WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

China, CoalTL, Capitalism

We have detailed China's extraordinary plans to develop an extensive coal-to-liquid conversion industry, to produce liquid fuels, chemical manufacturing raw materials and fertilizers from their vast reserves of coal.
They have undertaken that monumental task with the help of many foreign corporations expert in coal technology, including some from the US, such as Exxon-Mobil and Peabody.
As has been the Chinese practice in other areas of commerce and industry, they have begun to assimilate the technology of coal-to-liquid conversion, perhaps developed it a little further, and are now offering it as a Chinese export to the rest of the world.
Following are some excerpts from the enclosed link:
"Additron Technologies Inc.
Shen Xiang Road, Zhu Jia Jiao Town
Qing Pu Area, Postalcode: 201714
Shanghai, R.O.C"
"Additron Technologies has a developed a proven Coal-to-Liquid (CTL) technology that together with Nano Technology (R), converts low quality lignite coal into ultra clean, environmentally friendly, high-value and low-sulfur synthetic diesel fuel. Our proprietary technology is zero-emission based, wherein all harmful particles and by-products are recycled and rendered harmless."
(China is touting the environmental benefits, no doubt, as a sales point to impress the rest of the ecologically-minded world. It is, nonetheless, true, and a valid sales point. - JtM)

"The middle east has about 685 billion barrels of oil compared with 22 billion barrels in the United states. However, there is enough coal in the United states to produce 964 billion barrels of fuel, according to the pentagon (sic.)."

(Sounds as if they are chiding - justifiably - the US somewhat for not climbing onto this CoalTL train. - JtM)

"Synthetic fuels from coal can be used directly in today’s vehicles, with no need for modification."