WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1


Wisconsin Coal Ash Utilization Guidebook Available

We Energies | Environmental Commitment

Among our many reports documenting the rather immense value resident in the solid residua arising from our essential use of Coal in the generation of abundant and truly affordable electric power, are several detailing the technologies for utilizing Coal Ash that have been developed by the Wisconsin Electric Power Company, now known as "We Energies":

Wisconsin Energy Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; "Wisconsin Electric Power Company, which does business as We Energies, provides electrical service for over one million customers, primarily located in southeastern and eastern Wisconsin as well as the Upper Peninsula of Michigan".
Those reports have included, for instance:

West Virginia Coal Association | Wisconsin Recovers "Cenospheres" from Coal Fly Ash | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 8,074,804 - Separation of Cenospheres from Fly Ash; 2011; Inventors: Bruce Ramme, et. al., WI; Assignee: Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Milwaukee; Abstract: Methods for increasing the amount of cenospheres in a fly ash sample are disclosed"; and:

West Virginia Coal Association | Wisconsin Cleans Ammonia from Coal Ash | Research & Development;

concerning: "United States Patent 6,755,901 - Ammonia Removal from Fly Ash; 2004; Inventors: Bruce Ramme, WI, et. al.; Assignee: Wisconsin Electric Power Company; Abstract: A method and apparatus for the application of heat to remove ammonia compounds from fly ash, thereby making the fly ash a marketable product is disclosed"; and,"United States Patent 6,945,179 - Ammonia Removal from Fly Ash; 2005;Inventors: Bruce Ramme, WI, et. al., Assignee: Wisconsin Electric Power Company; Abstract: An apparatus for the application of heat to remove ammonia compounds from fly ash is disclosed".

There are more about which we will in the future report; but, herein we wanted to call your attention to the fact, that, in a way similar to our US Government's Federal Highways Administration, the FHWA, as seen in:

West Virginia Coal Association | FHWA Instructs on the Use of Coal Ash in Road Construction | Research & Development; concerning: "Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers; Course No: T06-003; Continuing Education and Development, Inc.; Stony Point, NY; (Reference): Report No. FHWA-IF-03-019; Title: Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers; 2003; American Coal Ash Association; Contract No. DTHF61-02-X-00044; Sponsoring Agency: Federal Highway Administration. Coal fly ash is a coal combustion product that has numerous applications in highway construction. Since the first edition of Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers in 1986, the use of fly ash in highway construction has increased and new applications have been developed"; and:

West Virginia Coal Association | More Coal Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers | Research & Development; concerning: "Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers; Federal Highway Administration Report Number: FHWA-IF-03-019";

Wisconsin Electric Power, aka We Energies, has compiled a "users manual", as it were, for the industrial consumers, and other, potential, customers of their Coal Ash.

As seen in excerpts from the web site accessible via the initial link in this dispatch, which presents the information concerning:

"Coal Combustion Products Utilization Handbook (2nd Edition)

By Bruce Ramme & Mathew Tharaniyil (We Energies)

Copyright 2004

(This book is available for purchase, by the way, both in hard copy and on disk.)

http://www.we-energies.com/environmental/ccp_handbook_preface.pdf; "This second edition of the coal combustion products utilization handbook is developed with the intent of providing practical, technical and regulatory compliance information to the users of We Energies’ coal combustion products. We hope that this book will serve as a ready reference tool for engineers, architects, construction managers and contractors in using We Energies coal combustion products (CCPs) in various construction applications. This handbook contains chapters dedicated to major product categories and their applications.

The information in this handbook will help develop an understanding of the generation, properties, construction applications and performance of CCPs. It also contains sample specifications that can be used as references in developing project specifications that utilize CCPs. A list of references is provided at the end of this handbook for the reader who is looking for a deeper understanding of the material."


1. Background and History of We Energies Coal Combustion Products; "In the early days of the power generation industry, coal combustion products (CCPs) were considered to be a waste material. The properties of these materials were not studied or evaluated seriously and nearly all of the coal combustion products were landfilled. In the course of time, the cementitious and pozzolanic properties of fly ash were recognized and studied by several individuals and institutions. The products were tested to understand their physical properties, chemical properties and suitability as a construction material. During the last few decades these "waste" materials have seen a transformation to the status of “by-products” and more recently “products” that are sought for construction and other applications."

2. CCPs and Electric Power Generation; "The properties of fly ash vary with the type of coal used, grinding equipment, the furnace and the combustion process itself. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) C618-03 “Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete”, classifies fly ash into two categories: Class F and Class C fly ash.

