WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Oklahoma - Pittsbugh CO2 and Coal Co-Conversion

Method for reducing carbon dioxide emissions and water contamination potential while increasing product yields from carbon gas


First, as indicated by a number of web-based resources, the named inventor, one Paul Ahner, in this United States Patent Application, which discloses a technique wherein Carbon Dioxide can be utilized in a process of Coal gasification, and be converted therein, along with Coal, into a synthesis gas suitable for catalytic condensation into liquid hydrocarbons, was once a resident of Pittsburgh, PA; where he worked, in the employ of the former Gulf Oil Corporation, as a scientist focused on Coal and Carbon conversion technology.

We are, in fact, including, as a postscript, further documentation of Ahner's Coal conversion and Gulf Oil background.

Now living in Oklahoma, Ahner seems to be working as an independent consultant to the petroleum industry.

Exxon Hydrogenates Coal with Methane


United States Patent Application: 0100130803

Without citation, we remind you that we have, in previous reports, documented that Methane can be utilized in some indirect processes of Coal hydrogenation, and the consequent conversion of Coal into more versatile hydrocarbons.

We perceive its role in such reactions with Coal synthesis gas to be similar to the part it plays in reforming reactions with Carbon Dioxide, wherein that accused greenhouse pollutant can be reacted with Methane, with or without the addition of Steam, and converted,  through one of a number of catalytic and energetic processes, into useful hydrocarbons; as we most recently documented in our report of:

United States Patent Application: 0060269471 - "Reforming Hydrocarbons with Carbon Dioxide; November, 2006; Akira Takahashi, et. al., Japan".


Japan CO2 + Methane = Hydrocarbons

United States Patent Application: 0060269471


Since, today, via separate dispatch, we are sending along report of: "United States Patent 4,113,446 - Gasification Process; September, 1978; Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology", wherein it's disclosed that NASA paid MIT to develop an efficient process for the complete conversion of Coal into Methane, using only Water as an additional raw material, we wanted to provide you with further confirmation of the fact, in addition to reports we've sent previously concerning similar work at WVU and Penn State, that Methane, once we have it from whatever source, can be reacted, through "bi-reforming" and/or "tri-reforming" processes, with reclaimed Carbon Dioxide; and, the two reactants made thereby to synthesize higher hydrocarbons.

Herein, from Japan, via the US Patent Office, we submit further demonstration of such Carbon Dioxide and Methane reforming technology.

And, we alert you: There is further, we think significant, revelation, concerning the utility of Carbon Dioxide reforming technology, aside from it's potential for the utilization of Methane, made in the Disclosure.

MIT Hydrogenates Coal with Water for NASA

United States Patent: 4113446

Since, yesterday, we sent you report of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, Thesis: "Synthetic Fuels for Naval Applications Produced Using Shipboard Nuclear Power"; which details how synthetic liquid fuels can be manufactured starting with nothing but Carbon Dioxide and Water, we wanted to send along today revelation of the fact that MIT also knows how to convert Coal into liquid hydrocarbons, again using only Water as the agent of hydrogenation.

The information enclosed herein shouldn't be too surprising, if you have followed our posts thus far.

We have previously reported and documented that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, has been at work developing technologies for the conversion of both Coal and Carbon Dioxide into liquid hydrocarbon, we presume rocket, fuel.

Pittsburgh Pollution-Free Coal Hydrogasification

United States Patent: 3971635

Recently, we provided you with information concerning: ""United States Patent 4,318,712 - Catalytic Coal Gasification Process", which was issued and assigned, in 1982, to Exxon, for a technology which described itself as a "process for the catalytic steam gasification of coal" designed to "promote the reaction of steam (and) carbon dioxide" with Coal; and, with the end product being a fully-hydrogenated hydrocarbon synthesis gas, wherein the "overall cost of the product gas" was "substantially reduced".

Herein, we see that, even a few years earlier, Pittsburgh's own Gulf Oil Corporation, since assimilated into Chevron, had developed it's own, similar, technology for gasifying Coal with Steam; a technique designed to utilize the entire Carbon content of Coal in the production of a fully-hydrogenated synthesis gas suitable in composition for catalytic condensation into liquid hydrocarbons.

And, perhaps as importantly, be alert to the fact, that, as with Exxon's US Patent 4,318,712, inherent in Gulf Oil's Disclosure is further revelation of a fact we have, from many other credible sources, documented: