between fly ash particles resulting in a lighter ceramic   product.

Sodium tetraborate is the preferred flux material in the coal   fly ash or the MSW fly ash ceramic product because it has a relatively low   melting point (about 743C) and because it is inexpensive, being present in   common, high tonnage minerals such as borax.

The combination of the coal fly ash or the MSW fly ash and only the   sodium tetraborate as flux will produce useful ceramic products. This is   particularly true of class C coal fly ash which contains substantial amounts   of calcium. However, when MSW fly ash or class F coal fly ash is used, care   must be taken to avoid overfiring which may result in characteristic cracks in   the fly ash ceramic product. One solution to the problem is to reduce the   firing temperature at which the molten sodium tetraborate is reacted with   portions of the ash particles. This firing temperature is reduced until the   cracks no longer appear.

A preferred approach is to add a   calcium-containing material that is triple super phosphate, lime, dolomitic   lime, or mixtures thereof to the sodium tetraborate flux. The   calcium-containing material greatly extends the acceptable firing temperature   range and strengthens the coal fly ash or the MSW ash ceramic product. The   calcium-containing material is an important part of the preferred embodiment   composition and process, especially for class F coal fly ash and MSW fly ash   ceramic products. The most preferred calcium containing material is triple   superphosphate because it is water soluble and because it produces the   strongest ash-based ceramic material products.

Triple superphosphate   is produced in large quantities by the fertilizer industry and is   inexpensive.

Commercially available lime and dolomitic lime may be used. Limestone   (CaCO3) is calcinated (heated) to remove CO2 and produce lime (CaO). Similarly   dolomite (about a 1:1 molar ratio of CaCO3 and MgCO3) is calcinated (heated)   to remove CO2 and produce dolomitic lime ... .

The general process for producing the coal fly ash or the municipal solid   waste (MSW) fly ash ceramic product comprises the following stages:

(1) mixing the raw fly ash with the flux sodium tetraborate and   calcium-containing material additives,

(2) forming the mixture into a strong green body of the desired shape,  

(3) heating the green body up to the firing a temperature just below the   melting point of sodium tetraborate temperature in a manner which allows water   and other volatiles to be driven off and further allows carbon to be burned   off and the resulting gaseous oxidation products to escape to form an   intermediate body,

(4) firing the intermediate body at a temperature of from just above the   melting point of sodium tetraborate to about 1000C to form of water-insoluble   reaction products which bind the ash particles together and which is formed   from the reaction of the flux components (sodium tetraborate and the   calcium-containing material) and material from the residue fly ash particles,   and:

(5) cooling down the fly ash-based ceramic product.

(And)   the ceramic material is excellent for construction."


There are, though not well-illustrated by our excerpts, at   least two, and maybe three, heating and cooling stages, as we understand   it; one to form the"green body", and/or an "intermediate body", out of   the blended  raw materials, and, then, the "firing" to form the   final product.

Someone experienced even just from a hobby-centered pottery or   ceramics class would understand it all a lot better than we do.

As far as a "ceramic material ... excellent for construction",   the Navy scientists are referring to some of the more specific   applications they name in the full disclosure, such as blocks, bricks, tiles   and pipes.

If there are any old timers among our readers who happened,   at one time or another, to be involved in one or another of the   construction trades, they will recall that, before plastic got to be such a   big thing, there were a lot of various blocks and pipes available, made   of stuff, usually clay, that were referred to, or labeled, as "vitrified",   such as. for instance:

Vitrified   Floor Tiles - Vitrified Floor Tiles Supplier & Vitrified Floor Tiles   Manufacturer; and:

National Clay   Pipe Institute - NCPI | Vitrified Clay Pipe Gravity Sewer Systems | VCP   Technical Resource for Design-Installati; "The National Clay Pipe   Institute (NCPI) is a not-for-profit technical resource for design,   installation and operation of vitrified clay pipe (VCP) gravity sewer   systems".

See also: Vitrified clay pipe -   Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Further, so durable and impervious are things which have   been "vitrified", that, as in:

ASTM C159 - 06(2011) Standard   Specification for Vitrified Clay Filter Blocks; "This specification   establishes the criteria for acceptance, prior to installation, of vitrified   clay filter block used in trickling filters for the treatment of sewage and   industrial wastes";

some of them can be used to treat some pretty nasty industrial effluents,   thus helping to clean the environment; and, the EPA loves them, as   in:

http://www.epa.gov/superfund/community/pdfs/suppmaterials/treatmenttech/vitrification.pdf;   "Vitrification is a process that permanently traps harmful chemicals in a   solid block of glass-like material".

Thus, any "harmful chemicals" that anyone is prone to claiming that Coal   Ash contains, would, according to the US EPA, be "permanently" trapped in   the  "Ash-based Ceramic Materials", which, according to the United   States Navy, in their Disclosure of our subject "United States Patent   5,521,132", say that we can make out of both Class C and Class F Coal Ash, in   such a way that fully "85 weight percent of the ceramic material is fly   ash".

We have to, in closing, acknowledge herein the needed assistance of some   technical advisors who used to be enthusiastic helpers. Now, they only deign   to give us a little of their time when they're not engaged in something more   important or critical; like trimming their toenails, we suppose.

Their attitude over the, literally, years, soured when it finally became   apparent that the Coal Country press, half a dozen representatives of which   these missives are primarily directed to, by the way, has little, if any,   apparent interest in the Coal industry, or in Coal people.

Technologies like the one disclosed herein, and those in other of our   reports demonstrating that both Carbon Dioxide and Coal have a wide   array of profitable, even critical, uses to which they can be put, would seem   to us to be of critical economic importance to Coal Country.

If anyone is actually reading these missives; if anyone has actually been   motivated to read this far; we must presume that you, too, feel the same way,   that you sense the same importance.

If so, it's time you got off your dead cans and told your Coal   Country journalists to get off their dead cans.

Otherwise, we will all be swept up in economic and   environmental "reforms" that aren't going to reform anything for you but the   way you have to shop for groceries and clothes, i.e., at the food bank   and the Goodwill Store. 

And, if things don't soon change, you might as well start shopping there   now, so that you can get good at it and pass the skills on to your children.   They are, unless something does soon change in what you're being instructed by   your press, going to need them.