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Louisiana Coal Ash Protects Concrete from Corrosion

United   States Patent Application: 0120156381

In the very recently-published United States Patent Application centered   on the productive use of Coal Ash we bring to your attention herein, we   introduce a technical concept that has come up with some consistency in the   course of our research into the consumption and utilization of Coal Ash in the   synthesis of Cement, or materials that are in many ways like Cement.

And, keep in mind that when we use the label "Cement", it means quite a   lot more than just Portland-type Cement, "PC", and Portland-type Cement   Concrete, "PCC".

There exists a spectrum of, essentially, mineral-based compositions -   i.e., plasters, grouts, mortars - that are, like PC and   PCC, essentially fluids of a usually high viscosity when initially   blended, but which, through typically a combination of both physical and   chemical processes, "cure", or harden up, to form a solid and mineral-like   product.
Those types of compounds typically differ from solid, what we might think   of as non-mineral, "organic" compounds, like plastics and wood, both of which,   even though one is synthetic and the other natural, are considered to be   "polymers", and which have the properties they do because they incorporate the   element Carbon into their molecular structure, because those   mineral-based compositions don't center on Carbon as their key and central   element.

Because of the unique way Carbon, out of all the   elements, is able to chemically interact both with itself and with   other elements, it allows large and complex molecules to be   formed that are both stable and strong, and which can impart characteristics   of flexibility, resilience and impermeability to the things which are composed   of such molecules.

Your skin, a vinyl beach ball and latex paint are all suitable   examples. 

The complexities of how all of that is made possible by the way the   Carbon atom is constructed, despite the best efforts at explanation and   instruction made by two of our fully-functioning advisors, is beyond our   now sadly limited comprehension.

However, another element closely related to Carbon in the general   way the atoms of it are built is Silicon. 

And, even though we might most often think of Silicon in terms of beach   sand and computer "chips", it, too, can be combined, though not quite as   easily as Carbon, in large, complex molecules with properties similar in many   respects to some of those made in the same way out of Carbon.

For a little background, see:

Silicone - Wikipedia, the free   encyclopedia; "Silicones are inert, synthetic compounds with a variety of   forms and uses. Typically heat-resistant and rubber-like, they are used in   sealants, adhesives, lubricants, medical applications ..., , cookware,   and insulation. Silicones are polymers that include silicon together with   carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes other chemical elements. Some common   forms include silicone oil, silicone grease, silicone rubber, and silicone   resin"; and:

Silicone rubber -   Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; "Silicone rubber is an elastomer   (rubber-like material) composed of silcone - itself a polymer - containing   silicon together with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen".

Silicon-based polymers aren't, again and unfortunately, as easy to make   as Carbon-based polymers; but, they do have, in some cases, better properties.   They can, for instance, be stronger, tougher and not nearly as flammable.  

And, they do have one tremendous advantage:

Unlike many, even most, Carbon-based polymers, we don't need   petroleum to make them.

And, as we will document and explain in coming reports, there is a   fledgling industry, starting actually to blossom in Europe, based on the   development and use of Silicon-based polymers, which are starting to be   called, since they are based, in essence, on mineral and earth-based, rather   than on organic, raw materials, "Geopolymers".

Even better, we have a store of Silicon raw ore already in finely-divided   form ideal for processing, with more being made every day:

Coal-fired power plant Fly Ash.

Now, one property of polymers, sometimes also known as "elastomers",   although the two labels aren't exactly synonymous, that everyone sort of   instinctively realizes, is that they are, typically, more resistant to   corrosion, i.e., rust, acid attack, etc., than a lot of other things,   like metal and cement.

The fact that Silicon-based polymers, specifically Fly Ash Silicon-based   polymers, are more resistant to chemical corrosion, given that Cement   can, in one sense, itself be construed as a polymer, is documented in our   report of:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Coal Ash Concrete More Durable, Resists Chemical   Attack | Research & Development; concerning: "US Patent 5,772,752 -   Sulfate and Acid Resistant Concrete and Mortar; 1998; Assignee: New   Jersey Institute of Technology; Abstract: The present invention relates   to concrete, mortar and other hardenable mixtures comprising cement and fly   ash for use in construction and other applications, which hardenable mixtures   demonstrate significant levels of acid and sulfate resistance while   maintaining acceptable compressive strength properties. The total amount of   fly ash in the hardenable mixture ranges from about 60% to about 120% of the   total amount of cement, by weight, whether the fly ash is included as a   cementious material, fine aggregate, or an additive, or any combination of the   foregoing. In specific examples, mortar containing 50% fly ash and 50% cement   in cementitious materials demonstrated superior properties of corrosion   resistance".

