WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

C02 Reduction to Fuel

We have rather extensively documented the potential of collecting and processing the Carbon Dioxide that arises from our use of coal, and other industrial processes, and using the reduction products to manufacture more liquid fuel and useful organic chemicals.
The science is even more advanced than we had previously indicated. And, processes are being developed that would reduce the energy inputs required to transmute CO2 into useful hydrocarbons - such as gasoline.
Into additional evidence of that fact, we submit the attached article.
The excerpt, with comment following:
"It has been shown that CO2 could be transformed into hydrocarbons when it is in contact with water vapour and catalysts under UV irradiation. This paper presents an experimental set-up to study the process employing a new approach of heterogeneous photocatalysis using pellet form of catalyst instead of immobilized catalysts on solid substrates. In the experiment, CO22 pellets and illuminated by various UV lamps of different wavelengths for 48 h continuously. The gaseous products extracted were identified using gas chromatography. The results confirmed that CO2 could be reformed in the presence of water vapour and TiO2 pellets into CH4 under continuous UV irradiation at room conditions. It showed that when UVC (253.7 nm) light was used, total yield of methane was approximately 200 ppm which was a fairly good reduction yield as compared to those obtained from the processes using immobilized catalysts through thin-film technique and anchoring method. CO and H2 were also detected. Switching from UVC to UVA (365 nm) resulted in significant decrease in the product yields. The pellet form of catalyst has been found to be attractive for use in further research on photocatalytic reduction (of Carbon Dioxide)..." mixed with water vapour in saturation state was discharged into a quartz reactor containing porous TiO
In other words, as we've been saying, CO2 can be transformed, when combined with water (to get the needed Hydrogen), into "hydrocarbons", and, just like green plants, we can effect the transmutation using the economical power of light (i.e. "UV irradiation" - JtM).
Carbon Dioxide arising from our use of coal is not a pollutant. It is a raw material resource.

Coal Liquid - Low CO2

The abstract is sparse, and the authors reference what we contend is outdated thinking about CO2 - i.e., "underground storage". But, the article is more evidence that liquid fuel and electrical power can be produced from coal, at the same time, in the same facility, with resultant economic and environmental benefits.
Excerpts as follows:

Fuat Celik, Eric D. Larson and Robert H. Williams

Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 08544 USA


We present energy and carbon balances and cost estimates based on detailed Aspen Plus process simulations for five plant designs to co-produce dimethyl ether (DME) and electricity from coal. Four of the designs include capture of CO2 for long-term underground storage. We also illustrate the potential DME offers for reducing emissions by facilitating a shift to more energy-efficient vehicles."

Gasification Technology

Herein more evidence that, not only can we convert our coal into liquid fuels, but that we can do so in economically and environmentally sound ways.
The excerpt:
"Gary J. Stiegela, Corresponding Author Contact Information and Russell C. Maxwellb

a US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, PO Box 10940, Pittsburgh, PA 15236, USA

b Parsons Infrastructure and Technology Group, PO Box 18288, Pittsburgh, PA 15236, USA


The gasification of carbon-based solid (i.e., coal - JtM) and liquid materials has been around for nearly two hundred years and was used extensively for the production of town gas in the latter part of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Although this application has all but vanished, other applications have evolved, thus continuing gasification's important role as a commercial technology. Numerous advancements have been made since its introduction, leading to a more cost-competitive, thermally efficient, and environmentally friendly technology. However, as deregulation of the power industry continues and as increased environmental pressures are placed on industry, opportunities for further technological advances and expanded applications to meet these challenges will be created. In addition, these changes will likely restructure the technology and ownership objectives, placing premiums on efficiency, environmental acceptability, and the ability to utilize multiple feedstocks and produce multiple products. In the twentieth century, gasification will be the heart of a new generation of energy plants, possessing both feedstock and product flexibility, near-zero emission of pollutants, high thermal efficiency and capture of carbon dioxide, and low feedstock and operating and maintenance (O&M) costs."

So, let's recap the highlights: Gasification of coal, for liquid fuel manufacture and other useful purposes, is "cost-competitive, ... efficient, and environmentally friendly" with "near-zero ... pollutants".

