WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

1941 Coal Fly Ash & Coal Boiler Slag Concrete

We've many times documented that the solid residua resulting from our essential use of Coal in the generation pf genuinely economical electric power is a valuable raw material mineral resource; one which can be productively utilized and consumed in multiple ways in the making of Portland-type Cement, PC, and Portland Cement Concrete, PCC.
Such use of Coal Combustion Products, CCP's, can actually enhance and improve the physical properties of the cured concrete, while at the same time reducing the need to extract virgin resources, thus saving money and helping to preserve some segments of the natural environment.
Although, as we've documented, for one instance, in:

Switzerland & Chicago Photo-Convert CO2 into Methane

We have no idea how we can adequately preface or introduce the technical process we bring to your attention in this dispatch.
What the contemplation of it implies, with direct and inescapable inference to be drawn about how all of us have been misled and misinformed over the past quarter century, quite literally duped: concerning the true nature and value of Carbon Dioxide, which CO2 now-suspect interests have been using to bash our vital Coal-use industries over the head with for the past few decades; and, about the dwindling nature and growing scarcity of hydrocarbon resources; is, simply, staggering.
Over the past few years, we have documented for you, as, for just two instances, in:
West Virginia Coal Association | Pittsburgh USDOE Converts CO2 to Methane & Methanol | Research & Development; concerning: "Visible Light Photoreduction of CO2; 2009; National Energy Technology Laboratory, USDOE, Pittsburgh, PA; Abstract: A series of ... Titanium Dioxide (catalysts) have been synthesized, characterized, and tested for the photocatalytic reduction of CO2 in the presence of H2O. Our results show that these ... materials are capable of catalyzing the photoreduction of CO2 using visible light illumination ... . The ... analysis shows that the primary reaction product is CH4"; and:

Conoco 1985 Coal to Gasoline & Methanol

A few years ago now, in the midst of the long course of our reportage documenting the plain fact, that, our abundant domestic Coal can, cleanly and efficiently, be converted into anything we now allow our nation's economy and our US citizens' personal prosperities to be sacrificed on the altars of OPEC and Big Oil for the supply of, we likened the fact that Coal can, plainly and now irrefutably, be profitably converted into Gasoline, to an elephant squatting in the middle of our living room floor.
It's there, and no genuinely honest or sane person can deny that it's there. But, apparently, no one, not even anyone in US Coal Country, wants to openly admit that it's there and then have to feel compelled to get off their cans, get up and out of their cushy chairs, and do something about it.

State Governments Specify Use of Coal Ash

As we've documented, our United States Government, through the Federal Highways Administration, has recommended and specified the use of Coal Ash in various applications, including the making of cement and concrete, related to highway construction and road repair.
More can be learned via, for one example, our report of:

"Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers; Course No: T06-003; Continuing Education and Development, Inc.; Stony Point, NY 10980; (Reference): Report No. FHWA-IF-03-019; Title: Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers; 2003; American Coal Ash Association; Contract No. DTHF61-02-X-00044; Sponsoring Agency: Federal Highway Administration. Coal fly ash is a coal combustion product that has numerous applications in highway construction (including): Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete; in Stabilized Base Course; in Flowable Fill; in Structural Fills/Embankments (and) in Soil Improvements".

US Navy Reclaims CO2 for Hydrocarbon Synthesis

As is now incontrovertible, our United States Navy, and other components of our United States defense establishment, have in hand multiple technologies which enable the productive recycling of Carbon Dioxide in the synthesis of liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
In testament of that fact, we refer you, for just two examples, to our reports of:
"US Patent 7,420,004 - Producing Synthetic Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels; 2008; Assignee: The USA, as represented by the Secretary of the Navy; Abstract: A process for producing synthetic hydrocarbons that reacts carbon dioxide, obtained from seawater or air, and hydrogen obtained from water, with a catalyst in a chemical process such as reverse water gas shift combined with Fischer Tropsch synthesis. The hydrogen is produced by nuclear reactor electricity, nuclear waste heat conversion, ocean thermal energy conversion, or any other source that is fossil fuel-free, such as wind or wave energy. The process can be either land based or sea based";