But, we have a vast infrastructure already made out of traditional   Portland-type Cement and Concrete, which materials are, in some types of harsh   environments, very susceptible to corrosion.

And one way to impart to the components of that PC and PCC infrastructure   the corrosion-resistant properties of Coal Ash is to, rather logically, coat   them with Coal Ash; or, more specifically, with, as above,  a   "geopolymer" made out of Coal Ash.

As explained more fully in our excerpts from the initial link in this   dispatch to the recent:

"United States Patent Application 20120156381 - Geopolymer Mortar and   Method

(Geopolymer Mortar   and Method - Allouche, Erez)

Date: June 21, 2012

Inventors: Erez Allouche and Carlos Montes, Louisiana

(As we've previously noted for you, the affiliations of inventors, and/or   the ultimate Assignee of patent rights, are most often not named or identified   in early published versions of United States patent applications. But, as can   be learned via:

Louisiana   Tech Faculty: Allouche, Dr. Erez; and, Geopolymer Laboratory - Links;

Dr. Erez Allouche is an Associate   Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Louisiana Tech   University, whose specific area of specialization is stated to be   "Advanced   Cementitious Materials". Carlos Montes is, or was, a PhD. candidate working in   Louisiana Tech's Geopolymer Laboratory with Professor Allouche. The ultimate   Assignee of Rights, if and when a United States Patent issues from this   application, is, thus, likely to be Louisiana Tech University.)

Abstract: A   geopolymer mortar formed by mixing about 35% to about 45% by   weight pozzolanic material, about 35% to about 45%   by weight silicon oxide source, about 15% to about 20% by weight alkaline   activator solution, and about 0.3% to about 2.5% by weight copper ion source.   The pozzolanic material may be fly ash and the silicon oxide   source may be sand. The alkaline activator solution may be a sodium hydroxide   solution containing sodium silicate. The geopolymer mortar may have a   viscosity in the range of about 25,000 to about 50,000 centipoise. The   geopolymer mortar may be formed by further mixing one or more additives, such   as surfactants, thermal spheres, anti-sagging   agents, adhesion primers, or fibers. The geopolymer mortar may be applied as a   protective coating on a surface of a structure.

(Not further   explained in the full Disclosure is the potential for adding "thermal   spheres", as above, to the Fly Ash mortar. But, there is little doubt by   that they mean insulating "cenospheres", as described   in:

Cenosphere -   Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; "A cenosphere is a   lightweight, inert, hollow sphere filled with inert air or gas, typically   produced as a byproduct of coal combustion at thermal   power plants"; and:

West Virginia Coal Association | Wisconsin Recovers "Cenospheres" from   Coal Fly Ash | Research & Development; concerning:   "United States Patent 8,074,804 - Separation of Cenospheres from Fly   Ash; 2011; Assignee: Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Milwaukee;   Abstract: Methods for increasing the amount of cenospheres in a fly ash sample   are disclosed. The cenospheres are obtained in a dry state by using air as the   "fluid" media for separation. In one version, the invention is a two step   process, that is, screen by size followed by density separation such as in a   fluidizing vertical column by density. In another version of the invention,   the separation by density is followed by screening by size. Additional cycles   can improve purity as defined by concentration of cenospheres".

And, thus, even more Coal Combustion Byproducts can be   productively utilized by adding them to a mortar which is itself made in large   part of Coal Combustion Byproducts. - JtM)

Claims:  A composition of matter formed by the mixing   of the components comprising:

(a) about 35% to about 45% by weight fly ash;

(b) about 35% to about 45% by weight sand;

(Needless to say, there will be more Silicon in the "sand".)

(c) about 15% to about 20% by weight alkaline activator   solution; and:

(d) about 0.3% to about 2.5% by weight copper ion source.  

The composition of matter ...  wherein the fly ash is   predominantly class C or class F fly ash.

The composition of   matter ...  wherein the activator solution comprises a (Sodium   Hydroxide) solution (as specified) including sodium silicate (in a   specified ratio).

The composition of matter according ... wherein   the viscosity of the composition is about 25,000 to about 50,000 centipoise   (cP).

(The stuff is pretty thick; and, if any old Coal mine   brattice men are reading this, it's probably about the same as the   brattice wall plaster you trowel onto dry-laid block   ventilation stoppings; although, keep in mind that application is not the   use for which this composition is intended; although it might not be a bad   one.) 

The composition of matter ... wherein the   copper ion source is at least one of (Copper Sulfate, Copper Oxide, or various   Copper Nitrates, Copper Carbonates and Copper Hydroxides - all   inexpensive and readily available stuff.)

