WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Pittsburgh DOE Hydrogenates Coal with Syngas

As we have from time to time reported in our posts, the efficient liquefaction of Coal, into raw materials suitable for refining into hydrocarbon fuels, necessitates the hydrogenation, the "hydrotreating", of primarily carbonaceous compounds derived from Coal.
In direct Coal liquefaction processes, the additional hydrogenation can be accomplished by a Hydrogen donor solvent, as in WVU's "West Virginia Process", which, as we have documented, utilizes the chemical "tetralin" to effect liquefaction and hydrogenation.
Other researchers, working with indirect Coal liquefaction processes, wherein Coal is first converted into a synthesis gas, "syngas", which is subsequently condensed via catalysis into liquid hydrocarbons, have experimented with both steam and additional syngas to effect hydrogenation.
Herein, scientists at the Pittsburgh, PA, Energy Research Center, confirm that additional syngas, combined with steam and specific catalysts, can not only effectively hydrogenate syngas, but can do so more effectively than pure Hydrogen, as could be obtained, at much higher expense, from the electrolysis of water. 

Germany Converts CO2 to Methane

Science Links Japan | Structure and Function of Enzymes Involved in the Methanogenic Pathway Utilizing Carbon Dioxide and Mol.
Although this research was reported in a Japanese science journal, it was accomplished in Germany.
The import of it is, that: German scientists are developing enzymes to facilitate, to reduce the energy costs of, a process for converting Carbon Dioxide into Methane.
Comment follows excerpts from:
"Structure and Function of Enzymes Involved in the Methanogenic Pathway Utilizing Carbon Dioxide and Molecular Hydrogen.
Author(s): S. Shima, et. al.; Max Planck Institute and Philipps Univeristy; Germany
Publication: Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering; 2002

Another USGuv-Owned CoalTL Technology

United States Patent: 4152248
As we have documented, the number of Coal liquefaction and Carbon Dioxide recycling technologies developed for, and, through US patents, owned by, our own Federal Government, or by proxies of our Government, is really quite shocking.
We enclose herein yet another. And, like some documentation we've earlier presented, it validates the truth and existence of viable Coal liquefaction technology not by describing a method for Coal liquefaction, but, by establishing a technology for refining and upgrading, into liquid fuels, of Coal liquids once they are obtained from a primary Coal conversion process.
Without citation, we note that we have reported earlier publications by the inventors, Feder and Rathke, in one or two of our previous dispatches, although we do not know what their institutional affiliations might have been.
However, it is quite clear in the following statement, excerpted from the patent, who it was they were ultimately working for:
"Contractual Origin of Invention: The invention described herein was made in the course of, or under, a contract with the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY."
In any case, comment follows excerpts from:

More CO2 Sequestration Scam

Activity and Extent of Carbon Dioxide and Acetate Utilizing Methanogens in Deep
We have been contending that the enforced geologic sequestration, in old oil fields, of Carbon Dioxide, as arises in a small way, relative to natural sources of emission such as volcanoes and seasonal vegetative rot, from our varied and productive uses of Coal, is nothing but the theft by deceit of a potentially valuable resource.
We have suggested that, after CO2 has been used to force out the last drops of remaining natural petroleum, then it, too, could be pumped back out and converted, by the oil field owner, using variants of the Sabtier or tri-reforming reactions to manufacture Methane; and, the using even more CO2 tri-reformed with that Methane, higher hydrocarbons suitable for refining into liquid fuels.
Their strategy, however, might even be more subtle, more refined.
We earlier documented for you the work of geneticist Craig Venter and his studies of "archeao" bacteria, which are able to metabolize and utilize simple compounds, such as elemental carbon, methane and carbon dioxide, and transform them into higher hydrocarbons.

Morgantown Converts Pittsburgh Coal

Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #6529955
We've earlier documented that a number of Federally-sponsored research efforts, centered on the development of coal liquefaction technologies, that took place around the nation in decades past were managed by, and reported to, the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Mines, later the USDOE, center in Morgantown, WV.
Herein, it's reported that the Morgantown USBM lab undertook some in-house developments of their own, working on the "Synthane" process, about which we've previously reported, wherein a primarily Methane gas is generated from Coal.