WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Standard Oil 1952 Coal to Gasoline Emits No CO2

Hydrocarbon synthesis process with two-stage coke gasification

Herein, again from more than half a century ago, we present an indirect Coal liquefaction technology developed by the petroleum industry, which, ultimately, results in the production of "high yields of ... high octane gasoline", with no, or very, very little, Carbon Dioxide being emitted from the process itself.

Though for multiple reasons unable to thoroughly analyze it all for you, we see it as being closely similar to another petroleum industry Coal liquefaction technology that was it's contemporary, and about which we earlier reported, in:

US Government Coal Ash Cement Stronger than Portland Cement

United States Patent: 4256504


Herein, from the United States Department of the Interior, we have further confirmation of the fact that Coal power plant Fly Ash can be utilized as a raw material in the making of Portland-type Cement, and, thus, concrete; a use which, when combined with the potential for using additional Fly Ash in various forms as an aggregate for the concrete, offers an outlet of extraordinary size and volume for the solid by-products arising from our invaluable and essential use of Coal in the generation of electrical power.


We remind you that the Department of the Interior, through their Bureau of Reclamation, has a long history of productively utilizing Coal ash.

Big Oil Prepares to Harvest Carbon Dioxide

United States Patent Application: 0110186441

We remind you that we have, for going on some few years now, been reporting that the petroleum industry knows full well that Carbon Dioxide is a valuable raw material resource that can be converted, through a number of different processes, into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons; that is, into virtually anything we now obtain from natural petroleum sources.

California Converts 87% of Coal to Gasoline and Oil

United States Patent: 4331530

Herein, in a process that requires only moderate, in chemical industry processing terms, temperatures and pressures, California's Occidental Petroleum, aka "Oxy", explains how very nearly 90% of the Carbon in a feed of any type or quality of raw Coal can be converted into Gasoline, and Gasoline blending stock.

Further, any residual, unconverted Carbon is specified by Oxy to then be utilized to help supply the Hydrogen for the hydrogenation and liquefaction of the Coal.

FHWA Instructs on the Use of Coal Ash in Road Construction


We've documented more than once that the United States Federal Highways Administration recommends the use of Coal-fired power plant Fly Ash in certain road construction applications.

An example of our reportage on such issues can be accessed via:

Federal Highway Administration Recommends Fly Ash Concrete | Research & Development; concerning the FHWA's "Infrastructure Materials Group: Fly Ash"; and, wherein we're told, in part, that