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Connecticut Recycles CO2 into Hydrocarbons

Cooling Down Global Warming | UConn Today 

As a change of pace from our relentless barrage of impeccable and precise United States Patents, although we have mined a few and will get to them shortly, documenting the true facts concerning how Carbon Dioxide, a valuable raw material resource, can be harvested on a practical basis and then be efficiently converted into an array of needed organic chemical products, including hydrocarbon fuels, we open herein with an off-the-top-lightly bit of reportage.

The University of Connecticut's campus newspaper, UConn Today, introduces us to technology being developed at and by the University of Connecticut, and one of their business incubator spin-offs; technology that enables, as many others we have already documented for you do, the profitable utilization of Carbon Dioxide - - as is co-produced in only a very small way, relative to natural sources of emission, such as volcanoes and geothermal vents, from our essential use of Coal in the generation of truly economical electric power - - as a raw material in the synthesis of hydrocarbons.

Coal-Based Oil Makes 20% Profit at $65 per Barrel


We'll get right to the point:

Our United States Department of Energy demonstrated that, based on economic conditions in 2006, a Coal conversion facility using an indirect, Fischer-Tropsch process to convert high-Sulfur mid-west bituminous Coal into both low-Sulfur Diesel fuel and a Gasoline feedstock, both suitable for processing in a standard petroleum refinery, could make a profit of 20% with a crude oil market price of $65 per barrel and a cost of Coal, delivered, of $38 per ton.

States Regulate Use of Coal Ash


As now accessible via:

West Virginia Coal Association | State Governments Specify Use of Coal Ash | Research & Development;

we previously made report of:

"Engineering and Environmental Specifications of State Agencies for Utilization and Disposal of Coal Combustion Products: Volume 1 – DOT Specifications; 2005; University of North Dakota; Energy & Environmental Research Center; DOE Award Number: DE-FC26-98FT40028; The objective of this report is twofold. The first is to present a state-by-state comparison of U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) specifications governing the use of coal combustion products. The second goal is to establish a comparison of state environmental laws and regulations as they pertain to utilization and/or disposal".

Israel and Australia Convert CO2 into Fuel

Israeli technology turns gree... JPost - Environment & Technology

We had been preparing a report on the Carbon Dioxide recycling technology and business developments we bring to your attention herein, but a timely story appearing just today in Israel's Jerusalem Post motivated us to hurry it along.

First, an excerpt from the initial link in this dispatch to, with additional links and excerpts following:

"Israeli Technology Turns Greenhouse Gas Into Fuel

Jerusalem Post; 06/08/2012

Technology developed by head of the Weizmann Institute of Science’s Energy Center creates mixture that can be used for car fuel.

Pittsburgh 1941 Improvements in Coal Syngas Processing

Process for the manufacture of hydrocarbons from carbon monoxide and hydrogen

We've made many reports concerning the Carbon conversion expertise developed and patented by the former, German-owned but Pittsburgh-based, Koppers Company.

We note, without reciting the full genealogy, that Koppers, ultimately, became a part of Krupp-Koppers, who were later, after having been acquired by Thyssen to become ThyssenKrupp, assimilated into the German conglomerate "Uhde Gmbh" - if we understand it all correctly.

While they were with us, though, as we've previously documented, Koppers did a lot of interesting things with Coal, and with the derivative products of Coal.