This year, the youth groups recycled 11,964 pounds of aluminum and 143,749pounds of paper. They planted 3,280 trees; 1,400 of those were throughthe half-priced seedlings program. The youth groups also cleaned 125miles of roadways, 65 community areas including school campuses, and 11 riversand streams. As a result, they collected 2,699 bags of trash. KeepAmerica Beautiful, Inc. calculates the average weight per bag of trash at 20pounds, which means these youth groups removed 53,980 pounds (27 tons) oflitter in addition to 68 tires. Their total volunteer hours were25,255. The Independent Sector calculates the 2011 value of a voluteerhour at $21.79, meaning the effort put forth by these youth groups are worthmore than $550,300.
As you can see the DEP Youth Environmental Program is a good solid program thatcan always use our support.