The composition of matter ... further comprising about 0.1%   to about 0.2% by weight surfactant (which) comprises a vinsol resin   surfactant.

A method for protecting a surface of a structure, the   method comprising the step of applying to the surface a geopolymer coating   comprising a composition formed by mixing components comprising:

(a) about 35% to about 45% by weight pozzolanic material;  

(b) about 35% to about 45% by weight silicon oxide source;  

(c) about 15% to about 20% by weight alkaline activator   solution; and:

(d) about 0.3% to about 2.5% by weight copper ion source.  

The method ... wherein the pozzolanic material comprises fly ash   (and) the silicon oxide source comprises sand, and ... wherein the   activator solution comprises a (Sodium Hydroxide) solution (as specified)   including sodium silicate (in a ratio as specified).

(Sodium Silicate, aka "water glass", and Sodium Hydroxide,   aka "lye", are cheap and available. )

The method ...  wherein the geopolymer coating has a viscosity   (as specified) and wherein said step of applying the geopolymer coating   comprises the step of spraying the geopolymer coating onto the surface.

(The stuff is thick, but can be spray applied. They weren't that common;   but, if any old Coal miners out there were ever around a "Mandoseal", or   gunnite, machine that sprayed a Cement and vermiculite, or   Cement and fiber, mixture onto the ribs and top to protect them from air   slacking, that's the general idea here.) 

The method   ... wherein the geopolymer coating is formed by further mixing about 0.1% to   about 0.2% by weight surfactant and about 0.004% to about 0.4% by weight   fibers with the other components.

A method of forming a   geopolymer paste material comprising the steps of:

(a) providing an activator solution comprising a ... NaOH (Sodium   Hydroxide - Lye) solution including sodium silicate (Water Glass)  ...   wherein the activator solution forms about 15% to about 20% by weight of the   geopolymer paste material;

(b) mixing an aggregate with the activator solution, wherein the   aggregate forms about 35% to about 45% by weight of the geopolymer paste   material;

(c) mixing fly ash with the activator solution, wherein the fly ash forms   about 35% to about 45% by weight of the geopolymer paste material;

(d) continuing mixing, with the optional step of adding water or fly ash,   until obtaining a substantially homogeneous paste with a viscosity of about   25,000 to about 50,000 centipoise (cP); and:

(e) mixing an anti-sagging agent with the substantially homogeneous   paste.

The method ... further comprising the step of spraying the   geopolymer paste material onto a structure exposed to waste water flow ... .  

The method ... further comprising the step of steam curing the   geopolymer paste material on the structure.

(The requirement for "steam curing" is, admittedly, a bit of a drawback.)

Description and Background: Corrosion and deterioration of concrete   pipes, manholes, wet wells, chambers, tunnels, diversion boxes, pump stations,   drop structure reservoirs and treatment basins due to sulfuric acid attack is   a major concern associated with wastewater conveyance and treatment   facilities. Traditional cementitious materials such as Portland cement are   inexpensive, but do not offer longevity under wastewater conveyance and   treatment conditions. Concrete pipes are chemically attacked when subjected to   acids with pH values of 6.5 or lower for extended periods of time. The pH in   sewer lines can reach values of 2 or 3, and in some extreme cases 0.5. The   highly acidic environment in sewer pipe lines and wastewater treatment   facilities significantly reduces the life of these buried structures, causing   significant financial losses.

Efforts have been made to address issues   with concrete and brick surfaces in wastewater collection and treatment   systems such as susceptibility to corrosion, cracking, and lack of long-term   durability in harsh environments. For example, additives have been   added to Portland cement in an effort to enhance the corrosion resistance of   the Portland cement. Attempted additives include silica fume,   fly ash, and blast furnace slag. These additives react with   Ca(OH)2 present in cement paste to produce C--S--H, which enhances the   resistance of the hardened cement paste in environments with pH values above   4.5.

Another example of an attempted method of protecting concrete surfaces is   the addition of a thin layer of chemically resistant material (e.g.,   polyurethane, polyurea, epoxy, mortar epoxy, high alumina cement, or asphalt)   on the inner surface of concrete pipes or other concrete surfaces.   Difficulties with the addition of these thin layers include issues with   ensuring adequate bonds between a spray-on coating and the host concrete   surface, formation of pinholes that allow sulfuric acid and/or bacteria to   penetrate the coating and destroy the bond between the coating and the host   concrete surface, ensuring proper coverage at joints of concrete pipes, and   construction related damage to the coating during installation. Also, both of   these efforts significantly increased costs of construction and operation.  

