USDOE 2013 CO2-Free Coal to Liquid Hydrocarbons

United States Patent: 8366902


Although it should by now be self-evident to any of our readers what our thesis herein will be about, we'll let our own United States Government sum it up for us all, in an advance excerpt from the official "Background and Description" segment of the United States Patent we enclose herein, which represents official confirmation, by one technically-astute branch of our US Government, of the validity and practicality of technology established by another technically-astute branch of our US Government:

As in:


"In response to the increasing energy demands and the desire to reduce or eliminate pollutants, new cleaner, energy conversion processes that can utilize biomass, coal, or other solid ... hydrocarbons are being sought. A known process for conversion of these energy resources to cleaner fuels includes synthetic fuels, often referred to as "synfuels," which are made from synthesis gas, often referred to as 'syngas'.


Syngas includes a mixture of varying amounts of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) ... .


Production of synfuels from syngas may be performed using a variety of processes including a Fischer-Tropsch process to convert the carbon monoxide and hydrogen into liquid hydrocarbons ... .


The synfuels produced using the Fischer-Tropsch process may include high purity, low sulfur, fuels, often referred to as "Fischer-Tropsch liquids," which have fewer pollutants than naturally occurring fuels or fuels processed from naturally occurring oil deposits."



In other words, starting with "coal", we can, "using the Fischer-Tropsch process", manufacture liquid "fuels" that are "high purity" and "low sulfur"; fuels which, overall, have and generate "fewer pollutants than" those we have conventionally and traditionally derived "from naturally occurring oil deposits".


And, as we will see herein, one of the "pollutants" we will be making "fewer", or less, of, by using Coal to, through "the Fjscher-Tropsch process", manufacture "liquid hydrocarbons", is Carbon Dioxide.


First, although we've made many reports concerning it, we'll let our USDOE's National Energy Laboratory recap for you what, exactly, "the Fjscher-Tropsch process", as above, is:


NETL: Gasifipedia:


"Liquid transportation hydrocarbon fuels can be produced from syngas via a well-known catalytic chemical reaction called Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis, named after the original German inventors, Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch in the 1920s. During World War II, FT synthesis provided the needed liquid hydrocarbon fuels for the German war effort. Later, facing isolation during the apartheid era, South Africa turned to FT synthesis from coal gasification to supply significant quantities of its hydrocarbon fuel needs. Since then, many refinements and adjustments to the technology have been made, including catalyst development and reactor design.


(The) technology is often referred to as coal-to-liquids (CTL) and (examples) of current operating CTL plants include Sasol's Sasolburg I and II plants ... .


(See, for one example, our report of:


West Virginia Coal Association | US EPA Recommends Coal Liquefaction as a Clean Alternative | Research & Development; concerning: "'Clean Alternative Fuels: Fischer-Tropsch'; United States Environmental Protection Agency; EPA420-F-00-036; March 2002; A Success Story (!) For the past 50 years, Fischer-Tropsch fuels have powered all of South Africa’s vehicles, from buses to trucks to taxicabs. The fuel is primarily supplied by Sasol, a world leader in Fischer-Tropsch technologies. Sasol’s South African facility produces more than 150,000 barrels of high quality fuel from domestic low-grade coal daily".)


Recently, methanol synthesis combined with new methanol-to-gasoline processes have become a competing technology for the traditional FT approach.


(See, for one example, our report of:


West Virginia Coal Association | ExxonMobil "Clean Gasoline from Coal" | Research & Development; concerning: "'Methanol to Gasoline (MTG): Production of Clean Gasoline from Coal; So Advanced, Yet So Simple'; (One) commercially proven alternative for converting coal to gasoline through methanol. ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company’s (EMRE) Methanol-to-Gasoline (MTG) process converts coal to high quality clean gasoline when coupled with commercially proven coal gasification and methanol synthesis technology".)

The Fischer-Tropsch process is a catalytic chemical reaction in which carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) in the syngas are converted into hydrocarbons of various molecular weights."


