WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Princeton Recycles CO2 with US Government Support

United States Patent Application: 0100187123

We've earlier made reference to the Carbon conversion expertise being established at Princeton University, especially through the work there of scientists Andrew Bocarsly and Emily Barton Cole.

We have also, we believe, documented that Bocarsly's and Cole's research has been sponsored, at least in part, by components of the United States Government.

Herein, we see that, less than one year ago, their work resulted in application for a United States Patent on the technology they have developed, which enables the conversion of Carbon Dioxide, reclaimed from whatever source, into a variety of products, including, as they specify, the alcohols Methanol and Ethanol.

Texaco Coal Hydrogenation Generates Own Hydrogen

United States Patent: 4523986

From the old Texaco Corporation, now a component of Chevron, we have herein more evidence of the extensive body of Coal conversion technology Texaco had, over the course of decades, developed; and, even more confirmation of the fact that any Hydrogen, which might be needed for the complete hydrogenation of Coal and the conversion of the Carbon in Coal, in order to synthesize versatile and valuable hydrocarbons, can be generated as one integral function within a total Coal conversion process.

And, in confirmation of other, earlier reports we've made, the Hydrogen can be generated as a co-product in the further processing of still-carbonaceous residues left by an initial conversion of raw Coal.

Solar Power Converts CO2, H2O and Coal to Hydrocarbon Syngas

United States Patent: 4177120

We have previously documented the fact, as can be confirmed in our report:

Standard Oil Carbon Monoxide + Water = Gasoline | Research & Development | News; that,

Carbon Monoxide, once we have it, can be made to react with plain old Water, and, through such reaction, converted into useful and needed hydrocarbon compounds - such as Gasoline, for example, as is specifically identified in that Standard Oil process.


USDOE Pays for Two-Stage Coal Liquefaction

United States Patent: 4491511

We remind you of our earlier reports concerning the USDOE-funded Allentown, PA, Coal liquefaction facility, a pilot plant operated by a small consortium of companies, with Pennsylvania's Air Products and Chemicals Company playing an apparently predominant role.

Most recently, in: USDOE Funds Pennsylvania Coal Liquefaction | Research & Development | News; we reported details of: "United States Patent: 4376032 - Coal Liquefaction Desulfurization Process; 1983;  Assignee: International Coal Refining Company (ICR), Allentown".


Pittsburgh USDOE Photo-Converts Methane to Methanol

United States Patent: 5720858

What should be of exceptional interest in this United States Patent, as linked above, the rights to which all of us US citizens, in theory, whether or not anyone wants us to know it, own, is, that, in addition to synthesizing the valuable liquid fuel, and, as in ExxonMobil's "MTG"(r) technology, Gasoline raw material, Methanol, from Methane gas, we can, as a co-product, also generate useful quantities of elemental Hydrogen.