Geopolymers are inorganic alumino-silicate amorphous polymers formed   by chemical reactions under highly alkaline conditions between an active   pozzolanic material, such as fly ash or metakaolin, and an   activator solution (e.g., a mixture of sodium hydroxide and an alkaline   silicate such as sodium silicate or potassium silicate).

Polymeric chains form when a pozzolanic material comes in contact with an   alkaline activator solution.

Geopolymers exhibit excellent compressive resistance (up to 120 MPa)   and rapid strength gain, with 95% of their ultimate strength achieved in as   little as three days under proper curing conditions. Geopolymers also exhibit   low vulnerability to chemical attacks, and are practically inert to attack by   sulfate salts because they are not based on calcium silicate. Because they are   composed of an alkaline silicate net, geopolymers are also inert to   alkali-aggregate reaction, which is a common concern with Portland cement.  

Summary:  A geopolymer mortar formed by mixing about 34% to about   46% by weight pozzolanic material, about 34% to about 46% by weight silicon   oxide source, and about 15% to about 20% by weight alkaline activator   solution, and about 0.3% to about 2.5% by weight copper ion source.   The pozzolanic material may be fly ash or metakaolin. The   silicon oxide source may be sand. The alkaline activator solution may be   composed of a liquid sodium silicate and a sodium hydroxide solution.   The geopolymer mortar may be applied to concrete or brick surfaces,   and may serve as a corrosion resistant barrier.

(The above "metakaolin" is mentioned once or twice as something that can   be used in addition to Fly Ash.

As can be learned via:

Metakaolin - Wikipedia, the   free encyclopedia; it's form of the clay mineral, "kaolin" or   "kaolinite", that's used in the manufacture of porcelain. There isn't that   much of it around, it has to be mined, and it would definitely cost more that   Coal Ash; so, while it might be an option, it's not one competitive with Coal   Ash, or that could be used instead of Coal Ash in any kind of cost-effective   way.)

The copper ion source may provide a bactericidal property to the   geopolymer mortar. The geopolymer mortar may have a suitable viscosity for   spray application. The geopolymer mortar may be formed by further mixing in   one or more additives including, but not limited to, surfactants, thermal   spheres, colloidal silicas, adhesion primers, and fibers.

The various embodiments of the geopolymer coating offer high corrosion   resistance, bactericidal properties, low costs of production, and rapid and   easy application. The geopolymer coating may have enhanced viscosity and   surface tension suitable for its application as a mortar coating using manual   or mechanical means.

The geopolymer coating may be used as a   protective coating for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of concrete or   brick surfaces of structures used for the transportation, storage, and   treatment of wastewater streams from municipal and industrial sources   including, but not limited to, pipes, manholes, wet wells, chambers, tunnels,   diversion boxes, pump stations, drop structures, reservoirs, clarifiers, and   primary and secondary retention and treatment basins. The geopolymer   coating may also be used as a coating for tunnels and mine shafts where acidic   conditions are the main source of deterioration of the supporting   structures. The geopolymer coating may be applied using conventional   techniques for cementitious linings including, but not limited to, spraying,   pumping, flooding, and trowelling."


And, here's a thought:

Even though they might not need the extra protection, you   could build some, as above, "brick ... structures" out of brick or block   made via the process disclosed in our report of:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Coal Fly Ash Bricks are Greener and Stronger |   Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 7,998,268 -   Method to Produce Durable Non-vitrified Fly Ash Bricks and Blocks; 2011;   Assignee: Ecological Tech Company, Inc., MO (formerly: "Freight Pipeline   Company"); Abstract: A method of making durable, non-vitrified masonry units   comprising fly ash, the method comprising mixing fly ash comprising a minimum   of 15% Calcium Oxide (CaO) by weight and ... and an air entrainment agent to   form a fly ash mixture; compacting the fly ash mixture in a shaping device by   applying pressure of at least 1000 psi to the fly ash mixture; and curing the   compacted fly ash mixture to cause the mixture to harden and gain strength. A   method to produce durable, non-vitrified masonry units comprising fly   ash";

and then seal those Coal Fly Ash brick   structures up, protecting them and reinforcing them, by coating   them with, as per the process of our subject herein, "United States   Patent Application 20120156381 - Geopolymer Mortar and Method", a protective   layer of "geopolymer" that is itself composed of "35% to about 45% by weight"   "class C or class F fly ash".

And, in so doing, you could bring some badly needed income, and jobs,   home to US Coal Country, by employing some people to mine the Coal Ash and   then to form it into the blocks and into the, as herein, "geopolymer   coating" for those Coal Ash blocks.