Coal Ash Makes Ultra High Performance Concrete

United States Patent Application: 0120024196

We've documented for you a number of times, most recently in our report of:

West Virginia Coal Association | Drexel University Formulates Coal Ash "Geopolymer" | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 5,601,643 - Fly Ash Cementitious Material and Method of Making a Product; 1997; Assignees: Drexel University, Philadelphia, and By-Products Development Company, PA; Abstract: Rapid curing, high strength cementitious binder mixtures are provided containing fly ash and an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal silicate binder ... . Any of the binder, mortar and concrete mixtures can be cured under elevated temperatures to yield high strength products";

Africa Synthesizes Plastics from Coal Syngas

United States Patent: 8513463

As we've documented and made reference to many times, as, just for two examples, in our reports of:

West Virginia Coal Association | US EPA Recommends Coal Liquefaction as a Clean Alternative | Research & Development; concerning: "Clean Alternative Fuels: Fischer-Tropsch; United States Environmental Protection Agency; EPA420-F-00-036; March 2002; A Success Story (!) For the past 50 years, Fischer-Tropsch fuels have powered all of South Africa’s vehicles, from buses to trucks to taxicabs. The fuel is primarily supplied by Sasol, a world leader in Fischer-Tropsch technologies. Sasol’s South African facility produces more than 150,000 barrels of high quality fuel from domestic low-grade coal daily.

Germany Improves Coal Conversion To Hydrocarbon Syngas

United States Patent: 8562698

Over the long course of our reportage, we've many times described, made reference to, and documented the now nearly-ancient "Fischer-Tropsch synthesis", wherein a blend of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen, originally stipulated to made by the gasification of Coal, as explained for one example in our report of:

West Virginia Coal Association | WV DuPont 1954 Coal and Steam to Hydrocarbon Syngas | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 2,698,227 - Preparation of Synthesis Gases from Carbonaceous Solids; 1954; Inventor: Luther Peery, et. al., Charleston, WV; Assignee: E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, DE; This invention relates to a process for the preparation of synthesis gases by the partial oxidation of comminuted solid carbonaceous materials, and is more particularly directed to the preparation of hydrogen, gaseous mixtures containing ... hydrogen and carbon monoxide by the partial oxidation of powdered coal";

Massachusetts Recovers Rare Earth Metals from Coal Ash

United States Patent Application: 0130287653

As we've documented many times, as in, for just several examples:

West Virginia Coal Association | Coal Ash a Superior Source of High-Tech Metal | Research & Development; concerning: "'Extraction of Germanium and Gallium from Coal Fly Ash'; Technical Report BM-RI-6940; OSTI ID: 7342110; April, 1966; R.F. Waters, et. al.; Bureau of Mines, Rolla, MO. Rolla Metallurgy Research Center"; and:

WVU Says Oil From Coal Could Sustain Us For 1,000 Years

Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information - - Document #1029975

We are including a number of different links to the United States Department of Energy report, authored by West Virginia University, which is the subject of this dispatch. All of them, at the time of this transmission, function, and should get you to the core document.

We are compelled to do so since the US Government's electronic libraries of documents related to energy issues has been, from our outside perspective, undergoing significant change and revision over the past few years, especially in recent months; and we here are determined to make certain the information we present remains accessible to our addressees, and to our readers on the West Virginia Coal Association web site.