Indirect Coal Liquefaction

We submit the attached, very recent, article not only as further evidence that the technology to convert coal into liquid fuel is well-known and established, but that some ignorance concerning the facts, even among those somewhat educated about it, still exists.
Specifically, the researchers make the seemingly-required intellectual obeisant gesture to the false demon of Carbon Dioxide by noting, almost as an aside, that the gas should be captured and stored.
It should be captured and used.
However, they do note, importantly, that coal gasification can lead to multiple income streams.
The excerpts. without further comment:
""Synthetic Fuel Production By Indirect Coal Liquefaction"  

Eric D. Larson(a) and Ren Tingjin(b)

a Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University Guyot Hall, Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544-1003, USA.

b Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China

This paper reports detailed process designs and cost assessments for production of clean liquid fuels (methanol and dimethyl ether) by indirect coal liquefaction (ICL). Gasification of coal produces a synthesis gas that can be converted to liquid fuel by synthesis over appropriate catalysts. Recycling of unconverted synthesis gas back to the synthesis reactor enables a larger fraction of the coal energy to be converted to liquid fuel. Passing synthesis gas once over the synthesis catalyst, with unconverted synthesis gas used to generate electricity in a gas turbine combined cycle, leads to less liquid fuel production, but provides for a significant second revenue stream from sale of electricity. Recently-developed liquid-phase synthesis reactors are especially attractive for “once-through” processing. Both “recycle” and “once-through” plant configurations are evaluated in this paper. Because synthesis catalysts are poisoned by sulfur, essentially all sulfur must be removed upstream. Upstream removal of CO2 from the synthesis gas is also desirable to maximize synthesis productivity, and it provides an opportunity for partial decarbonization of the process, whereby the removed CO2 can be captured for underground storage. The analysis here suggests that co-capture and co-storage of CO2 and H2S (if this is proven technically feasible) could have important favorable impacts in some cases on liquid fuel production costs. Furthermore, the life-cycle CO2 emissions from production and use of fuels made by ICL would be lower than with production and use of petroleum-derived transportation fuels. If CO2 is not captured at ICL facilities, lifecycle CO2 emissions to the atmosphere would be considerably higher than lifecycle emissions with petroleum-derived fuels."

Alternative Liquid Fuel

We earlier wrote you about the many merits of Dimethyl Ether as an alternative liquid fuel for America's, the world's, transportation "fleet".
Foremost among it's many virtues, from our point of view, is that it can be readily and economically extracted from coal.
It also can, with very, very minimal modifications to engines and fuel supply infrastructure, be used as a direct substitute for gasoline.
Finally, it is a "cleaner" fuel, and it's widespread use would have environmental benefits.
We reproduce the abstract, below, with important highlights: 

"Troy A. Semelsbergera, b, , Rodney L. Borupa and Howard L. Greeneb

aMaterials Science & Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1663, Mail Stop J579, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA

bDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106-7217, USA 


With ever growing concerns on environmental pollution, energy security, and future oil supplies, the global community is seeking non-petroleum based alternative fuels, along with more advanced energy technologies (e.g., fuel cells) to increase the efficiency of energy use. The most promising alternative fuel will be the fuel that has the greatest impact on society. The major impact areas include well-to-wheel greenhouse gas emissions, non-petroleum feed stocks, well-to-wheel efficiencies, fuel versatility, infrastructure, availability, economics, and safety. Compared to some of the other leading alternative fuel candidates (i.e., methane, methanol, ethanol, and Fischer–Tropsch fuels), dimethyl ether appears to have the largest potential impact on society, and should be considered as the fuel of choice for eliminating the dependency on petroleum.

DME can be used as a clean high-efficiency compression ignition fuel with reduced NOx, SOx, and particulate matter, it can be efficiently reformed to hydrogen at low temperatures, and does not have large issues with toxicity, production, infrastructure, and transportation as do various other fuels. The literature relevant to DME use is reviewed and summarized to demonstrate the viability of DME as an alternative fuel."

You will note, above, that DME is said to be preferable even to Fischer-Tropsch (FT) fuels (derived from coal). Perhaps. As we've documented, FT coal fuels themselves offer many advantages over current petroleum liquids. Either way, though, the clear evidence is that we can make liquid fuels that are beneficial both to our economy and to our environment from our abundant reserves of coal.