WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

CO2 Recycling - Patent Application

Bio-recycling Of Carbon Dioxide Emitted From Power Plants
We remind you of our earlier post, concerning the report: "Structure and Function of Enzymes Involved in the Methanogenic Pathway Utilizing Carbon Dioxide and Molecular Hydrogen", by Shima, et.al., Germany.
Herein, through the link and following excerpt, it is revealed that a US Patent has been applied for, detailing a technology to utilize that "Methanogenic Pathway", and to do so, as we have earlier suggested to be feasible, at the sources of Carbon Dioxide emission; specifically, in this US Patent Application, at power plants utilizing fossil fuel.

China Recycles CO2 with Methane

ScienceDirect - Chemical Engineering Journal : CO2 reforming of CH4 in coke oven gas to syngas over coal char catalyst
This fairly recent report, of developments in China, confirms a couple of facts we've already documented for you, from earlier research and development conducted in the United States and elsewhere in the West.
First, Methane can be obtained in abundance from Coal through processes of gasification, such as occur in Coke ovens.
Second, Carbon Dioxide can be reacted, recycled, with Methane to synthesize higher hydrocarbons of commercial value.
Comment follows excerpts from:

DOW Evaluates CoalTL as Chemical Feed

Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #7299850
Since Coal can, as we have more than thoroughly documented, be converted into liquid and gaseous products that can serve as direct substitutes for our current petroleum-based fuels, our USDOE, as part of their once-extensive, 1970's-era, Coal liquefaction development program, wanted to see if Coal liquids could also serve as replacements for certain petroleum-based chemical manufacturing feed stocks.
To that end, they engaged the services of Dow Chemical to assess that potential of Coal-derived liquids produced by FMC Corporation's "COED" Coal conversion process, about which we have earlier reported.
A report from that project is enclosed via the link; with excerpts following and comment appended:
"Title: Chemicals from coal. Interim report for FMC Corporation COED process, Western KY Syncrude
Author: Peters, B.C.
Date: April, 1977

1970's Coal Liquefaction Using Synthesis Gas

Catalytic Coal Liquefaction Using Synthesis Gas - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development (ACS Publ.
Enclosed are three links and three excerpts which, we think, considered together, illustrate how what should be, what should long ago have been, the shining truth of coal-to-liquid, CTL, fuel potential has been obscured, misdirected and pirated away from those who would most benefit from realization and implementation of CTL's such genuine potential: The citizens of the United States of America.
First up, via the initial link above, we submit a report of research, conducted by what became a part of the USDOE, and which was financed by our US tax dollars, about which we have earlier reported.
Additional links and excerpts, with our comments interspersed, follow:
"Catalytic Liquefaction of Coal
Yuan C. Fu and Rand F. Batchelder
Pittsburgh,PA, Energy Research Center; U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration

USDOE Says Recycle CO2 to CH4

From our own, US Department of Energy, we have further assessment of the potential for actually using the Carbon Dioxide by-product of our Coal use to provide us with a "Sustainable Fossil Fuels Future".
However, it is also further exposure of the CO2 sequestration swindle that is being foisted on the United States Coal Industry and, by extension, on every US citizen who benefits, or might benefit, from the mining and use of Coal.
By promoting the geologic sequestration of CO2, and by revealing the fact that CO2 in such sequestration can, and will, be converted into Methane through the action of methanogenic bacteria, our US Government herein, inadvertently we suspect, exposes the scam.