
King Coal Highway Moving Mingo Forward

By Julia Roberts Goad, Staff Writer

WILLIAMSON — Economic development in Mingo Countyis moving forward, with the development of a $4 billion coal-to-liquids plant,a new high school, and a golf course and a new highway, as the result of postmine land use and private-public partnerships.

The Daily News recently spoke with the Mingo County RedevelopmentAuthority (MCRA) about one of those projects, the King Coal Highway, a four-lane highwaywith partially controlled access between Williamson and Bluefield.

The KCH will run through McDowell, Mercer, Mingo,Wyoming and Wayne Countiesalong currently existing U.S. Route 52. The highway will ultimately coverapproximately 90 miles of southern West  Virginia, opening it up to faster, safertransportation.


Review of Mine Specialty Certifications Commences

Among other changes to WV’s mine safety laws, HB 4351 directs the Board of Miner Training Education and Certification to conduct a review of all applicable training requirements for miner specialty certifications and make recommendations to the Legislature by December 31, 2012.

The Board has partnered with the WVU Mining Extension Service to assist in its review and have jointly developed a proposal to guide this review going forward. A copy of this proposal has been forwarded to our members for review.

A major goal of this effort is to identify ways to improve the quality of state sponsored programs as well as a means or process to maintain the programs in a current state. Mine foreman, assistant mine foreman and apprentice miner programs will be given top priority.

It is envisioned that the Board and WVU will host several focus meetings to receive input and comment from the general mining community. You will be notified when these focus meetings are scheduled and encouraged to participate. If you need more information or have any questions please give WVCA Senior Vice President Chris Hamilton a call at 304.342.4153.

Status Update on FOC Ladies Auxiliary

The Friends of Coal Ladies’ Auxiliary was formed in July 2007, to promote coal and its role in our state and national energy policies. The group is comprised of volunteers without any direct economic ties to coal companies who desire to enhance the image of coal by educating the public and raising awareness of the benefits of coal.

Since inception, they have met monthly and actively strived to increase membership to work in this united cause. They have been successful in establishing additional chapters, as well as, a junior chapter in order to cover a larger geographical area and age group.


Obama Best Described

The following was forwarded by a member with a recommendation that it was quite educational regarding the current President and thought everyone should view:


FOC Auto Fair

The 2012 Friends of Coal Auto Fair is set for July 20 – 22 at the Beckley YMCA Paul Cline Memorial Sports Center.  Saturday Night’s Concert line-up is Ronnie Dunn with special guest James Wesley and is being sponsored by Alpha Natural Resources.  For concert tickets, pre-registration for the car show and vendors, please go to:  http://www.friendsofcoalautofair.com/