WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

China Evaluates US Coal Liquefaction Technologies

China, as you should by now know, is pursuing an assertive coal-to-liquid industrialization program.
We know, as per earlier documentation we've provided you, that they are seeking international patents on a direct coal liquefaction process that seems, to us, very, and uncomfortably, similar to what we know of WVU's West Virginia Process for direct coal liquefaction.
We have also reported, we think more than thoroughly, on the Shell and Texaco energy conversion technologies. Texaco developed coal gasification and liquefaction technologies with the support of the US government; and, Shell has promoted their "MDS", or Middle Distillate Synthesis, technology, wherein liquid fuels can be synthesized from hydrocarbon gas - whether natural gas, or gas derived from petroleum refining or coal gasification. They are, as we've reported, establishing at least one such gas-to-liquid plant in the Middle East - Bahrain, as we recall. Reports of it are extant in the Coal Association R&D archives.
In any case, herein is further, very recent, documentation of the fact that China has seen the value in United States coal conversion technologies, and is assertively moving forward with them.
"Chinese Electronic Periodical Services 
ID 1773576; Texaco和Shell; Comparison between Economics of Texaco and Shell Gasification Technologies in Producing Methanol; Lei Zhang, Li-Ping
October, 2009

Texaco's coal slurry gasification technology and Shell's dry powdered coal gasification technology are the main representatives of the next-generation coal gas fluid-bed gasification techniques. The operating temperature of Shell coal gasification technology is up to 1700℃, making the technology highly adaptable to a variety of coal types. Its carbon conversion rate exceeds 99%. The carbon conversion rate of Texaco's coal gasification technology ranges between 96% and 98%. Producing it of methanol, Shell technology requires 1.25~1.28t of coal, while the Texaco technology requires 1.31~1.4t of coal. The volume of oxygen needed by the Shell gasification technology is 15%~25% lower than that needed by the Texaco technology. The total energy consumption of the Shell technology (including feedstock coal) is 51.981GJ, 11.21GJ less than that of the Texaco technology. However, the Shell coal gasification technology requires higher capital expense. A 60×10^4t/a methanol unit using the Shell technology requires 1.09242 billion Yuan in investment, while a unit of the same size using the Texaco technology will require only 854.44 million Yuan in investment. The overall cost of producing methanol using the Shell technology is 1,373 Yuan per ton, about 7.5% higher than the 1,277 Yuan per ton cost of producing methanol using the Texaco technology. In addition, the stability of the Shell technology is yet to be validated in industrial units, while the Texaco technology has been used in commercial units in China for more than 10 years and its operating stability proves very high. Comparison between the economics of the two technologies show that Shell's coal gasification technology has no advantage over Texaco's coal gasification technology in producing methanol."

And, once they get methanol, from coal, using Texaco technology, they can get gasoline, from that methanol, using ExxonMobil's "MTG"(r) process.

China, aside from attempting to patent WVU's direct coal liquefaction technology to manufacture liquid fuels, will be using US oil company, Texaco, technology, developed, as we've documented, in USDOE research projects, paid for by US taxpayers, to manufacture liquid fuels from coal, as well.