And, again, the "carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) in the syngas" have been traditionally generated through the gasification of Coal, although, as seen in our reports of:

West Virginia Coal Association | Standard Oil Co-Gasifies Coal & Carbon-Recycling Biomass | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 2,633,416 - Gasification of Carbonaceous Solids; 1953; Assignee: Standard Oil Development Company; Abstract: The present invention relates to the production of gases from non-gaseous carbonaceous materials and, more particularly, to the production of gas mixtures containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen ... from such solid carbonaceous materials as ... various coals (and) cellulosic materials"; and:


West Virginia Coal Association | California Hydrogasifies Coal & Carbon-Recycling Wastes | Research & Development; concerning: "United S Patent 7,500,997 - Steam Pyrolysis ... to Enhance the Hydro-Gasification of Carbonaceous Materials; 2009; Assignee: The Regents of the University of California; Abstract: A process and apparatus for producing a synthesis gas for use as a gaseous fuel or as feed into a Fischer-Tropsch reactor to produce a liquid fuel in a substantially self-sustaining process. (And) wherein the carbonaceous material comprises municipal waste, biomass, wood, coal, or a natural or synthetic polymer";


we can also add renewable organic products and/or wastes to the Coal in such gasification processes, in order to add elements of sustainability and Carbon recycling.


We note, however, that such Coal, and/or Biomass gasification processes typically rely on the partial oxidation of the organic material being gasified to generate at least some of the heat energy needed to drive the process of gasification forward; and, such partial oxidation can result, no matter how well it is controlled, in the co-production of at least some Carbon Dioxide.


Technologies, as we've documented, exist to supply heat from external sources to such gasification processes, in order to reduce the need to oxidize the fuel, thus restricting CO2 formation; but, those techniques involve a higher degree of complexity and greater capital expense.


Further, the Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbon synthesis itself can be expected to co-produce some CO2, although, as we will document in a future dispatch, reaction technologies are being developed to limit the loss of Carbon in a Fischer-Tropsch reaction to such byproduct Carbon Dioxide.


We note, finally, that both the Coal gasification and the Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbon synthesis processes are exothermic in nature; that is, they give off heat energy, with the potential for recovering and using that heat energy.


We remind you, as well, that we have previously reported on the development, by the USDOE, of a technology whereby Carbon Dioxide and Water, H2O, vapor can be reacted together in a sort of reverse fuel cell, a "solid oxide" fuel cell, wherein applied heat energy can be leveraged to generate electricity and effect the electrochemical splitting of the CO2 and H2O into Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen, i.e., more hydrocarbon synthesis gas, and Oxygen.


A few examples of our reportage on that technology include:


West Virginia Coal Association | More USDOE CO2 "Syntrolysis" | Research & Development; concerning

"Co-Electrolysis of Steam and Carbon Dioxide for Production of Syngas; 2007; USDOE; and Ceramatec, Inc., Utah; Abstract: An experimental study has been completed to assess the performance of single-oxide electrolysis cells ... simultaneously electrolyzing steam and carbon dioxide for the direct production of syngas. ... Syngas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, can be used for the production of synthetic liquid fuels via Fischer-Tropsch processes"; and:


West Virginia Coal Association | Utah 2011 CO2 + H2O = Hydrocarbon Syngas | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 8,075,746 - Electrochemical Cell for Production of Synthesis Gas Using Atmospheric Air and Water; 2011; Assignee: Ceramatec, Inc.; Abstract: A method is provided for synthesizing synthesis gas from carbon dioxide obtained from atmospheric air or other available carbon dioxide source and water using a sodium-conducting electrochemical cell. Synthesis gas is also produced by the coelectrolysis of carbon dioxide and steam in a solid oxide fuel cell or solid oxide electrolytic cell. The synthesis gas produced may then be further processed and eventually converted into a liquid fuel suitable for transportation or other applications".


And, herein we learn that our United States Department of Energy has brought all of those technologies together, wherein a process for converting Coal and Biomass into liquid hydrocarbon fuels, through the intermediate production of hydrocarbon synthesis gas, is coupled with solid oxide fuel cell technology that uses the heat energy supplied by the gasification and hydrocarbon synthesis processes to help convert any Carbon Dioxide, which might be co-produced anywhere in the system, into more hydrocarbon synthesis gas.


