WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Capture CO2 for Fuel Production

Yet another of our prestigious US National Laboratories developing ways to collect Carbon Dioxide from our atmosphere itself - and, one would presume, from the flues of coal-use factories - and then converting the collected CO2 into more liquid fuel.
The excerpts: 

"Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed a process—called Green Freedom—for large-scale production of carbon-neutral, sulfur-free fuels and organic chemicals from air and water. The primary targets for the Green Freedom fuels are vehicles and aircraft."

"Green Freedom consists of two major components: syngas (synthesis gas) production and syngas conversion. The innovation of the new process resides primarily in the method for the production of the syngas; Green Freedom relies on commercially available technology to convert the resulting syngas into product. (i.e., Liquid Fuel)"

"Green Freedom uses a newly-developed electrolytic stripping process that can capture production quantities of air; capture more than 95% of the carbon dioxide on a single pass; and produces hydrogen as a byproduct that reduces supplemental hydrogen production requirements by 33%. (In the article, they explain that the needed supplemental Hydrogen can be easily electrolyzed from water, with pure Oxygen as the by-product, as we've previously suggested)"