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Bayer Reveals "Hidden Value" of Coal: Carbon Dioxide

CO2   as New Carbon Source for Chemical Industry | chemanager-online.com - Chemistry   and Life Science

In a few recent reports, now accessible via:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Bayer Corporation Promotes Carbon Dioxide   Recycling | Research & Development; concerning: "The Bayer Scientific Magazine;   'Three Atoms for a Clean Future'; CO2 destined to become a   valuable raw material for innovative substances; Together   with a group of partners, Bayer researchers are making good progress in this   direction, and have found a way to incorporate CO2 into the molecular   structure of polyurethanes, thus saving oil"; and:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Bayer Is Converting Coal Power Plant CO2 Into   Plastics | Research & Development; concerning: "Bayer Material Science   CO2-to-Plastics Pilot Plant, Germany; In February 2011, Bayer MaterialScience   started a new pilot plant (in the) North Rhine-Westphalia state of Germany for   producing plastics from carbon dioxide (CO2). It will be used to develop   polyurethanes from the waste gas released during power generation";
and in some others, related, of a more technical nature, we   documented the fact that Bayer, a monument among the international chemicals   and technology business community, and a major corporate citizen in certain   parts of US Coal Country, has not only developed technologies which   enable the productive chemical recycling of Carbon Dioxide, but, has   reduced those technologies to at least pilot-scale industrial practice using   CO2 captured from an honest-to-Goodness Coal-fired power   plant. 

Herein, we submit a little more recent summary description of that Bayer   enterprise, as excerpted from the initial link in this dispatch, with comment   inserted and appended:

"CO2 as New Carbon Source for Chemical Industry

March 27, 2012

Hidden Value - If one thinks about coal-fired power   plants, what is it that comes first into one's mind?

The picture of high-value starting materials or   rather the picture of low value carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions?

Most people will probably end up with the latter   one. However, the utilization of CO2 as a valuable raw material is not as   devious as one would expect: Advanced research shows that it could be used as   new source of carbon - thus replacing at least partially crude oil from which   the element is normally extracted.

(If the English usage seems a little "off", keep in mind   that this was either translated from a European language,   probably German; or, written in English in the first place by   a someone for whom English is not their first tongue.)

At present, the chemical industry is mainly dependent   on petroleum, both as a feedstock and energy source (as) roughly 6-7% of the   annual oil production is consumed by this sector. To become more independent   in terms of energy, renewable resources and energy storage options are a   matter of current research all over the industry.

Replacing petroleum as product feedstock is also part of the ongoing   research. The chemical industry is looking for realistic alternatives, for   example biomass, coal or gas.  ... How about CO2?

In the chemical literature, researchers have been discussing for decades to   use carbon dioxide directly as a chemical feedstock. All over the world,   attempts to make use of this waste product have emerged in regular cycles.   Currently, there are various research activities dealing with the utilization   of CO2 as chemical building block. In Germany for example, the Federal   Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is heavily investing into this   research area.

But there is one technical obstacle that makes this appealing idea very   challenging: the low energetic level of CO2. No matter what product one   strives for, it will always be necessary to invest huge amounts of energy to   enable a reaction with CO2.

Consequently, new CO2 emissions will be the result.

(The implication of the above being, that, we would have to generate energy   to use in forcing CO2  to become involved in chemical   reactions; and, the generation of that energy would be done in a way,   like burning fossil fuel to generate electricity, which would also generate   more CO2. Which implication ignores that facts, that, as seen, for just two   examples, in:

West   Virginia Coal Association | USDOE Recycles CO2 to Methanol with Solar Power |   Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 6,066,187 -   Solar Reduction of CO2; 2000; This invention was made with government   support ... (from) the U.S. Department of Energy to The Regents of the   University of California. The government has certain rights in the invention.   Abstract: The red shift of the absorption spectrum of CO2 with increasing   temperature permits the use of sunlight to photolyze CO2 to CO (and)excess   thermal energy may be used to produce electricity and to heat additional CO2   for subsequent process steps. The product CO may be used to ... synthesize   methanol"; and, in:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Penn State Designs CO2-to-Methane Bioreactor |   Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent Application 20110281333 - Methane   Production from Single-Cell Organisms; 2011; Abstract: The present invention relates to a method   for enhancing the growth of single-cell organisms, such as methanogens. The   growth of the single cell organisms includes consuming carbon dioxide to   produce methane;

not only can CO2-free environmental energy be harness to   drive CO2-recycling processes, but, biological mediators can be employed to   facilitate, and reduce the energy requirements, of the needed reactions.)

