WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Pratt & Whitney Gasify Coal with CO2 and H2O

United States Patent: 7402188

In one or two previous reports, such as:

USDOE Evaluates Coal Hydrogasification Processes | Research & Development; concerning: "Analysis of coal hydrogasification processes; 1978; DOE Contract: EF-77-A-01-2565; Research Organization: Bechtel Corp., San Francisco, CA; Abstract: Bechtel Corporation has conducted a program to investigate the operability potential and scaleup feasibility of the Cities Service, Rocketdyne, Pittsburgh Energy Research Center (PERC), and Brookhaven National Laboratory coal hydrogasification processes. ... The hydrogasification stage has a configuration similar to the Rocketdyne reactor assembly";

we've made note of the development of Coal conversion technology by the California aerospace technology firm, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, whose Coal hydrogasifiers are based on rocket engine technology.


USDOE Enables CO2-Recycling Processes

United States Patent: 6603069

In a recent report, we documented research that had been done by the Ohio Coal Research Center, at Ohio University, under contract to the USDOE, directed towards the identification and selection of specific organisms best suited to serve in relatively-compact "bio-reactors"; that is, processing units conjectured to be installed at fossil fuel-based power plants, where they would absorb the exhaust gases and convert, through photosynthesis, the Carbon Dioxide in those gases into compounds of commercial value.

In that report, as accessible via:

Ohio Improves CO2 Bio-Recycling | Research & Development; concerning: "Carbon Dioxide Mitigation Through Controlled Photosynthesis; October, 2000; USDOE Contract Number: FG26-99FT40592";


Japan Improves Synthetic Fuel Catalysis

United States Patent: 6534553

The two, closely-related United States Patents at the core of this report are focused on the disclosure of an improved catalyst and process for reacting Carbon Monoxide with Hydrogen to make synthetic fuels.

The Japanese inventors don't dwell much on the sources of those two gases, but do mention, almost in passing, that: "a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, is produced through ... coal gasification".


Another Energy Bonanza for Coal Country

West Virginia Geothermal Maps: Another Energy Bonanza for WV?

No, West Virginia's new "Energy Bonanza" ain't the heat arising from Coal Country water spigots that can, as seen in:

Fracking the Future; "The concern is this: Because modern fracking involves using millions of gallons of water and hundreds of types of chemicals (many of which are trade secrets) to free up natural gas in underground rock formations, there is the potential for this mixture to leak into drinking water supplies. The practice has garnered headlines in Pennsylvania (since, after fracking, some residents) could light their kitchen sink faucets on fire after gas had migrated into drinking water",


Hydrogen from Wind Power

United States Patent: 7329099

One advance excerpt from the United States Patent we send along in this dispatch should serve as more than sufficient explanation for you as to why we are addressing the invention it discloses:

"Hydrogen can be used to produce methane from coal using known processes".

But, more than that, as in:

WVU Hydrogenates Coal Tar | Research & Development; which concerns: