WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Shell Oil 1970 Improved CoalTL

We have previously, on several occasions, documented the Carbon conversion activities of Shell Oil, who are currently, at Bintulu, Malaysia, as we've reported, developing a facility that will convert both natural gas and a synthesis gas, derived from lignite Coal, into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
Like some other Big Oil operators, it now seems, Shell has been at work for a long time on the development of Coal liquefaction and Carbon conversion technologies, and we herein submit a report on one of their achievements, with more to follow.
Again as with some other petroleum companies, Shell's Coal conversion paper trail has turned out to be extended and complicated; presenting a significant challenge to our disabled capacities. We apologize, in advance, for replications and redundancies that might present as we attempt to plow through it all, in as orderly a fashion as we are able to manage.

US CO2 to Methane 1979 Efficiency Improvement


We have several times documented for you the development, by United States Department of Defense contractors United Technologies and Hamilton Standard, of now-patented technologies for the conversion of Carbon Dioxide, as recovered from the atmosphere or ocean water, into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
Included in our reports was even one US Patent, applied for by United Technologies, for a "Fuel Production Ship", wherein CO2 and Hydrogen, with the Hydrogen to be electrolyzed from sea water, would be catalytically combined to produce liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
We note, too, our previous reports, with more to follow, of similar technology being developed by NASA.

Esso 1956 Self-powered Coal + Steam = Hydrogenated Syngas

Since, under separate cover, we are today sending along report of  "United States Patent 5,431,855 - Processes for the Conversion of Methane to Synthesis Gas", wherein it's officially recorded by our government that Carbon Dioxide can be reacted with Methane to generate more complex, and valuable, hydrocarbons, in a process that requires little or no input of externally-supplied energy; we wanted to confirm, yet again, that such energy efficiencies, such "self-powered" potentials, also exist for processes designed to convert our abundant Coal into more valuable hydrocarbons.
Not only that, but: Such self-powered Coal conversion processes can also, again as we have elsewhere documented to be feasible, in combination with internally-generated Steam, create all of the Hydrogen needed for the complete hydrogenation of the Carbon contained in the Coal.
Moreover, Big Oil and our own United States Government, as embodied in the Patent Office, knew all of that to be true more than half a century ago.

England & CO2 + CH4 = Hydrocarbons


Herein, we see that scientists in the United Kingdom claim, and our United States Government agrees, that Carbon Dioxide, as arises in a small way, relative to volcanoes, for instance, from some of our varied and productive uses of Coal, is a valuable raw material resource.
We can make higher hydrocarbons, including liquid fuels, with Carbon Dioxide.
The science disclosed in this United States Patent sounds, to us, very similar to the "tri-reforming" technology explained most recently and, for us, most clearly, by scientists at Penn State University; one of whom, Craig Grimes, as we reported, was quoted as saying, in reference to the mandated geologic sequestration of CO2, primarily to assist in secondary petroleum recovery in leaky West Texas oil fields, that, "Burying CO2 is ridiculous".

Washington, DC, 1923 CoalTL

We've been unable to learn much about the inventor, Titus Ulke, named in this United States Patent, except that he appears to have been something of an itinerant alchemist, or wandering metallurgical genius, who, along his way, authored a surprising number of technical treatises; including, for instance, a book, in 1903, entitled Modern Electrolytic Copper Refining.
Aside from his interests in the refining of metals, Ulke also realized that Coal, too, could be refined; and, in 1923, our United States Government agreed, via issuance of the enclosed and attached US Patent.