More documentation in support of our thesis that the CO2 generated by coal utilization, whether burning it for power or converting it to liquid fuels, should, and can, be viewed and treated as a valuable raw material for additional, fuel-making processes.
An excerpt:
"Mitsui Chemical Inc. of Japan has decided to begin construction of a pilot plant for continued development of producing methanol from industrial CO2 effluent Due to build starting in October of 2008 with completion next February the plant is expected to go into use in March of 2010, the plant’s annual yield would work out to be the U.S. equivalent of over 33,000 gallons." and photocatalyst produced hydrogen.
And, again, the technology exists, and is being commercialized, by Exxon-Mobil at least, to convert methanol to gasoline. The Japanese effort sounds "small", but it might be appropriately-sized for Mitsui's chemical-production facility. The design could, we suspect, be scaled up.