US 1943 CoalTL Research

Enclosed is information on coal liquefaction which might, or might not, have been generated by Texas A&M University, although we have previously documented some of their research into coal liquefaction technology.
Herein, they describe related coal conversion processes that should, by now, if you've followed our posts, be familiar to you. 
The "LTC", or Low-Temperature Carbonization, process is one we've previously described in some detail. One variation of the technology is also called the "Karrick Process", which, if you recall, was invented, patented and reduced to practice by a US Bureau of Mines scientist early in the last century; all as we have documented.
Some of the coal conversion rates Texas A&M reveal might not sound all that efficient. However, if you examine the facts closely, some of what they are describing is the further conversion of residues that result from primary coal liquefaction processes. Genuine potential exists for such processing, as referenced in one of our most recent posts, concerning the fact that carbonaceous coal liquefaction residues produced in New Jersey, by FMC Corporation, were shipped all the way to Spain for further liquefaction, via hydrogenation, in a coal conversion plant operating there.
Brief comment follows:
"Title: Comparison of coal and iron requirements between bituminous coal hydrogenation and low temperature carbonization (L. T. C. ) followed by hydrogenation
Publication Date: April 1943; OSTI ID: 6675914; TOM-237-1104-1111
Technical Report; Research Organization: Unknown Corporate - Texas A&M University
Plants producing 100,000 tons/yr aviation gasoline and 25,000 tons/yr of liquid petroleum gasoline (L.P.G.) by hydrogenation of coal and 100,000 tons/yr of aviation gasoline, 15,000 tons/yr L.P.G., and 912,000 tons/yr of excess L.T.C. coke by L.T.C. followed by hydrogenation of the L.T.C. tar are considered. Specific data are included on L.T.C., specific data for L.T.C. tar hydrogenation, and total coal requirement for L.T.C. of coal and hydrogenation of the L.T.C. tar. Information is also included on hydrogenation of bituminous coal and iron requirements. Three charts show differences between various bituminous coal conversion processes. The iron requirements for L.T.C. and tar hydrogenation was 100,500 tons and for bituminous coal hydrogenation it was 123,300 tons. An input of 1,480,000 tons of L.T.C. coal was calculated. The power coal requirement for L.T.C. and hydrogenation was 1,612,000 tons. The coal requirement for tar hydrogenation was 482,000 tons and 1,130,000 tons for surplus coke and gas. Therefore about 30% of the total coal was used for aviation gasoline and L.P.G. and about 70% for surplus coke and gas."
As we've previously documented: High-quality coke can be generated as a by-product of Karrick/LTC primary coal conversion processes. That coke can be used in it's traditional roles, or, as a high-carbon product, be treated as feed for direct liquefaction processes which utilize hydrogen donor solvents to liquefy and hydrogenate the carbon, and convert it into more liquid hydrocarbons. There are other options, as well, we believe, for it's further conversion.
Surplus gas is also generated, again as we've otherwise documented, and it, too, can be further processed via indirect catalysis into hydrocarbon liquids, employing Fischer-Tropsch-type technologies; or, used, as we've documented to be possible and practical, as, what is referred to by some researchers we've cited, "SNG", or "Substitute Natural Gas".
Of great interest to everyone in US Coal Country, though, should be the date of this research report: 1943.
In 1943, when we were fighting enemies who fueled their militaries, as has been thoroughly documented, with liquid hydrocarbons manufactured from coal, we, too, had figured out how to convert coal into liquid fuels. And, in fact, as we have documented, we actually started doing just that in several places around the nation almost immediately after WWII.
Why, are we not doing it now?
That is a question everyone in US Coal Country, every responsible party in the United States of America, should be demanding an answer to.
Why, they are not demanding that answer is a question we would certainly like to have answered.

