WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Alternative Liquid Fuel

We earlier wrote you about the many merits of Dimethyl Ether as an alternative liquid fuel for America's, the world's, transportation "fleet".
Foremost among it's many virtues, from our point of view, is that it can be readily and economically extracted from coal.
It also can, with very, very minimal modifications to engines and fuel supply infrastructure, be used as a direct substitute for gasoline.
Finally, it is a "cleaner" fuel, and it's widespread use would have environmental benefits.
We reproduce the abstract, below, with important highlights: 

"Troy A. Semelsbergera, b, , Rodney L. Borupa and Howard L. Greeneb

aMaterials Science & Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1663, Mail Stop J579, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA

bDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106-7217, USA 


With ever growing concerns on environmental pollution, energy security, and future oil supplies, the global community is seeking non-petroleum based alternative fuels, along with more advanced energy technologies (e.g., fuel cells) to increase the efficiency of energy use. The most promising alternative fuel will be the fuel that has the greatest impact on society. The major impact areas include well-to-wheel greenhouse gas emissions, non-petroleum feed stocks, well-to-wheel efficiencies, fuel versatility, infrastructure, availability, economics, and safety. Compared to some of the other leading alternative fuel candidates (i.e., methane, methanol, ethanol, and Fischer–Tropsch fuels), dimethyl ether appears to have the largest potential impact on society, and should be considered as the fuel of choice for eliminating the dependency on petroleum.

DME can be used as a clean high-efficiency compression ignition fuel with reduced NOx, SOx, and particulate matter, it can be efficiently reformed to hydrogen at low temperatures, and does not have large issues with toxicity, production, infrastructure, and transportation as do various other fuels. The literature relevant to DME use is reviewed and summarized to demonstrate the viability of DME as an alternative fuel."

You will note, above, that DME is said to be preferable even to Fischer-Tropsch (FT) fuels (derived from coal). Perhaps. As we've documented, FT coal fuels themselves offer many advantages over current petroleum liquids. Either way, though, the clear evidence is that we can make liquid fuels that are beneficial both to our economy and to our environment from our abundant reserves of coal.