Combustion of bituminous or anthracite coal normally produces Class F (low calcium) fly ash and combustion of lignite or sub-bituminous coal normally produces Class C (high calcium) fly ash."

3. Properties of We Energies Coal Combustion Products

4.1. Concrete and Concrete Masonry Products Containing Fly Ash; "Today, We Energies fly ash and bottom ash are being widely used in the construction industry. Applications range from utilizing fly ash in the manufacture of concrete, concrete products, controlled low strength material (CLSM), liquid waste stabilization, roller-compacted no fines concrete, high volume fly ash concrete, cold in place recycling of asphalt, lightweight aggregate, and in soil stabilization. Of all these applications, the use of fly ash as an important ingredient in the production of concrete is by far the largest application."

4.2. Concrete and Concrete Masonry Products Containing Fly Ash; "Based on the results obtained in this investigation, it is desirable to use significant amounts of Class F fly ash in the manufacture of low-cost HPC (High Performance Concrete) concrete systems for improved long-term performance."

5. Controlled Low-Strength Material (CLSM) Containing Fly Ash

6. Commercial Applications of We Energies Bottom Ash; "We Energies bottom ash can be beneficially utilized in a variety of manufacturing and construction applications. These applications include both
confined and unconfined geotechnical uses, as an ingredient for the production of soil products and as an aggregate for concrete products."

7. Fly Ash Stabilized Cold In-Place Recycled Asphalt Pavements

8. Fly Ash Metal Matrix Composites; "Metal matrix composites (MMCs) are engineered materials formed by the combination of two or more materials, at least one of which is a metal, to obtain enhanced properties. MMCs tend to have higher strength/density and stiffness density ratios, compared to monolithic metals. They also tend to perform better at higher temperatures, compared to polymer matrix composites.

Though MMCs have been in existence since the 1960s, their commercial applications have been limited due to their higher cost and lack of proper understanding. More recently developed MMCs, especially cast aluminum-fly ash composites, have the potential of being cost effective, ultra light composites, with significant applications. Such composites, if properly developed, can be applied for use in automotive components, machine parts and related industries."

9. Environmental Considerations and Regulatory Requirements; "Fly ash and bottom ash consist of residual inorganic components in coal that are not vaporized or emitted as volatile gases when coal is burned. The ash contains other non-combustible constituents that are not inorganic. The most common mineral elements found in coal ash in the form of oxides are primarily silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium and magnesium.

Oxidation takes place in the furnace due to the heat of combustion. Coal ash contains trace quantities (in the parts-per-million/billion range) of other naturally occurring elements in their oxidized form. Coal ash composition and mineralogy, including their trace element contents, vary primarily based on the source of coal and the combustion conditions. The major chemical components of both fly ash and bottom ash obtained from the same plant are essentially the same. However, the availability of minor and trace elements are often quite different between fly ash and bottom ash.

The chemistry of coal ash is very similar to many naturally occurring soils and natural aggregates. The availability of trace elements from all of these materials is directly related to the particle size. Therefore, the leaching potential of fly ash is higher than bottom ash due to the exponentially higher total surface area available in samples of the same mass.

After reviewing research work on the environmental and health risks associated with coal ash utilization, the U.S. EPA has determined that coal ash is nonhazardous.

However, current regulations require protective measures when either fly ash or bottom ash is placed in solid waste disposal sites or other non-contained applications to prevent trace elements from reaching drinking water sources. Fly ash does not possess any threat to people who do not handle dry unprocessed ash for extended hours. Studies have also proved that there are no inhalation risks from manufactured products containing fly ash."

10. Minergy LWA—Structural Masonry and Geotechnical Lightweight Aggregates; "The unique process developed by Wisconsin Electric and its affiliate Minergy Corp. (both companies are subsidiaries of Wisconsin Energy Corporation), in which fly ash, municipal wastewater sludge, and paper mill sludge are
converted to an environmentally inert structural lightweight aggregate for use in the construction market was closed in 2000 thus ending five years of quality lightweight aggregate production.

Wisconsin Electric’s lightweight aggregate plant, which was located in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, started production in 1994 and was the world’s only commercial-scale facility that produced structural-grade lightweight aggregate from coal combustion fly ash and wastewater sludge. The stone-like end product, Minergy LWA(TM), was suitable for use in a broad range of concrete products and geotechnical applications. Minergy LWA was sold to concrete producers throughout the Midwest. It is used to reduce dead loads and improve fire ratings of concrete in numerous construction projects.