Spain Reprocesses US CoalTL Residue


We have provided several reports on FMC Corporation's government-sponsored development of it's "COED" coal conversion technology, at a plant in Princeton, NJ.
We have also documented Spain's establishment of at least one coal liquefaction facility; and, have noted the reported effectiveness of Koppers-Totzek coal gasification technology.
And, we have delivered evidence that the carbonaceous residue left behind by some primary coal liquefaction processes can itself be further processed, to yield even more useful hydrocarbon liquids and gasses.
Herein, it is documented that coal conversion residue, produced in New Jersey during FMC COED coal liquefaction operations, was shipped to Spain for further processing in a Koppers coal gasifier, with a resultant "conversion of the char (COED residue) to gas" of "85 to 90%".
Though not stated, we'll presume the "gas" to be either synthesis gas, or "SNG" - synthetic natural gas, either being suitable for further catalysis and conversion into liquids; or, direct, industrial use as fuel.
"Title: Gasification of COED chars in a Koppers--Totzek gasifier. Final report
Author: Brunsvold, N.J.; Wintrell, R.
Publication Date: July 01, 1978
OSTI ID: 6848258; Report Number: EPRI-AF-615; Technical Report
Research Organization: FMC Corp., Princeton, NJ (USA); Koppers Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, PA
In December 1974, EPRI entered into a contract with the FMC Corporation to demonstrate COED char gasification in a commercial Koppers--Totzek gasifier. The chars were shipped to Spain in early 1975 and the gasification tests conducted at the ENFERSA plant in Puentes de Garcia Rodriguez, Spain in August 1975. The results of these tests on the two chars demonstrated that COED char could be gasified in the Koppers--Totzek gasifiers. The useful gas yield was about 45 MSCF of carbon monoxide plus hydrogen gas per ton of char. The carbon conversion of the char to gas was 85 to 90%. Some problems were encountered with the refractory lining on the plant; however, technology is claimed to be available to enable proper refractory selection for commercial life. On the basis of these results, confidence exists for the design of larger (30 tons per hour), more modern Koppers--Totzek gasifiers based on the gasification of COED char. Prior to these tests (and to other tests on the gasification of Coal Liquefaction Residues reported in EPRI Report AF-233) concern was expressed in several quarters that the residues from partial coal conversion processes, such as pyrolysis or coal liquefaction, might be too inactive to enable their conversion to gas in gasification processes. The results of the tests reported here and in AF-233 show that such residues can be converted to synthesis gas at reasonable oxygen consumptions and carbon conversions. Although the development of pyrolysis processes is still being pursued, they do not appear to be as attractive for most potential applications in the power industry as complete conversion processes for reasons which are given. 200 Pages."
Some passages bear repeating, with emphases added:
"Prior to these tests (and to other tests on the gasification of Coal Liquefaction Residues ...) concern was expressed ... that the residues from partial coal conversion  ... might be too inactive to enable their conversion to gas ... . The results ... show that ... residues can be converted to synthesis gas ... ."
"On the basis of these results, confidence exists for the design of larger (30 tons per hour), more modern Koppers--Totzek gasifiers based on the gasification of COED char."
Sadly, not enough confidence, it seems, or we would now be liquefying coal and gasifying the coal liquefaction residues. But, in New Jersey and Spain, it's been demonstrated that even the carbonaceous residue left behind by primary coal liquefaction processes can itself be processed, recycled, into even more liquid fuel raw material: "synthesis gas".

Sasol Improves Coal Conversion

We're sending the enclosed and following as more evidence that coal-to-liquid transportation fuel technology is not just quite real and being profitably employed; but, as should be the case with any commercial industrial process, it is being continuously improved by it's owners and practitioners, to make it even more efficient, even more profitable.
Herein, with this very recent report, South Africa's Sasol reveal that they have improved their CoalTL technology so that lower-rank, "dirtier" and lower-Btu, coal can be effectively transformed, on a commercial basis, into liquid fuel replacements for the petroleum products we are all, for now, dependent on.
The excerpt, comment appended:
"Production of On-Specification Fuels in Coal-to-Liquid (CTL) Fischer−Tropsch Plants Based on Fixed-Bed Dry Bottom Coal Gasification
Delanie Lamprecht, Reinier Nel and Dieter Leckel
[Unable to display image]Sasol Technology Research and Development, Post Office Box 1, Sasolburg 1947, South Africa
Energy Fuels
Publication Date: November 25, 2009 


The fixed-bed dry bottom (FBDB) gasification technology is ideal for countries with no oil and gas resources but instead have low-rank coals. This technology cannot only provide a secure energy source using high-ash coals but can also in combination with Fischer−Tropsch synthesis be among those technologies able to convert carbonaceous solids to transportation fuels. The integration of refining tar products from FBDB coal gasification with products from the low-temperature Fischer−Tropsch (LTFT) process provides unique opportunities to produce final on-specification fuels."

So, "low-rank" and "high-ash" coals can, through Sasol's coal liquefaction technology, "provide a secure energy source" for those "countries with no oil and gas resources".

A little energy, liquid fuel, security would be kind of nice, wouldn't it?

