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Sweden Converts Carbon Dioxide and Water into Methanol

United   States Patent Application: 0090246572

Carbon Dioxide can be reacted with Water and made to form Methanol.

That is a plain fact which should by now be evident from, for just three   examples, our reports of:

Conoco   Converts CO2 to Methanol and Dimethyl Ether | Research & Development;   concerning: "United States Patent 6,664,207 - Catalyst for Converting Carbon   Dioxide to Oxygenates; 2003; Assignee: ConocoPhillips Company; A   catalyst and process for converting carbon dioxide into ... methanol and   dimethyl ether"; and:
Texaco   Recycles CO2 to Methanol & Methane | Research & Development;   concerning: "United States Patent 4,523,981 - Means and Method for Reducing   Carbon Dioxide to Provide a Product; 1985; Assignee: Texaco,   Incorporated; A process for reducing carbon dioxide to at least one   useful product ... (including) formic acid (and/or) formaldehyde (and.or)   methanol (and/or) methane"; and:

Chicago   Recycles CO2 to Methanol | Research & Development; concerning: "United   States Patent 4,609,441 - Electrochemical Reduction of Aqueous Carbon Dioxide   to Methanol; 1986; Assignee: Gas Research Institute; A method   of producing methanol from carbon dioxide ... (which comprises) electrolyzing   a solution of carbon dioxide in an aqueous solvent having an electrolyte   therein".

Please understand those examples are just a selection of options chosen   at random from a number of others that popped up, when we did a general topic   search of the matter on the West Virginia Coal Association's web site, in that   web site's Research and Development section.

The fact that CO2 can be so productively recycled should by now be seen   as something so well-established that not one more single breath should be   wasted on discussing nonsense like punitive Cap & Trade taxes levied   against the coincidental producers of Carbon Dioxide, or the wasteful   squandering of such a valuable resource through Geologic Sequestration.

The additional fact that not one word about the truth of that   matter has seemed to find it's way into Coal Country public print is one which   would seem to us to warrant some concerted scrutiny, by those empowered in one   way or another to deal with such matters.

The obvious rift between genuine public and what might be one form or   another of private and personal interests should be a cause, we have come to   feel, of some suspicion.

That caution said, following, as excerpted from the initial link in this   dispatch, with comment inserted and appended, is further confirmation of the   fact, coming to us from the home nation of the Nobel Prize, that, Carbon   Dioxide, as it is co-produced in only a very small way, relative to natural   sources of emission such as volcanoes, from our essential use of Coal in the   generation of truly economical electric power, is a valuable raw material   resource; it can be reclaimed and then consumed in the synthesis of valuable   hydrocarbons:

"United States Patent Application 20090246572 - Method And A Reactor For   Making Methanol


Date: October, 2009

Inventors: Olof Dahlberg and Alf Larrson, Sweden

Assignee: Morphic Technologies Aktiebolag, Karlskoga, Sweden

(We know that "Morphic Technologies" ain't exactly a household name in US   Coal Country. However, as can be learned via:

Tighter   strategic focus for Morphic Fuel Cells - Renewable Energy Focus; and,

MORPHIC   TECHNOLOGIES AB (MORPB:Stockholm): Stock Quote & Company Profile -   Businessweek

"Morphic Technologies AB (the "AB", "Aktiebolag", is roughly   equivalent to our "Incorporated") develops and produces systems that   capture, store, and convert renewable energy into electricity for private and   industrial use. The company develops and sells fuel cells and components,   including flow plates, complete fuel cell systems, and electrolyzers; and   involves in the manufacture, supply, service, maintenance, installation, and   commissioning of wind turbines to turbine suppliers, project developers, and   energy companies. The company has operations in Sweden, Italy,   Switzerland, Japan, and the United States";

Morphic Technologies are, in fact, a company of some size and   substance who have, according to the above and other web-based sources, begun   divesting themselves of some of their business components, so that they can   strategically focus on one core segment: fuel cells. Keep that in mind.

Further, Sweden, though not at the top of everyone's list in the US when   it comes to modern industrialized nations, is, or at least once was, in fact,   a major center of industry. They are still significant producers of iron ore,   which they extract from mines nearly a mile deep. They are, in fact, the   original home of the Nobel prize, though it's now awarded by and in   Norway, founded by the inventor of dynamite,   Swede Alfred Nobel.)

