WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

WVU & CFFS Support USDOD Coal Liquefaction

Consortium for Fossil Fuel Science (CFFS)


We have previously reported on the Consortium For Fossil Fuel Science, as linked above, it's work on Coal liquefaction and conversion technology, and some of the CoalTL work conducted individually by the universities that compose it: West Virginia University, the University of Kentucky (where the CFFS is headquartered), the University of Pittsburgh, Auburn University, and the University of Utah.


This will be a lengthy dispatch concerning the CFFS, with multiple enclosed links and one attached file, and we apologize for it's ungainly scope.

Czechoslovakia 1940 Coal Liquefaction

Process and apparatus for the hydrogenation of carbonaceous materials


We've previously documented the war-time Coal liquefaction prowess and activities of Germany and Japan, which extended even to their many Asian and European CoalTL installations being designated as specific, and high-priority, targets of strategic bombing by the Allied Command.


As we recorded for you, United States Patents had been issued to German scientists for Coal liquefaction technology just prior to, and even during the initial outbreak of, fighting on the European continent; and, rights to those patents were subsequently consigned to a custodian of alien property, pending resolution of the hostilities.

WV Coal-to-Gasoline Makes Progress

TransGas and SK E&C Team on West Virginia Coal to Ultra-Clean Gasoline Project -- CHARLESTON, W.V., Oct. 28 /PRNewswire/ --


In case you missed this news release, the TransGas, LLC, Coal-to-Gasoline conversion plant, about which we much earlier reported, continues on a path towards actual construction in Mingo County, WV.

Full excerpts from the enclosed link follow our signature, without further comment.

TransGas and SK E&C Team on West Virginia Coal to Ultra-Clean Gasoline Project

US Air Force 1965 CO2 to Fuel Conversion


The document we enclose herein, via the above link and attached file, was, at one time, apparently, as we interpret the various statements within it, classified as "Secret" by our United States Government.

Though it reports work completed by the USAF Wright-Patterson Base in 1965, it wasn't cleared for public distribution until 1972.

Which is sort of odd, since it only, in essence, confirms what the Nobel Committee affirmed 60 years prior, in the award of their 1912 Prize in Chemistry to Paul Sabatier:

More WV Coal-to-Gasoline

Green Car Congress: TransGas and SK EC team on West Virginia coal-to-gasoline project

Enclosed is some additional information on the Mingo County, WV, Coal-to-Gasoline conversion facility, as per our immediately previous dispatch.

Excerpts follow, again without appended comment.

Note, however, that they will, we believe in confirmation of some of our earlier reports about the project, be utilizing ExxonMobil's MTG(r), methanol-to-gasoline, technology,about which we have many times reported, wherein the Coal will be first converted into Methanol; and, the Methanol then converted into Gasoline.