Surely, there are already different possibilities to   overcome the low reactivity of CO2, for example using high-energy reaction   partners such as hydrogen, unsaturated compounds or strained cyclic molecules.   However, when evaluating the overall energy balance and efficiency of the   process, the energy used to generate these high-energy materials has to be   taken into account, which is especially relevant regarding hydrogen. For a   long time there were only very few reactions using CO2 that were efficient   enough to be used in practice and the chemical utilization of carbon dioxide   became known as the "dream reaction."

(Note that there are a number of catalyzed reaction pathways that enable   the efficient reaction of Hydrogen with Carbon Dioxide to form hydrocarbons,   the 1912 Nobel-winning Sabatier reaction among them. The drawback to them is   the energy needed, as indicated above, to generate the Hydrogen. But, as seen,   for just one example, in:

NASA   Hydrogen from Water and Sunlight | Research & Development; concerning:   "United States Patent 4,045,315 - Solar Photolysis of   Water; 1977; NASA; Abstract: Hydrogen is produced by the solar   photolysis of water ... . A method of photolyzing water comprising the steps   of: applying solar radiation to a first vessel containing an aqueous solution   of a water soluble photo-oxidizable reagent (which) is a material which   absorbs strongly in the solar range at ground level and is capable of   photolyzing water to produce hydrogen";

with many more examples to follow, there are a number of   ways, using environmental energy, and in some cases biological mediation,   to efficiently generate Hydrogen.)

A core technology for the successful and economically interesting use of   CO2 as a chemical feedstock is catalysis, one of the most sophisticated and   complex research areas of modern chemistry. Catalysis is used in the   production of more than 85% of all products of the chemical industry, and the   catalyst by its nature strongly determines the outcome of the reaction and the   final product formation.

(As above, non-biological, or inorganic, catalysis is another way to   "leverage" the energy needed to "activate" the relatively inert Carbon Dioxide   molecule, and to convert it into something more useful. An example can be seen   in our report of:

Standard   Oil Electrolyzes CO2 to Carbon Monoxide | Research & Development;   concerning: "United States Patent 4,668,349 - Electrocatalytic Reduction of   CO2 by Square Planar Transition Metal Complexes; 1987;  Assignee:   The Standard Oil Company; Abstract: A process for the electrocatalytic   reduction of carbon dioxide comprises immersing a transition metal complex   with square planar geometry into an aqueous or nonaqueous solution which has   been acidified to a (specified) hydrogen ion concentration ... , adding the   carbon dioxide, applying an electrical potential of from about -0.8 volts to   about -1.5 volts ... , and reducing the carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide".)

In order to find the right catalyst, Bayer initiated the project   "Dream Reactions" in 2009 ... .

Here, the company and numerous well-known academic partners have been   investigating the preconditions of using CO2 as building block for   polyurethanes - a class of polymers widely used in every-day life, e.g. in   mattresses, car seats, and as insulation materials. Polyurethanes are the   reaction product of two components, isocyanates and polyols. The chemical   nature of polyols gives them considerable potential for incorporating CO2.   Consequently the possibilities of using it as building block for a new kind of   polyols, so called polyether-polycarbonate polyols, have been investigated   within the "Dream Reactions" project. A broad catalyst screening helped to   identify promising candidates, which were then optimized in terms of activity   and selectivity towards the desired product.

Finally, Bayer researchers succeeded in finding the one   suitable catalyst for this special reaction - a scientific breakthrough after   decades of fruitless research. Consequently, Bayer thought about going one   step further: Within the energy industry, strategies for capturing CO2 from   flue gases out of coal-fired power plants are discussed, yielding relatively   pure CO2 in vast quantities. Why not combine the chemical industry with the   energy sector and turn the "Dream Reaction" into a "Dream Production"?

Thus, another consortium was established, consisting of Bayer, German   energy provider RWE Power and researchers from RWTH Aachen University. The   project "Dream Production" is again partly funded by the German Federal   Ministry of Education and Research within their strategy to enhance the   utilization of CO2 as chemical building block. The consortium depictures the   total value chain of CO2 utilization in a very unique way - from source to   final product.

The overall goal is to make the discoveries from "Dream Reaction" become   reality, i.e. to design and develop a technical process able to produce   CO2-based polyether polycarbonate polyols on a larger scale. As a first major   step, a pilot facility for the chemical treatment of carbon dioxide from the   energy industry was opened at the Bayer Chempark Leverkusen in February 2011.   Since then, the CO2 delivered from RWE Power is converted into the already   mentioned polyether-polycarbonate polyols. These are then subsequently   transformed into polyurethane samples tested for their material properties and   competitiveness. The first results are encouraging. Though having a higher   viscosity, the new polyols show similar properties as products already on the   market and can be processed in conventional plants as well.