As seen in excerpts from the initial link in this dispatch to the recently-issued:


"United States Patent 8,366,902 - Methods and Systems for Producing Syngas


Patent US8366902 - Methods and systems for producing syngas - Google Patents


Methods and systems for producing syngas - Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC


Date: February 5, 2013


Inventors: Grant Hawkes, et. al., Idaho


Assignee: Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC, Idaho


(Our Work | Laboratory Management | Idaho National Laboratory | Battelle; "Idaho National Laboratory; U.S. Department of Energy; Managed by: Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC; Battelle, with Babcock & Wilcox, URS Corporation, Electric Power Research Institute, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology as integrated management subcontractors.")


Abstract: Methods and systems are provided for producing syngas utilizing heat from thermochemical conversion of a carbonaceous fuel to support decomposition of at least one of water and carbon dioxide using one or more solid-oxide electrolysis cells. Simultaneous decomposition of carbon dioxide and water or steam by one or more solid-oxide electrolysis cells may be employed to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide. A portion of oxygen produced from at least one of water and carbon dioxide using one or more solid-oxide electrolysis cells is fed at a controlled flow rate in a gasifier or combustor to oxidize the carbonaceous fuel to control the carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide ratio produced.


(As we have noted in several earlier reports, any Oxygen generated by an auxiliary process operating in support of an indirect Coal conversion process can, as above, be utilized to help support the Coal gasification, thus reducing costs and forestalling the wasteful co-production of Nitrogen Oxides, which could occur if air were used as the Oxygen source.)


Government Interests: This invention was made with government support under Contract Number DE-AC07-05ID14517 awarded by the United States Department of Energy. The government has certain rights in the invention.


Claims: A method for forming syngas, comprising: producing heat and a mixed gas comprising carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water and hydrogen by gasifying a carbonaceous fuel; condensing the mixed gas to remove at least one impurity from the mixed gas and to generate a feed stream; after the condensing act, transferring the heat produced by gasifying the carbonaceous fuel to the feed stream to convert at least a portion of the water in the feed stream to steam; introducing the feed stream to at least one solid-oxide electrolysis cell; electrolyzing carbon dioxide and steam in the feed stream in at least one solid-oxide electrolysis cell to produce carbon monoxide, hydrogen and oxygen; and separating the carbon monoxide and hydrogen from the oxygen. 

The method ... further comprising transferring heat from the carbon monoxide, hydrogen and oxygen produced in the at least one solid-oxide electrolysis cell to the feed stream. 

The method ... further comprising contacting the mixed gas with a water stream having a temperature substantially lower than a temperature of the mixed gas to cool the mixed gas. 

The method ... wherein producing heat and a mixed gas comprising carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water and hydrogen by gasifying a carbonaceous fuel comprises gasifying the carbonaceous fuel in the presence of a portion of the oxygen formed by electrolyzing carbon dioxide and steam to control a ratio of carbon monoxide and hydrogen produced by electrolyzing the carbon dioxide and the steam.


(In essence, they're just blending, to control the final composition for various synthesis purposes, the two syngas streams arising from the Coal gasification and CO2-H2O co-electrolysis/thermolysis.)


Background and Field: Embodiments of the present invention relate, generally, to the production of syngas and, more particularly, to methods and systems for producing syngas from a carbonaceous fuel, such as biomass (or) coal ... by utilizing the heat from thermochemical conversion of the carbonaceous fuel to support electrolysis of steam and/or co-electrolysis of steam and carbon dioxide in one or more solid-oxide electrolysis cells. 

As energy consumption in the United States and throughout the world continues to increase, additional methods for environmentally clean energy conversion that can convert biomass, coal, or other solid or nonconventional heavy hydrocarbon energy resources to hydrogen, synthetic fuels and chemicals are desired. Concerns about the increased wastes and pollutants produced by many of the conventional energy conversion processes, and the low efficiencies of such processes, have led to further research for cleaner, more efficient processes. 

