Medicine Bow Fuel is also developing other coal to liquids and diesel facilities in the same area as part of the project as there is an abundance of economically mined low sulphur coal as feedstock. An 11,000 barrel per day (bpd) coal-to-ultra-clean diesel unit has been under development since 2006 and is due to begin producing in fourth quarter of 2010. Construction began in late 2007 and there is an eventual plan to expand to 40,000bpd."
We've noted this project for you previously, and provided you with contact info at DKRW.
Just sending it along to belabor a point: WY lignite compares favorably in BTU/carbon content to stuff we used to discard in WV. If the Medicine Bow plant can process lignite profitably, it could do the same with at least some of our, WV's, old waste piles. Our run-of-mine WV bituminous would be like champagne and caviar to such a unit.
Wyoming, Mike - why not West Virginia?
Our coal is far better suited to the processes of conversion, and we are much, much closer to population centers and markets.