For example, past projects include office buildings in the Chicago area; a student commons facility at St. Olaf College in Minnesota; a hospital in Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Michigan Tech University’s Environmental Sciences Building; and in Wisconsin, VA Hospital in Madison, 8th Street Bridge in Sheboygan, and Miller Park, Midwest Express Center and the Hilton Hotel in Milwaukee. Minergy LWA was also used to produce lightweight concrete masonry. Compared to conventional masonry units made with sand and stone, lightweight concrete masonry has higher fire ratings and higher R-values.

Since lightweight concrete masonry is about 20% lighter than conventional masonry, it is easier to install and transport. Many users report fewer back injuries and fewer complaints due to repetitive motion ailments. Lightweight masonry units are slightly more expensive than conventional concrete masonry, but the cost of a typical wall made of lightweight masonry is generally less, due to increased productivity and lower transportation costs. The life cycle costs are less due to energy savings.

Minergy LWA was also used for geotechnical applications. Lightweight backfill reduces the loads on poor sub-soils thus minimizing settlement. Lightweight backfill behind retaining walls exerts lateral pressures that are 3 to 4 times less than conventional sand, stone or clay backfill. Typical backfill projects include highway embankments, bridge abutments, fill for road construction, segmental retaining walls, and lightweight fill for building structures.

Minergy LWA was also used to produce lightweight soils for roof top gardens and parks such as McArthur Square in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin. The thermal resistivity of Minergy LWA was about 4 times higher than sand or stone and is often used to backfill water mains that do not have adequate cover or to insulate other frost susceptible structures. Lightweight aggregate can be used for perimeter insulation for slabs on grade and building foundations.

The Minergy LWA manufacturing process had numerous environmental benefits. Historically, fly ash and sludge were landfilled at a substantial economic and environmental cost. By utilizing recycled ingredients, the Minergy LWA process not only prevents needless land filling but also eliminates the need for raw material extraction.

Unlike conventional lightweight aggregate manufacturing processes that rely on a large amount of energy to power the process, the ash and sludge provided fuel for most of the plant's energy needs - minimizing the need to consume other resources. Since LWA concrete’s R-value (thermal resistivity) is two times higher than normal weight concrete, it can improve the energy efficiency of buildings in which it is applied.

The plant was closed in November 2000 due to competitive pressures for sewage sludge, higher value uses for the fly ash, and to make room for additional generating facilities at the Oak Creek Power Plant."

Appendix B: Radioactivity in Coal and Fly Ash; "Based on the (documented studies and research presented), the radioactivity levels in coal and the slightly enhanced levels in coal ash do not constitute a safety hazard. The levels of radioactivity are within the range found in other natural products. The doses resulting from using the ash in various products are comparable to doses from other human activities and from other natural sources.

These doses from the radionuclides in ash are much less than the (average) received from normal background radiation."


There is, as should be obvious, quite a lot more to it. Our excerpts, of necessity, are exquisitely brief.

And, we remind you that we have previously documented most of the issues covered, as, for one instance, in our report of:

West Virginia Coal Association | Coal Ash and Sewer Sludge to Lightweight Concrete Aggregate | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 5,342,442 - Lightweight Aggregate from Flyash and Sewage Sludge; 1994; Assignee: Wisconsin Electric Power Company; Abstract: A method is shown for producing a lightweight aggregate by treating flyash and sewage sludge";

which would seem to relate to the unfortunately now-defunct "Minergy LWA(TM)" plant noted above, which at one time sold such Coal Ash and Sewer Sludge-based lightweight concrete aggregate "to concrete producers throughout the Midwest".

We find the explanation of why the Minergy plant is no longer in operation actually a little wanting in specifics. But, it could be that there simply are better, more profitable ways of using Coal Ash; and, the making of "low-cost HPC", High Performance Concrete, might well be one.

Our understanding is that We Energies has promulgated a corporate goal of 100% utilization of their Coal Combustion Products, and they might well have achieved it, and then some.

In any case, we have herein yet another compilation of facts, all serving to confirm one key fact:

The solid residua arising from our essential use of Coal in the generation of truly economical electric power is a raw material resource of great, but largely unrecognized and unacknowledged, value.

We can use and consume Coal Ash in a wide variety of construction and civil engineering applications; with such use not only making unnecessary the mining of some natural raw materials, with the environmental disruption that might entail, but also resulting in products that both perform better and cost less.