WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Synfuel - Tennessee Air Gaurd in First Test Flights

An excerpt:
"A C-5 Galaxy, fueled by a 50-50 blend of traditional jet fuel and a synthetic fuel made from coal, took off and landed at Memphis International Airport and performed touch-and-go landings at Millington Regional Jetport...".
Tennessee's Air Guard test flight took place in January of this year - roughly sixty years after West Virginia's own US Senator Jennings Randolph, as we've documented, flew from Morgantown, WV, to Washington, DC, in a small airplane powered by 100% coal-derived liquid fuel - a fuel manufactured in West Virginia University's own laboratories.
We'll note, too, that, as we've also documented, Tennessee is home to Eastman Chemical's Kingsport plant, where they are profitably at work manufacturing useful industrial chemicals - from coal.