And, note: It's not just "low-rank coals", a term which could be applied to some older West Virginia coal mine waste accumulations, that can be profitably converted into liquid fuels; but, as we have many times documented, other "carbonaceous solids", as well. Such materials could include, as other researchers we've cited for you have indicated, renewable and carbon-recycling substances as diverse as sawdust and sewer plant sludge


Illinois, Japan, Colorado, USDOE & WVU

The report linked above is technically "dense", and a lot of not-so-obvious information is conveyed within it. We are attempting, through excerpts and comments, to convey it's import; but, it begs reading by qualified parties who could not only make use of the facts, but explain them fully to the rest of us.
There is, though, one conclusion not obviously stated which can be drawn by anyone who has followed our posts, and who might recall one specific bit of information.
First, we have, in earlier reports, documented Japan's expertise in coal liquefaction technologies, starting in WWII when their several coal liquefaction facilities, which were manufacturing liquid fuels for their military, from coal mined in Japan and occupied Korea and China, became strategic targets of Allied bombing due to their importance.
We have also provided information about Japan's "NEDO" - New Energy Development Organization - coal conversion technology developments.
We have, further, previously documented the work undertaken by Southern Illinois University (SIU) in the development of coal conversion and utilization technologies.
Herein, it is revealed that SIU and NEDO have collaborated on the conversion of coal into pipeline-quality natural gas, i.e., methane. There are some interesting observations to be made in the body of this report, leading to some conclusions of, to us, very intriguing import, since one key fact is left unstated.
Comment is interspersed and following:
Edwin J. Hippo and Deepak Tandon
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL 62901  

Shrinking domestic supplies and larger dependence on foreign sources have made an assortment of fossil fuels attractive as possible energy sources. The high sulfur and mineral coals of Illinois would be an ideal candidate as possible gasification feedstock.
(So, "high sulfur and mineral - i.e., high ash - coals (are) "ideal candidate(s) as possible gasification feedstock". To put it plainly: Dirty coal is good for conversion processes.)
Large reserves of coal as fossil fuel source and a projected shortage of natural gas (methane) in the US, have made development of technology for commercial production of high Btu pipeline gases from coal of interest. Several coal gasification processes exist, but incentives remain for the development of processes that would significantly increase efficiency and lower cost. A major problem in coal gasification is the heat
required which make the process energy intensive. Hence, there is a need for an efficient and thermally neutral gasification process.
At the present time, natural gas (methane) reserves are sufficient to meet the demands but projections indicate a dwindling supply in the future. There is a need to develop an economical process for production of methane to ensure a steady supply. Direct methanation of high sulfur and mineral coals would not only utilize this important fossil fuel feedstock but would also be inexpensive as compared to other energy intensive gasification processes. Direct formation of methane in the gasifier would also increase the efficiency of the combined cycle power generation plant over that of an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) process, producing CO and H, only.
(Despite T. Boone Pickens' promotion of natural gas as an energy solution, "projections indicate a dwindling supply". And, "methanation of high sulfur and mineral coals would ... utilize this important fossil fuel ... (and) ...  be inexpensive as compared to other ... processes.")
Catalytic steam methanation of coal is an almost thermoneutral process:
(The conclusion: They know enough about converting coal into methane, by using steam, to state categorically that it is "thermoneutral", and, that means, as we have documented previously from other sources, at least a part of the process of coal conversion is exothermic and can provide some of the energy needed to drive the total process.)
The role of the catalyst in coal and carbon gasification has been to reduce the reaction temperature and increase the rate of reaction. The main objective of these studies has been to improve the production of water gas, producer gas, or hydrogen as sources for ammonia production. Most of these works were carried out at lower pressures and have little qualitative value in assessing the catalytic effects on coal/char gasification for methane production.
(Readers who have followed our posts will recognize the terms "water gas" and "producer gas"; and will know them to be somewhat synonymous with "synthesis gas", produced from coal, which is so named because liquid fuels, higher hydrocarbons, can be "synthesized" from such coal-derived gas.)
...  A majority of the elements in the periodic table have been tested as potential gasification catalysts and a number of leading candidates have been identified. Catalyst that are active at low temperatures would favor the process of direct gasification for methane production, since low temperature and high pressure favors the formation of methane.
Various oxides, halides and carbonates of both alkali and alkaline earth metals, along with transition metals have been surveyed as possible char gasification catalysts. Some of the general conclusions drawn are as follows:
(1) Catalytic effect decreases with increasing temperature;
(2) Catalysts are more effective in gasification processes if steam is present in the gasification gases;
(3) There usually is an optimum catalyst loading, beyond which either negligible or negative effects are observed;
(4) Relative effects of catalysts can differ under different reaction conditions;
(5) Gasification reactivity can be effected significantly by the method /condition of catalyst impregnation; and (6) Catalyst impregnation is more effective than physical mixing with the carbon.
It was the aim of this research to study the catalytic steam gasification of high sulfur, high mineral, agglomerating coals at elevated pressures and lower temperatures for production of methane. 
The ultimate goal of this research was to develop a low temperature sulfur resistant catalyst system that would not only be efficient and economic but would also produce methane in a single step. The single-reaction process would eliminate the cost of separation, compression and recycling of hydrogen gas. 
(The "recycling of hydrogen gas" is important for the hydrogenation, into hydrocarbons, of primarily carbon, i.e., coal, feed.)
Exxon catalytic gasification process produces substitute natural gas (SNG) by catalytic steam gasification of coal. 
(Again: ExxonMobil know how to convert, how to gasify and liquefy, coal.) 

