WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Sustainable Development with Coal Liquids

We present more documentation attesting to the fact that liquid fuel and electricity can be produced concurrently, at the same facility, from coal; and that such a design results in reduced CO2 emissions, overall, relative to petroleum-based fuels, as well as other efficiencies.
This Princeton study confirms information we earlier sent you from researchers in China.
An excerpt from the linked article: 

"Robert H. Williams and Eric D. Larson

Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University Guyot Hall, Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544-1003, USA.


Direct and indirect liquefaction technologies for making synthetic liquid fuels from coal are compared. It is shown that although direct liquefaction conversion processes might be more energy-efficient, overall system efficiencies for direct and indirect liquefaction are typically comparable if end-use as well as production efficiencies are taken into account. It is shown that some synfuels derived via indirect liquefaction can outperform fuels derived from crude oil with regard to both air-pollutant and greenhouse-gas emissions, but direct liquefaction-derived synfuels cannot. Deployment now of some indirect liquefaction technologies could put coal on a track consistent with later addressing severe climate and other environmental constraints without having to abandon coal for energy, but deploying direct liquefaction technologies cannot. And finally, there are much stronger supporting technological infrastructures for indirect than for direct liquefaction technologies. Prospective costs in China for some indirect liquefaction-derived fuels are developed but not costs for direct liquefaction-based synfuels, because experience with the latter is inadequate for making meaningful cost projections. Especially promising is the outlook for the indirect liquefaction product dimethyl ether, a versatile and clean fuel that could probably be produced in China at costs competitive with crude oil-derived liquid fuels. An important finding is the potential for realizing, in the case of dimethyl ether, significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissionsrelative to crude oil-derived hydrocarbon fuels, even in the absence of an explicit climate change mitigation policy, when this fuel is co-produced with electricity."