Abstract: Methanol is produced from carbon dioxide and water in a reactor   comprising a cathode side with a cathode and catalyst for the cathode   reaction, an anode side with an anode and catalyst for the anode reaction, and   an intermediate membrane separating the cathode side from the anode side. The   reactor is divided into a plurality of cells that are flow connected in series   for carrying out a multi-step cathode reaction. A voltage is connected between   the cathode and the anode where the carbon dioxide is exposed to a cathode   reaction, and is reduced to formic acid, in a second step the formic acid is   reduced to formaldehyde and water, and in a third step the formaldehyde is   reduced to methanol.

(Note the similar product sequence and mix, relative to Texaco's "United   States Patent 4,523,981 - Means and Method for Reducing Carbon Dioxide to   Provide a Product", as cited above.)

Claims: A process for the production of methanol, comprising connecting a   voltage between a cathode and an anode of a reactor of fuel cell type, in a   first step:

exposing carbon dioxide and water in the reactor to a first desired   cathode reaction

(a) CO2 + 2H3O2 =.HCOOH + 2H2O ... (and), conducting the reaction   products from the first step (1) to a second step (2), and there carrying out   a second desired cathode reaction:

(b) HCOOH + 2H3O2  = HCHO+3H2O ... (and) conducting the reaction   products from the second step (2) to a third step (3), and there carrying out   a third desired cathode reaction:

(c) HCHO + 2H3O2 = CH3OH+2H2O while using a catalyst optimized for   this reaction.

(Some explication seems in order here. First, the "H3O2" is known as   "hydroxyoxonium",   a complicated ion made from Water through the application of energy. It is   often represented by the formula "OH(H2O)", and is fairly well-known in   industry. See:

hydroxyoxonium   | H3O2 | ChemSpider

It is, in this case, as one of our more competent consultants reads it,   one of the intermediate products generated within the system itself, as seen a   little further below, so we don't have to go out and find a drum or two of it   to buy somewhere.

The "HCHO" and the "HCOOH" are, respectively, Formaldehyde and Formic   Acid, so we're looking at a chemistry here quite similar in some respects to   the Texaco process of "US Patent 4,523,981 - Means and Method for Reducing   Carbon Dioxide to Provide a Product", as per our earlier report, cited above.  

The "CH3OH" is Methanol.)

A process ... further comprising using a catalyst of Ag (Silver)   solely or together with TiO2 (Titanium Dioxide)and/or Te (Tellurium) for the   cathode reaction in the first step.

(Of the above, only the "Te", the Tellurium, would be difficult to   come by; and, it isn't, strictly speaking, as they point out, needed.)

A process ... further comprising using a catalyst of SiO2 (Silicon   Dioxide) and TiO2 together with Ag for the anode reaction in the second   step.

A process ... further comprising using water as a reductant   at the anode together with catalyst of carbon black, anthraquinone and Ag for   the following anode reaction: 4H2O = H2O2 +2H3O2.

A process   ... further comprising carrying out the three reaction steps in three   cells with series connected flows in the reactor.

A reactor of   fuel cell type for use in the production of methanol from carbon dioxide and   water ... .

(We thus return to Morphic Technologies well-documented return to their   core "fuel cell" business, and remind you that this is, in fact, a "reverse   fuel cell"; that is, one that turns around the reaction of a Methanol fuels   cell as described in:

Direct methanol   fuel cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; "In 1990 superacid   specialist Dr. Surya Prakash, and Nobel laureate Dr. George A. Olah, both of   the University of Southern California ... invented a fuel cell that would   directly convert methanol to electricity";

with the above Olah and Prakash, we remind you, having also devised their   own ways and means for producing Methanol from Carbon Dioxide, as seen, for   just one example, in:

California   Converts Power Plant CO2 to Methanol | Research & Development | News;   concerning: "US Patent Application 20060235091 - Efficient and Selective   Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol; 2006; George Olah and Surya   Prakash, CA; Abstract: An environmentally beneficial method of producing   methanol from varied sources of carbon dioxide including flue gases of fossil   fuel burning power plants".)