Iron is one of the desired catalysts for steam gasification of coal. The cheap availability of iron and its salts (mainly sulfate) make it even a more promising catalyst than the alkali metals. Commercially, it is one of the best catalysts for about 10 wt.% char conversion. ... Nickel is another good catalyst ... .
(So, like Germany and Japan in WWII, in the Fischer-Tropsch and Bergius coal conversion technologies those Axis powers reduced to practice, these researchers acknowledge the utility of Iron Group metals as catalysts in coal conversion processes.) 

1. Significant amounts of hydrogen can be produced at moderate gasification conditions.
2. Low to negligible CO concentrations and ratios of H,/CO is at synthesis gas stoichiometry.
3. Steam reforming of methane is avoided at 3-6MPa range.
4. The combination of alkali and transition metals gave significant synergistic effects."
We interrupt here because one important point needs to be made, demands emphasis. The "fact left unstated" we alerted you to early on in this report:
These researchers were attempting to avoid "Steam reforming of methane", as in Item 3, above.
Because they were attempting to make a replacement for natural gas, i.e., methane, from coal in this work.
If methane, which can obviously be generated from coal, as herein, is "reformed" with steam, as we have elsewhere documented more than thoroughly to be practical, it forms, as a number of references, easily available via a quick web search will reveal, synthesis gas, "syngas", which, again if you've followed our posts, you know can then be condensed, via catalysis, into liquid hydrocarbons - that is, synthetic petroleum.
We wouldn't want that, would we?
Our conclusion is that these Illinois and Japanese researchers, for whatever suspect reason, didn't.
Coal can be converted into methane, as herein.
And, methane can be converted into liquid hydrocarbons.
As additional testimony to that fact, we present the following link:
"DOE/MC/2 71 1 5 --4010 (DE95000082)
Direct Methane Conversion to Methanol
Annual Report October 1993 -September 1994
Richard D. Noble
John L. Falconer
Work Performed Under Contract No.: DE-FG21-90MC271 15 
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy
Morgantown Energy Technology Center
Morgantown, West Virginia
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado".
(For your convenience/inconvenience, as the case might be, we have attached the complete file.)
So, we know that coal can be converted into methane, as per Southern Illinois University.
We know that methane can be converted into methanol, as per the University of Colorado - as reported to the USDOE in WVU's hometown.
One brief quote: "Results" of converting methane to methanol, using zeolite catalysts "were satisfactory".