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Coal Ash Cement Better for Severe Environments

Cement   for Severe Environments - Cementitious Materials And Pozzolans, Industrial   Projects, Sustainability - Concrete Construc

As should be apparent from our many reports on the topic, the science and   technology for utilizing Coal Ash in the manufacture of Portland-type Cement,   PC, and Portland-type Cement Concrete, PCC, is becoming very well established,   and appears now to be growing at an accelerating pace.

That pace is creating changes in the Cement and Concrete industry that   we, with our isolated and disabled circumstances, are wholly unable to keep up   with and report accurately; that, especially so since some major natural   resources companies have begun to take notice and invest in smaller companies   who have developed Coal Ash utilization technologies, with resultant changes   in corporate names and headquarters locations.
Further, some innovators in Cement technology, who are employing more   Coal Ash in their formulations in concert with technology that's proprietary,   but not qualified for patent protection, treat their compounds and   processes as trade secrets, with only associated and required Material Safety   Data Sheets revealing the presence of "aluminosilicate" materials that one   could presume to be, or be derived from, Coal Ash.

And, thus, there isn't much substantive we can make report on in those   cases.

We will do our best to keep you apprised of what we are beginning to   perceive as a "mini", or focused, industrial revolution in the field of Cement   and Concrete manufacturing, where Coal Ash really does seem to be playing an   increasingly larger role; and, to that end, we introduce you herein to yet   another player in the field of high-performance Coal Ash-based Cement.

First, we again remind you, as seen, for just one example, in:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Coal Ash Concrete More Durable, Resists Chemical   Attack | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent   5,772,752 - Sulfate and Acid Resistant Concrete and Mortar; 1998;   Assignee: New Jersey Institute of Technology; Abstract: The present   invention relates to concrete, mortar and other hardenable mixtures comprising   cement and fly ash for use in construction and other applications, which   hardenable mixtures demonstrate significant levels of acid and sulfate   resistance";

that, the various Cements and Concretes which can be made from Coal Ash   will, typically, have a far greater resistance to chemical attack and   corrosion than conventional PC and PCC formulations.

And, such chemical resistance of Coal Ash Cement is, to a certain   extent, the focus of our dispatch herein, as introduced by excerpts from   the initial link to:

"Cement for Severe Environments; Concrete Construction; February,   2012

by: Peter VanderWerf (president of consulting firm Building Works Inc.   and a professor at Boston College)

New cement chemistry creates concrete that withstands chemical attack and   high temperatures.

Many concrete customers in industrial applications are turning to a new   family of nonportland cements to increase the life of their physical plant and   cut repair costs and downtime. Based instead on pozzolanics, these cements   create concrete with a durability that outperforms conventional concrete in   laboratory tests and in the field. When repair is necessary, their rapid set   times bring facilities back to service faster.

Concrete is usually thought of as a durable building material.   But in some severe environments, portland cement-based concrete is not tough   enough. Acids present in petrochemical production, food processing, and   wastewater steadily eat away at portland cement concretes in floors and   containment structures until they become unusable. Extreme heat of metal   processing eventually decomposes the cement paste.

Users of these high-demand applications are searching for new mixes,   admixtures, and coatings that make concrete last longer in corrosive and   high-temperature conditions. And they have a strong economic incentive.   Concrete deterioration can make processes inefficient in the short run, and   eventually force concrete repairs or replacement. The cost of repair can be   substantial, but the indirect cost of stopping production to make repairs is   worse. The facility loses output and revenue, schedules may be missed, and the   effect ripples through the entire operation.

A variety of methods have been used to improve the durability of   conventional concrete made with portland cement. Unfortunately, these   alternatives have their limits. Adding inert, fine-particulate minerals, such   as fly ash or silica fume, is a common practice intended to increase   durability for portland cement concrete that comes into contact with corrosive   liquids and gases. These minerals fill the capillaries within the concrete   crystal structure, which reduces the penetration of fluids and slows their   attack, but does not stop it.

(Note in the above that they are talking about just adding Coal Ash to the   Concrete as an aggregate, which is still a pretty good practice, not making   the Cement itself from Coal Ash.)

Another alternative is to put a chemically resistant coating, usually an   epoxy, over the exposed concrete surfaces. These modern coatings stand up well   to corrosives, but the cost is so high that use is restricted to a few areas   considered most vulnerable. Also, it can be difficult to achieve and maintain   an effective seal.

In all of these cases of chemical deterioration, the weak link in the mix   is the portland cement. Durable aggregates typically are available if needed.   However, the paste produced by portland cement is composed principally of   calcium hydroxide and calcium silicate hydrates. These break down in the   presence of corrosive and caustic chemicals—even when using a Type II or Type   V portland cement.