A reactor ... wherein all the cells are designed for using a liquid   reductant.

A reactor ... wherein, on the anode side, all cells have a   catalyst of carbon black, anthraquinone and Ag for the use of water as liquid   reductant and production of hydrogen peroxide in the following anode   reaction:

4H2O = H2O2 + 2H3O2.

A reactor ... wherein the surface   structure is composed of channels having a wave-shaped cross-section (and)   wherein the thin cathode and anode plates comprise sheet-metal (as specified,   and) wherein the membrane consists of glass ... doped to permit passage of   protons/hydroxonium ions.

Field: The present invention relates to a process for the production of   methanol ... from carbon dioxide and water.

Background: An increasingly growing field of use for methanol is as   fuel in fuel cells, especially of DMFC type (i.e, "Direct Methanol Fuel Cell",   as per our comments concerning George Olah and Surya Prakash, above) where a   large growth is expected on the motor vehicle side. From an   environmental point of view, methanol is to be preferred over ethanol, which   gives a considerably larger emission of carbon dioxide. Further, for a   production of ethanol based on agriculture, a farming area is   required that is four times larger than the forest area required for   production of methanol by gasifying energy forest, which does not compete with   the demand for wood of the forest industries.

Further, there are   problems in neutralizing carbon dioxide formed through oxidation, carbon   dioxide being a so called greenhouse gas. In thermal power stations, for   example, carbon dioxide is produced on a large scale and it has been suggested   to collect it and depose it in empty oil and gas fields, for example,   preferably beneath the bottom of the sea. However, it is desirable to find   suitable areas of use for the carbon dioxide to reduce the need for depositing   it.

Disclosure: The object of the present invention is to provide a process   and a reactor, which by using carbon dioxide and water as starting materials   in a synthesis will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that has to be   deposited (i.e., disposed of).

In the process for production of   methanol referred to in the introduction above, this object is achieved by   connecting a voltage between a cathode and an anode of a reactor of fuel cell   type, in a first step exposing carbon dioxide and water in the reactor to a   first desired cathode reaction ... while using a catalyst optimized for this   reaction, conducting the reaction products from the first step to a second   step, and there carrying out a second desired cathode reaction ... while using   a catalyst optimized for this reaction, and conducting the reaction products   from the second step to a third step, and there carrying out a third desired   cathode reaction (to form Methanol and Water).

In the reactor referred to in the introduction above, this object is   achieved in that the rector is divided into a plurality of reactor cells of   fuel cell type with series connected flows for carrying out a multistage   cathode reaction, wherein each cell has a catalyst that is optimized for the   reaction step to be carried out in the cell.

By using the carbon   dioxide for the production of methanol ... there is a possibility of achieving   a considerable reduction of the amount of carbon dioxide that has to be   (disposed of).

(The) reactor will produce hydrogen peroxide as a   by-product. Hydrogen peroxide (has commercial value).

By dividing up the production of the methanol from carbon dioxide and   water into a plurality of steps, with catalysts optimized for each individual   step, you can refine and control the desired reactions, so as to improve the   degree of utilization and improve the power density.


Again, this is just another, more advanced, and more   efficient, version of other technologies, such as, for yet another   example, that seen in our report of:

USDOE   1976 Atmospheric CO2 to Methanol | Research & Development; concerning:   "United States Patent 3,959,094 - Electrolytic Synthesis of Methanol from   CO2; 1976; Assignee: The USA as represented by the USDOE; A   method and system for synthesizing methanol from the CO2 in air using electric   power. The CO2 is absorbed by a solution of KOH to form K2CO3 which is   electrolyzed to produce methanol, a liquid hydrocarbon fuel";

wherein electrical energy, as perhaps advantageously derived from Coal   Country's wind and hydro potentials, can be used to convert Carbon   Dioxide and Water into Methanol.

Which Methanol, as explained more fully, for just one   example, in our report of:

ExxonMobil   "Clean Gasoline from Coal" | Research & Development; concerning the   ExxonMobil publication:

"Methanol to Gasoline (MTG): Production of Clean Gasoline from Coal; So   Advanced, Yet So Simple";

can be efficiently converted into Gasoline.