WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

England Improves Coal Liquid Hydrogenation with Formic Acid

United States Patent: 4313852

As in, for just one example, our recent dispatch, now posted on the West Virginia Coal Association's web site as:Princeton Recycles CO2 with US Government Support | Research & Development | News; we have previously documented the fact that Carbon Dioxide can be productively reclaimed, and then recycled in the synthesis of various useful materials, including, among others, as in the Princeton technology, Formic Acid.

Herein, in confirmation of one or two other of our earlier reports, we wanted to again confirm that such Formic Acid, aside from it's other uses, such as in fuel cell batteries, can be utilized as a Hydrogen donor, or Hydrogen transfer agent, in the hydrogenation and liquefaction of Coal.


Princeton Seeks World CO2 Recycling Patent


As seen in: Princeton Recycles CO2 with US Government Support | Research & Development | News; we recently made report that Princeton University had applied for a United States Patent on a Carbon Dioxide recycling process developed by their scientists, Andrew Bocarsly and Emily Barton Cole.

Via disclosure of that invention, United States Patent Application: 0100187123 - "Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Organic Products", we learned that the United States Government, through Natural Science Foundation Grant No. CHE-0606475, had financed Princeton's development of a technology which, using Carbon Dioxide recovered from whatever source, could, "under very mild condition", and by using only "a minimum of energy", convert a water solution of CO2 into useful products such as "methanol, isopropanol, formic acid, formaldehyde, glyoxal or ethanol".


British Petroleum Improves Coal Hydrogen

United States Patent: 4495306

The United States Patent we report herein requires a careful read to ascertain what it is really all about.

Simply put, it discloses methods both to prepare a Coal hydrogenation catalyst, and, to utilize that catalyst in the conversion of Coal into both liquid hydrocarbons and more Coal hydrogenation catalyst.


Southern California Recycles More CO2

California Patents CO2 Recycling | Research & Development | News

A little more than a year ago, we sent you report, as accessible via the above link to the West Virginia Coal Association's web site, of  United States Patent 7,608,743, for the "Efficient and Selective Chemical Recycling of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol, Dimethyl Ether and Derived Products", which was awarded to the University of Southern California's Nobel Laureate, George Olah, and, his colleague there, Surya Prakash.

Due whether to a "glitch" at the United States Patent and Trademark Office's web site, at that time, or to our own varied insufficiencies and limitations, we were unable to provide you with a link directly to, or excerpts taken directly from, the USPTO's own record of USP 7,608,743.


More Texaco Carbon-Recycling Methane from Coal

United States Patent: 3888043

As seen in: Texaco 1975 Methane from Coal | Research & Development | News; wherein is detailed:

"United States Patent 3,922,148 - Production of a Methane-rich Gas; 1975; Inventor: Edward Child, NY;

Assignee: Texaco Development Corporation; Abstract: This is an improved continuous process for producing a clean methane-rich gas stream (from) hydrocarbonaceous feedstock (which can include a) slurry of particulate carbon";