Measures to resist heat run into similar roadblocks. The calcium silicate   hydrates of portland cement decompose when exposed to temperatures above 250 F   (120 C). Some minerals improve concrete’s heat resistance by increasing the   density of the paste, but as with chemical corrosion, the calcium silicate   hydrate is still vulnerable. As the cement paste loses strength, eventually   both it and the aggregates it is intended to bind with begin falling off in   pieces

The new industrial cements are the product of materials company, Ceratech   Inc. They consist of entirely different compounds, more like the pozzolanics   used in the ancient Roman Coliseum and aqueducts that are still standing   today. Ceratech cements are 95% fly ash, combined with   chemical activators that give them a robust cementing action. This chemistry   replaces all of concrete’s portland cement with recycled material, something   that greatly decreases the concrete’s carbon footprint.

Most importantly for industrial applications, these cements create a paste   entirely out of fine, inert materials. The concrete is denser, without the   interconnected capillaries of conventional concrete, making it resistant to   both chemicals and heat.

This cement in a typical mix can achieve a 28-day compressive strength of   about 8000 psi. All the cements in this company’s line offer greater chemical   and heat resistance than portland cement, but some are formulated specifically   to increase one property or another. Concrete made with the most chemically   resistant product (known as Kemrok) maintained its material mass and   compressive strength sharply longer than portland cement concrete in a series   of exposure tests with sulfuric, nitric, acetic, and hydrochloric acids.   Concrete with the most heat-resistant cement (Firerok) withstands sustained   temperatures of 570 F (300 C) and intermittent temperatures of 1850 F (1000   C).

The relatively rapid set time of this cement is a plus in repair   situations. According to Ceratech’s president Jon Hyman, “Depending on the   product used, 24-hour compressive strengths of concrete mixes range from 2100   to 4800 psi. One of the great things about this cement chemistry is that it   produces both high early and high ultimate strengths without extra measures.   If we can get a million-dollar-per-week wastewater plant or industrial   production facility online a day or two faster, the payoff is huge.”

Precasters have begun to develop wastewater containment structures made   with the new cements. The traditional approach in this application is to apply   coatings over the concrete surfaces that will be most exposed to high-sulfate   water. But with pozzolanic cements they can create a monolithic product that   is resistant to sulfates everywhere, eliminating concerns over the cost and   quality of the coating work.

The sustainability of the new cements is a side benefit. They use   95% recycled material (fly ash) and 5% renewables (curing   activators). “Besides keeping coal ash out of landfills, our products are   entirely carbon neutral,” says Hyman. “We don’t burn fossil fuels and release   carbon dioxide the way portland cement does.” Greener concrete is a plus in   today’s sustainable-construction market. “We like being able to work with a   ‘green’ product that offers superior performance”.


As a full read of the above article will affirm, even   "Ceratech", who confess that their Cement is "95%" Coal Ash, are mum, to   certain extent, about that remaining "5%". But, what they do say about   all of it should be encouraging to anyone interested in Coal, and all   associated Coal-use industries, as we can learn on Ceratech's web site:

Ceratech Inc.;

"Can Be Used For Virtually Any   Application That Currently Utilizes Portland Cement;

Outperforms Portland Cement For Durability, Sustainability   and Value!

Profound Environmental Implications: Ceratech's   revolutionary carbon neutral cement technology utilizes no portland cement nor   does it require extensive amounts of raw minerals and energy resources to   produce.

Certatech's cement eliminates one ton of CO2 for every ton of   portland cement it displaces while producing a highly durable, high   performance concrete."

(As we've previously documented for you a number of times, the calcination   of limestone, CaCO3, to produce Portland Cement, primarily Calcium Oxide,   generates Carbon Dioxide via the equation:

CaCO3 + Heat = CaO + CO2.

Thus, for each molecule of limestone we can replace or displace, we prevent   at least one molecule of Carbon Dioxide from being generated. We say "at   least" since the source of heat for the calcination process is likely to be   generating CO2 of it's own.)

Incorporated in 2002, Ceratech, Inc. is a clean technology company that has   successfully developed and commercialized the world's first carbon neutral   "green" cement.

Ceratech's core technology converts industrial waste by-products   produced by coal-fired power generation plants into hydraulic cements that   are an alternative to portland cement for the production of   concrete.

Ceratech's carbon neutral cement is the most environmentally responsible   cement available in the market today. Our cement meets and/or exceeds the most   stringent engineering requirements, is compatible with all existing batch,   delivery, placing and finishing techniques, and provides exceptional   durability for infrastructure and industrial applications.

It is our mission to develop and deliver to the market, carbon neutral   cements that deliver superior performance at a competitive price. We are   committed to sustainable development that meets the needs of the present,   without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs   by delivering products to the market that are carbon neutral, comprised   principally of industrial by products (>90%) and are more durable than   traditional materials.

Sustainability   Technology: What is Carbon Neutral, Green Cement? A cementitious material   that incorporates and optimizes recycled materials, therefore reducing the   impact on natural raw materials, water, consumption of energy, and green house   gas emissions like CO2. In practice, the manufacturing of Green Cement will be   accomplished by reducing and ideally eliminating, the production of damaging   green house gasses. Green Cement's performance characteristics must by   definition meet or exceed, the functional performance capabilities of   conventional cementitious materials for concrete and concrete products.