In parallel, the eco-efficiency of the new process is being compared with   existing alternatives. Initial research, conducted by an independent team of   scientists at RWTH Aachen University, seems to underpin the hypothesis that in   the end real CO2 savings are reached. But the examination is very complex and   will still last for a while. If progress continues, "Dream Production" will   start bringing CO2-based products to market at 2015 earliest. The first   application could be soft foam matresses.

In summary, even though the field of research is hardly new, the use of CO2   as a raw material is one of the most interesting and visionary technologies   for the future. Since fossil resources are finite, using CO2 as a chemical   feedstock is a promising approach to global carbon management, helping to pave   the way to alternative sources of raw materials.

And the next time when people are asked to think about coal-fired power   plants, the picture that comes into their minds might be just a bit different   than before."


Maybe we could start to get a "picture" of "coal-fired power   plants" as being raw material factories; for, that, indeed, is what the   electricity they primarily produce can in one sense be seen as. For   instance, to make toast, we just mix bread and electricity in a conversion   reactor called a "toaster", don't we?

And, the Carbon Dioxide can be seen as a raw material, as well.  

We remind you, that, as in: "Polyurethanes are the   reaction product of two components, isocyanates and polyols. The   chemical nature of polyols gives them considerable potential for incorporating   CO2", even though the CO2-based "polyols" are the focus of our subject herein,   "isocyanates" are required to react with those CO2-based "polyols" to form   "Polyurethanes".

And, as we discussed in:

Carbon   Dioxide Recycled in the Manufacture of Plastics | Research &   Development; concerning: "United States Patent 4,564,513 - Process for the   Production of Carbon Monoxide; 1986; Assignee: Bayer Aktiengesellschaft   (AG), Germany; Abstract: Carbon monoxide is produced in an improved process in   a carbon-filled, water-cooled generator in the configuration of a truncated   cone in the longitudinal section, by the gasification of said carbon with a   mixed gas of oxygen and carbon dioxide"; and: "United States Patent   Application 0040141901 - Process for the Desulfurization of CO Gas; 2004;   Bayer Polymers, LLC, Pittsburgh, PA; Abstract: The present invention relates   to a process for the preparation of carbon monoxide gas (CO gas) that is free   of sulfur compounds to the greatest possible extent, to a process for the   desulfurization of a CO gas containing sulfur, and to the use of that gas in   chemical syntheses, for example for the synthesis of phosgene from carbon   monoxide and chlorine";

Bayer knows how to react Carbon Dioxide with hot Coal to make Carbon   Monoxide, which can then be reacted with Chlorine to make Phosgene, which is,   we assert for you here, and as we will in future reports more fully   document, the primary raw material for the making of the "isocyanates",   as stipulated by Bayer above, for reaction with the CO2-based "polyols" to   make "polyurethanes".

The Carbon Dioxide-recycling potential of this plastics-making concept   is, thus, very roughly, doubled.

Should anyone be motivated enough to examine all of the Bayer documents   available via the links in this dispatch, you'll note that one Bayer scientist   explains that the CO2-recycling potentials of converting power plant Carbon   Dioxide into "polyols" is only a relatively small piece of the puzzle, and,   under the corporate sword of political correctness no doubt, genuflects in the   ridiculous direction of geologic sequestration.

The worldwide market for polyurethanes, though, is huge; and, if we can   make nearly all of the component raw materials for polyurethanes, as seen   above, out of, primarily, Carbon Dioxide, the consumption of CO2 would still   be very significant. And, that ignores other potentials, since other plastics   can be made from polyol and isocyanate-type raw chemical materials. And, as   seen in:

Conoco   Converts CO2 to Methanol and Dimethyl Ether | Research & Development;   concerning: "United States Patent 6,664,207 - Catalyst for Converting Carbon   Dioxide to Oxygenates; 2003; Assignee: ConocoPhillips Company; Abstract:   A catalyst and process for converting carbon dioxide into ... methanol and   dimethyl ether";

we can convert Carbon Dioxide into Methanol, as well, which, as seen   in:

SCC – Southern   Chemical Corporation » Methanol; "Methanol can be found in a wide array of   products used in our homes, cars and businesses (via manufacture of) resins   ... used in engineered wood products like particleboard made from waste wood,   and in products like seat cushions and Spandex fibers. Methanol-based   acetic acid is used in making PET plastic, used to package beverages and   household products and polyester fiber in clothing and carpets",

can also be used in the further synthesis of plastics and polymers   in addition to the polyurethane made, as herein, by Bayer, from Carbon   Dioxide.

All in all, we would think the "hidden value" of Carbon Dioxide is far   too big to be "hidden" much longer.