WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Exxon Exhaust Gas CO2 to Methanol

United States Patent: 6495609

Herein, from ExxonMobil, is explicit statement - which statement is confirmed by our United States Government, as our Government is embodied in the Patent Office - that the Carbon Dioxide in a stream of industrial exhaust gas can be productively reclaimed and recycled for the production of Methanol.

Amoco Liquefies Low-Rank Coal

United States Patent: 5228982

Herein, from Amoco, in Illinois, is more confirmation that Coal can be productively converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.

One statement in the full Disclosure, similar in content to those in other United States Patents we have brought to your attention, jumped out at us:

"Pretreatment of low-rank coals prior to liquefaction is well known in the industry."

In what "industry", and where, in the United States of America, is the "liquefaction" of any coal, much less "of low-rank coals ... well known"?

USDOE Hires Exxon to Improve Low-Rank Coal Liquefaction

United States Patent: 4304655

Herein, we submit even more evidence, in confirmation of other of our reports, documenting that our own United States Government, in it's wisdom, not only actually paid, with our tax money, corporate components of the petroleum industry to develop technologies wherein Coal could be converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels; but, once those Coal conversion technologies were developed, the US Government allowed the oil companies to maintain primary ownership and control of them.

An advance excerpt illustrates that: "The Government of the United States of America has rights in this invention pursuant to Contract No. EF-77-A-01-2893 awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy."

Further, the technology disclosed herein is not just a process whereby Coal can be converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels. It is focused on the conversion of  "lower ranking coals and similar carbonaceous materials"; and, as in other technologies we've documented for you, might thus be applicable both to older accumulations of still-carbonaceous Coal mine wastes and to some Carbon-recycling, renewable materials.

More US Air Force 1965 CO2 Recycling


As now recorded in the West Virginia Coal Association's R&D Blog, as US Air Force 1965 CO2 to Fuel Conversion | Research & Development | News, which details the "Catalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Methane and Water"; the United States Air Force had worked, in the early 1960's, to improve, essentially, the Sabatier technology, wherein Carbon Dioxide is chemically reduced, and made to synthesize, primarily, Methane.

Either water or oxygen, as we read it, depending upon how the balance of the reaction is set up, are generated by the Sabatier reaction as by-products; and, the Air Force, at times, seems to indicate that  those by-products are their main targets.

In fact, the Sabatier reactor aboard the International Space Station is, as we've documented, used for the regeneration of oxygen, with the co-produced Methane being ejected overboard; although, again as we've documented, NASA also plans to use Sabatier technology on the planet Mars to synthesize rocket fuel, via Methane synthesis, from the primarily Carbon Dioxide Martian atmosphere.

Hang on King Coal, CO2 Help Is On the Way

California Recycles CO2 to Methanol | Research & Development | News

We have several times reported on the Carbon conversion genius of the University of Southern California's Nobel Laureate, George Olah. One of our dispatches, as now posted on the West Virginia Coal Association's web site, is linked above. It reveals details of: "Chemical Recycling of Carbon Dioxide; Journal of the American Chemical Society; January, 2009; George Olah, et. al.; University of Southern California; Abstract: (Chemical) recycling of carbon dioxide from natural and industrial sources ... to methanol and dimethyl ether and their varied products can be achieved ... . ... Carbon dioxide thus can be chemically transformed from a detrimental green house gas ... into a valuable, renewable and inexhaustible carbon source ... allowing environmentally neutral use of carbon fuels ... ."

We have also recently reported how, in Iceland, they are now constructing a factory, to be named the "George Olah Plant", which will convert Carbon Dioxide, emitted in hugely generous quantities by one of their many volcanic vents, into liquid hydrocarbon fuels they intend to export to Europe.