In response to the increasing energy demands and the desire to reduce or eliminate pollutants, new cleaner, energy conversion processes that can utilize biomass, coal, or other solid or nonconventional heavy hydrocarbons are being sought. A known process for conversion of these energy resources to cleaner fuels includes synthetic fuels, often referred to as "synfuels," which are made from synthesis gas, often referred to as "syngas." Syngas includes a mixture of varying amounts of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) that may be converted to ... synfuels, methanol or chemicals. Production of synfuels from syngas may be performed using a variety of processes including a Fischer-Tropsch process to convert the carbon monoxide and hydrogen into liquid hydrocarbons ... .

The synfuels produced using the Fischer-Tropsch process may include high purity, low sulfur, fuels, often referred to as "Fischer-Tropsch liquids," which have fewer pollutants than naturally occurring fuels or fuels processed from naturally occurring oil deposits.

Another approach is to convert syngas into methanol, which may be converted to gasoline, olefins, or aromatics. Syngas may be converted to methanol using a copper or zinc catalyst such as a modified ZSM-5 catalyst. 

High temperature solid-oxide fuel cells may be used to produce electricity and water from hydrogen and oxygen (O2). When run in reverse, the solid-oxide fuel cells are called solid-oxide electrolysis cells and are able to electrolytically reduce and split water into hydrogen and oxygen and carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen.

The water may be converted into hydrogen, which may be combined with carbon monoxide to form syngas. In a solid-oxide electrolysis cell, the anode is the reducing gas electrode and the cathode is the oxidant-side electrode. When operated in reverse, as a solid-oxide electrolysis cell, the anode is the oxidant-side electrode and the cathode is the reducing gas electrode.

Furthermore the solid-oxide electrolysis cell may be used to co-electrolyze a mixture of water and carbon dioxide to produce syngas. 

Improvements to systems and processes for producing syngas are continually sought after by various industries. It would be beneficial to develop efficient systems and methods of producing syngas while minimizing carbon emissions.


Summary: Various embodiments of the present invention include methods and systems for producing hydrogen or syngas by employing thermochemical conversion of a carbonaceous fuel to produce heat to support one or more solid-oxide electrolysis cells.

By utilizing heat produced during the thermochemical conversion of the carbonaceous fuel, an external heat source is not needed in the methods and systems.


According to various embodiments, configurations of the systems may utilize one or more solid-oxide electrolysis cells that are integrated with the gasification system to utilize high-temperature energy available from the gasifier to provide part of the energy required to reduce water to hydrogen and oxygen and carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide and oxygen. 

A portion of the oxygen produced by reducing water and carbon dioxide may be directed to the thermochemical conversion of the carbonaceous fuel to control the ratio of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide produced therein.

Additionally, various embodiments may employ a counter-flow heat exchange device, or other suitable heat transfer device, to transfer heat produced during thermochemical partial oxidation of the carbonaceous fuel to water or carbon dioxide for electrolysis. 

The present invention enables the heat produced during the oxidation of the carbonaceous fuel to be used in the production of syngas. Therefore, a means of producing hydrogen as well as syngas in the absence of an external heat source is provided. 

In accordance with one embodiment of the present invention, a method is provided for producing syngas. The method includes thermochemically converting a carbonaceous fuel to produce a heated mixed gas. The heated mixed gas may include water, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Steam may be produced by transferring heat from the heated mixed gas produced by the thermochemical conversion of the carbonaceous fuel. Utilizing the heat from the mixed gases produced by the thermochemical conversion process eliminates the need for an external heat source.

The steam may be introduced to at least one solid-oxide electrolysis cell and may be decomposed to produce hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen produced by electrolysis of steam may be combined with the heated mixed gas from the gasifier to produce additional syngas. 

The thermochemical conversion of the carbonaceous fuel may be performed in the presence of a portion of the oxygen produced by electrolysis of steam to control the ratio of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide in the mixed gas.


By augmenting the thermochemical conversion process using oxygen produced by transferring heat from in the mixed gas produced during thermochemical conversion of the carbonaceous fuel, carbon may be used more efficiently. For examplethe method may involve recirculating a sufficient amount of oxygen produced by the at least one solid-oxide electrolysis cell such that the method is substantially carbon-neutral.

In accordance with another embodiment of the present invention, a method is provided for forming syngas. The method includes producing heat and a mixed gas by gasifying a carbonaceous fuel, such as biomass. The mixed gas may contain, among other constituents, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water, and hydrogen. Impurities may be removed from the mixed gas to generate a feed stream. For example, the removal of impurities from the mixed gas may be performed by employing a quenching process to condense impurities, such as tar and oils, out of the mixed gas. The heat produced by gasifying the carbonaceous fuel may be transferred to the feed stream to convert at least a portion of the water in the feed stream to steam. The steam may be introduced to at least one solid-oxide electrolysis cell. The carbon dioxide and steam in the feed stream may be electrolyzed in the at least one solid-oxide electrolysis cell to produce carbon monoxide, hydrogen and oxygen. The carbon monoxide and hydrogen may be separated from the oxygen to form syngas. By way of non-limiting example, a portion of the hydrogen gas may be used to perform a hydrogen addition reaction to increase the ratio of hydrogen to carbon in a hydrocarbon fuel. A portion of the oxygen may be recirculated to and introduced into the gasifier to control the ratio of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the mixed gas. 

In accordance with a further embodiment of the present invention, a process for forming syngas is provided. The method includes thermochemically converting a carbonaceous fuel to produce heat and a mixed gas. The mixed gas may include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and water. The heat produced by the thermochemical conversion may be transferred to a water stream to produce steam. The steam may be electrolyzed to produce hydrogen and oxygen. Also a portion of the carbon dioxide recovered from the mixed gas may be co-electrolyzed with water to produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The mixed gas may be cooled and water may be removed from the mixed gas to form syngas. 

In accordance with a further embodiment of the present invention, a process for forming syngas is provided. The method includes thermochemically converting a carbonaceous fuel to produce heat and a mixed gas. The mixed gas may include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and water. The heat produced by the thermochemical conversion may be transferred to a water stream to produce steam. The steam may be electrolyzed to produce hydrogen and oxygen. In accordance with this embodiment, oxygen produced from the electrolysis cell may replace oxygen supplied to the process from external sources. At least a portion of the oxygen produced by electrolyzing steam is used to control the amount of oxidation during the thermochemical conversion of the carbonaceous fuel. This controlled oxidation will control the ratio of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide produced when gasifying the carbonaceous fuel.

At least a portion of the carbon dioxide and hydrogen in the mixed gas may be converted to carbon monoxide and water using, for example, a water shift reaction. The mixed gas may be cooled and water may be removed from the mixed gas to form syngas. 

In accordance with yet another embodiment of the present invention, a system is provided for producing syngas. The system includes an apparatus configured to thermochemically convert a carbonaceous fuel into heat and a mixed gas that may include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and water, a heat exchange device configured to transfer the heat produced during the conversion of the carbonaceous fuel to at least one of the carbon dioxide and water and at least one solid-oxide electrolysis cell operably coupled to at least one power source and configured to electrolyze at least one of water and carbon dioxide to form oxygen and at least one of hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

The oxygen may be recirculated to the apparatus so that the ratio of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide in the mixed gas may be controlled. For example, the ratio of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide may be controlled so that the end product includes a desired molar ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide.


Moreover, the location of the system is not dependent on the location of an external heat source.


Various embodiments of the present invention provide methods and systems for forming syngas by combining a thermochemical conversion process of a carbonaceous fuel with an electrolytic process.


As used herein, the term "thermochemical conversion process" means and includes combustion, gasification, or pyrolyzation of the carbonaceous fuel. For convenience, the term "thermochemical conversion process," or grammatical equivalents thereof, is used to collectively refer to a combustion process, a gasification process, or a pyrolyzation process, while the terms "combustion," "gasification," or "pyrolyzation," or grammatical equivalents thereof, are used herein to refer to a specific type of thermochemical conversion process.


The term "electrolytic process" means and includes a high temperature electrolysis or a co-electrolysis process. The term "high temperature electrolysis process" is used to refer to the electrolytic decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen at a temperature above C., while the term "co-electrolysis process" is used to refer to the simultaneous electrolytic decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen and carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen.


Various embodiments of the present invention provide methods and systems for forming syngas by combining a thermochemical conversion process of a carbonaceous fuel with an electrolytic process.


