WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Mobil Oil 1976 Coal, & CO2, to Gasoline

We submit herein even more evidence that the conglomerate now doing business as ExxonMobil has, as our own Government, demonstrated by issuance of this and related patents, knows full well, in it's possession a veritable treasure chest full of technologies that would enable us to convert, cleanly and efficiently, our abundant domestic Coal into the liquid fuels we now support tyrannical OPEC regimes, and devastate beautiful coastal environments, for the supply of.
We refer often to ExxonMobil's "MTG"(r), methanol-to-gasoline, technology in our posts. In that technology, a "zeolite" catalyst is employed, as we understand it, to convert the liquid fuel Methanol into Gasoline.

USDOE Owns CO2 to Methanol Technology

We might have submitted this revealing bit of information previously. If so, forgive the inconveniences our disabled circumstances create for you, and for others.
Repetition, though, in this case, might be useful, since it paves the way for further documentation attesting to the reality of Carbon Dioxide recycling we intend to provide.
We have previously cited the US DOE's Brookhaven, New York, National Laboratory scientist, Meyer Steinberg, and his colleagues there, Creutz and Fujita, relative to the reality of practical technologies which exist for the recycling of Carbon Dioxide.

Standard Oil 1952 CO2 + CH4 + H2O = Syngas

In our dispatch of 7-16, we documented: "United States Patent 2,526,521 - Production of ... CO and H2", which was awarded in 1950 to Standard Oil, for a process that produced "gas mixtures suitable as feed gases for the catalytic synthesis of normally liquid hydrocarbons" from a blend of Methane, Steam and Carbon Dioxide.
Herein, we find that Standard Oil continued to develop and improve their methods for reacting Carbon Dioxide with Methane and Steam, in order to manufacture liquid hydrocarbon synthesis gas, and were subsequently, in 1952, awarded yet another US Patent for an advanced version of that CO2-recycling technology.

Exxon 1975 Coal Hydrogasification with Methane & Steam

We have been consistently reporting, and documenting, the fact that Methane can be synthesized via both the Sabatier-type recycling of Carbon Dioxide and the hydro-, or steam-, gasification of Coal.
In those reports, we are careful to note that Methane can be of value in several ways:
It can be directly converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
It can be bi-reformed and tri-reformed, as per Penn State University, and others, with more Carbon Dioxide to synthesize higher hydrocarbons.

Esso 1970 CoalTL

As we continue to document for you the chronological development of Coal liquefaction technologies by the companies that became ExxonMobil, we herein submit one, which we might have missed along our way, from 1970.
It is similar to other Coal liquefaction technologies we've reported, in that it bills itself as a multi-stage process. And, it seems to represent something of another reversal, similar to others we've already reported, of the Coal conversion and extraction sequence practiced by the FMC Corporation for the US Government, as we earlier detailed in a series of reports, at the Princeton, NJ, "COED" facility.
There, Coal was subjected to an initial gasification, with the carbonaceous residues then being sent all the way to Spain for further extraction, and direct liquefaction, with the hydrogen-donor solvent, Tetralin. 
Herein, it is seen that Esso first treats the Coal with, as identified in the full Disclosure but not represented in our excerpts, Tetralin; which is itself, we believe, an hydrogenated version of the primary Coal oil, Naphthalene; and then further processes both the dissolved, liquefied Coal and the carbonaceous residue remaining from the initial extraction.