WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Venture to Make Algae Fuel From Coal Plant Emissions

We had earlier informed you of this work in Arizona, but herein is more detail.
An excerpt:
"Cambridge, Mass.-based GreenFuel Technologies has also developed a bioreactor that uses power plant pollution to grow algae. The company had to suspend its pilot project with an Arizona utility earlier this year because it grew more algae than it could harvest (Emphasis added. It must work, apparently. - JtM)."
Also mentioned is a similar project in Australia, undertaken by Linc Energy, who, as we've documented, with their partners, are active in coal-to-liquid developments, and who also intend capturing CO2 emissions - not just from coal-fired power plants, but from CTL facilities, as well.
Once more: CO2 should not be seen as a harmful pollutant arising from our use of coal, but instead as a valuable by-product, which we can capture and employ via several processes to achieve some useful and profitable things.