As used herein, the term "thermochemical conversion process" means and includes combustion, gasification, or pyrolyzation of the carbonaceous fuel.


The term "electrolytic process" means and includes a high temperature electrolysis or a co-electrolysis process. The term "high temperature electrolysis process" is used to refer to the electrolytic decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen at a temperature above 500 C, while the term "co-electrolysis process" is used to refer to the simultaneous electrolytic decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen and carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen.

The term "carbonaceous fuel," as used herein, means and includes (for) example ... a biomass source composed primarily of vegetative matter, such as corn stover, wheat straw, barley straw, tree bark, wood waste, cellulose, bagasse, municipal wastes and combinations thereof. Additionally, the carbonaceous fuel may include a fossil fuel.

By way of non-limiting example, the fossil fuel may be coal (and, the) carbonaceous fuel may include combinations of any of the carbon-containing compounds mentioned above.

The syngas produced from the carbonaceous fuel may be converted to synfuel using a process known in the art such as, for example, a Fischer-Tropsch process. 

Hydrogen and/or carbon monoxide produced from high temperature electrolysis of steam or carbon dioxide may be integrated with the thermochemical conversion of a carbonaceous fuel to produce ... syngas.


By utilizing the carbonaceous fuel as a heat source to support the electrolytic process, syngas production may be performed at locations that are remote from an industrial process heat source, such as a nuclear power plant or solar concentrator. Oxygen produced from high temperature electrolysis of steam or carbon dioxide may be used to augment oxygen from an air separation unit or other oxygen enriching process or may replace such devices to produce all of the oxygen required to support production of hydrogen or syngas from a carbonaceous fuel.

The syngas may be fed to an apparatus or reactor suitable for conducting a Fischer-Tropsch process to convert the hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the syngas to a synthetic liquid fuel, or synfuel.


Alternatively, the syngas may be converted to methanol by way of a copper- or zinc-containing catalyst. Methanol may be used to form gasoline and olefins by conventional processing. 

(Embodiments) of the present invention may include a combination of heat exchangers, separation valves and reactors that may be employed in forming syngas while minimizing the release of carbon dioxide.

The methods and systems for producing sygas by incorporating thermochemical conversion of a carbonaceous fuel with the electrolysis process may be configured to be a substantially carbon-neutral process.


As used herein, the term "carbon-neutral" means and includes processing in which ... substantially all of the carbon input is used to form carbon output with substantially no carbon dioxide release.


By completely recycling and co-electrolyzing the carbon dioxide in using the solid-oxide fuel cells to produce syngas for subsequent use in product formation, ... zero total carbon release may be achieved."



The process of our subject herein, "United States Patent 8,366,902 - Methods and Systems for Producing Syngas", using "the simultaneous electrolytic decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen and carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen", in order to supplement the process and the syngas product of the "thermochemical conversion of a carbonaceous fuel", so that "synthetic liquid fuel" can be made via the "Fischer-Tropsch process", can - - since "vegetative matter" and all sorts of other naturally Carbon Dioxide-recycling organic "wastes" can be converted into the hydrocarbon syngas along with the "coal" - - actually be better than just "carbon-neutral".

It could, in that, since it emits no CO2, but, in the form of what we would presume to be photosynthetic "vegetative matter", actually, albeit indirectly, consumes some CO2, in fact be seen as "carbon-negative".


All of that is coupled with the fact that no, or very little, energy from an external source would need to be supplied to the process, since most of that needed energy should be available from the exothermic gasification of the Coal and the biomass.


Seriously: Just how good does it have to get, before we start doing it?


Herein, We the People, through the United States Department of Energy, have come into ownership of a technology whereby, with fuller utilization of the products of our forests and fields, and without contributing to the burden of CO2 in the atmosphere, we can make anything, quite literally anything, we now mortgage our grandchildren's economic future to the alien, inimical nations of OPEC to keep ourselves supplied with in the here and now; a technology that, at it's base, is founded on our most abundant domestic United States of America energy resource:




Isn't it, at the very least, time that We the People, especially those of us resident in US Coal Country, were told, openly and publicly, all about it?