WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Pittsburgh Converts Coal Directly into Acetylene

 United States Patent: 4105888


We first remind you of one of our recent reports, accessible via:


West Virginia Coal Association | The Conversion of Coal to Acetylene | Research & Development; and concerning, in part: "United States Patent Application 0110123428 - Method and System for Producing Calcium Carbide; 2011; Inventors: Zhenyu Liu, et. al., China; Abstract: A method and a system for producing calcium carbide, the method including mixing powdery carbon-containing raw material with powdery calcium-containing raw material, and directly heating the mixture by combusting a part of carbon-containing raw material in an oxygen-containing atmosphere to produce calcium carbide. The carbon-containing raw material can be coal (and) the calcium-containing raw material can be calcium carbonate ... . , The present invention relates to a method and a system for producing acetylene stones (i.e., calcium carbide (CaC)), and more specially, to a method and a system for producing calcium carbide by providing heat directly through partial combustion of a powdery carbon-containing raw material and a powdery calcium-containing raw material in an oxygen-containing atmosphere. Acetylene stone, i.e. calcium carbide, is one of the basic materials in the organic synthetic chemistry industry. A series of organic compounds can be synthesized by using the calcium carbide as raw material, to provide source materials for fields such as industry, agriculture, and medicine, and calcium carbide is honored as the mother of organic synthesis before the middle of last century. Hydrolysis of calcium carbide results in acetylene and calcium hydroxide";

WVU March 28, 2013, Economical Harvesting of Flue Gas CO2

United States Patent Application: 0130078172


As we've documented now from numerous impeccable, unimpeachable sources, including, as seen in:


West Virginia Coal Association | USDOE Converts CO2 & H2O into Hydrocarbon Synthesis Gas | Research & Development; concerning: "'High-Temperature Co-Electrolysis of H2O and CO2 for Syngas Production'; 2006; United States Department of Energy; (With) the price of oil currently over $70 / barrel, synthetically-derived hydrocarbon fuels (synfuels) have become economical. ... Synfuels are typically produced from syngas - - hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO) - - using the Fischer-Tropsch process, discovered by Germany before World War II. (An) experimental research project is underway at the INL to investigate the feasibility of producing syngas by simultaneously electrolyzing steam and carbon dioxide (CO2) at high-temperature using solid oxide fuel cell technology. H2O + CO2 = H2 + CO + O2. The syngas can then be used for synthetic fuel production";

Rhode Island Improves Coal Ash for Market

United States Patent: 6136089


As should now be incontrovertible, Coal Ash can serve as a property-enhancing additive - - as a substitute for other fine aggregates which would otherwise, at great expenditure of energy, have to be mined, quarried or dredged, with attendant environmental disruption - - for Portland Cement Concrete.


However, as we've elsewhere earlier discussed, some mandated Coal-fired power plant exhaust treatment processes have resulted in the Ash from such facilities being contaminated with an even higher amount of residual, unburned Carbon than previously; which Carbon interferes with air entrainment additives put into the Concrete mix to improve the cured Concrete's resistance to freeze-thaw cycles.

Columbia University Converts CO2 to Ethylene

United States Patent Application: 0130048506


In a fairly recent dispatch, now accessible via:


West Virginia Coal Association | Ethane Cracker Realities | Research & Development;


we addressed the Wheeling, WV, newspaper article: "Wanted: Ethane Cracker; State leaders pushing for facility during gas industry convention"; wherein it was related that a company was considering the construction of a facility, in the northern panhandle of West Virginia, that would take Ethane from Shale Gas and "crack" that Ethane to form, primarily, "Ethylene", which was somewhat inaccurately said to be "the basis for the plastics industry".


US Government Tells World How To Recycle CO2



This will be an excessively cluttered dispatch, even though there's not really a lot of new ground to cover.


The point of it all is this:


Our very own United States Government, as it is embodied in the United States Department of Defense and more specifically in the United States Navy, knows full well, without doubt or grounded argument to the contrary, that Carbon Dioxide