The United States GREEN Building Council (USGBC), defines sustainable   construction as "the ability to meet present needs without compromising the   ability of future generations to meet their needs."

Ceratech's cement technology clearly and profoundly accomplishes these   objectives and definitions via a simple, near zero energy processs of   combining an abundant and sustainable waste stream with a rapidly renewable,   agriculturally based product.

Ceratech's cement technolgy has been described as "triple green," due to   its substantial reduction in landfillling of coal ash, CO2 greenhouse gas   mitigation by the displacement of portland cement, elimination of virgin   mineral resources, 50% reduction in mix water requirements and its virtually   energy free production process.

In its 12 year history, Ceratech has displaced more CO2 than all other   alternative cement technologies combined.

To Date, Ceratech Has Diverted Over 100K Tons of Waste   Ash From Landfills & Eliminated 100K Tons of CO2 Greenhouse   Gas Through The Displacement of Portland Cement."


In honesty, "100K Tons of Waste Ash"   diverted from landfills and "100K Tons of CO2" emission prevented ain't, in   the grand scheme of things, that big of a bunch.

But, it is a start, God bless 'em. And, the   size of the potential market for Coal Ash in PC and PCC is vast. We   could, if we put our minds to it, use up virtually all of the Coal Ash we   produce, and prevent a lot of CO2 from being generated in the making of   Portland-type Cement.

And, we do note that Ceratech are at work   developing their own, enhanced technology for utilizing Coal Ash in the making   of their "Triple Green ... carbon neutral cements", as seen, for one   example, in:

"United   States Patent: 8186106 - High Strength Cement ... and Concrete Including   Industrial By-Products

(High strength cement,   mortar and concrete including industrial by-products - CeraTech,   Inc.)

Date: May, 2012

Inventors: Glenn Schumacher, et. al., MD

Assignee: CeraTech, Inc., VA

Abstract: Cementitious compositions in which the cementitious properties   of fly-ash are carefully controlled. The cementitious compositions may be   substantially free harsh acids and bases such as citric acids and alkali metal   activators including alkali hydroxides and metal carbonates. The use of these   harsh chemicals creates acid base reactions during use of the products.   Instead of these harsh chemicals, a citric salt, for example potassium   citrate, may be used as a reaction accelerator. Boric compounds may be used as   a retarder in the compositions. 

Claims: An article of manufacture comprising a hydrated and hardened   cement composition comprising a pozzolan powder; two or more activators, at   least one of which has a pH between 6 and 9; and a retarder, wherein the   hydratable cement has a calcium content expressed as the oxides of 15 wt % or   more based on the total weight of the hydratable cement; and wherein said   activator having a pH of between about 6 and about 9 accounts for greater than   50% of the total weight of activators in said hydratable cement.

An   article of manufacture comprising a hydrated and hardened cement composition   comprising a pozzolan powder; one or more pH neutral activators; and a   retarder, wherein the hydratable cement has a calcium content expressed as the   oxides of 15 wt % or more based on the total weight of the hydratable cement,   and wherein the pH neutral activators account for greater than 50% of the   total weight of activators in said hydratable cement; and wherein the   hydratable cement has less than 20% by weight Portland cement based on the   total weight of the hydratable cement.

Background and Field: A novel family of compositions is disclosed for the   production of blended hydraulic cementitious materials and their concrete and   mortar derivatives for original construction, repair, precast block, armor,   spray and other applications.

These materials exhibit controlled reactions of calcium-containing   industrial byproducts with chemical activators, retarders, bond enhancers and   mechanical strength modifiers.

Materials with pozzolanic properties   contain glassy silica and alumina that will, in the presence of water and free   lime, react with the calcium in the lime to produce calcium silicate hydrates.   There are both natural and industrial pozzolans.

Industrial   pozzolans are produced during industrial processes and include, for example,   Class C and Class F fly-ashes. These fly-ashes are produced during the   combustion of coal."


And, again, note that the disclosed Coal Ash-based "Cement" is   considered to be "High Strength", in addition to, as implied by the   accompanying articles, being "resistant to sulfates everywhere" and even   notably "heat-resistant", all while being "Triple Green" and very nearly   "carbon neutral".

That's sounding kind of tough to beat, ain't it?

In any case, there will be more to follow on "CeraTech,   Inc." and their Coal Ash-based Cement technology.

But, again, that is because there is good information about   them "out there" that we, with our sadly limited capacities, can access and   work with.

There is a lot, relative to the productive utilization of our   Coal Ash, "going on". And, it all goes to prove, that, rather than being some   sort of "hazardous" waste, Coal Ash is valuable mineral   resource.

We can, according to all the information provided   herein, consume and utilize Coal Ash in the making of    replacements for Portland Cement and Portland Cement   Concrete; replacements and substitutes consisting of "95%" Coal Ash   that are better, in terms of final properties, economics and environmental   impact than those traditional, conventional Cement and Concrete   materials.