WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Texaco Improves Coal Liquefaction Solvent

United States Patent: 4476009


Herein we see that Texaco, prior to their acquisition by Chevron, continued to develop Coal conversion and liquefaction technologies, as per a number of our previous reports, into the 1980's.

Perhaps of interest in this example is further confirmation of the fact that primary Coal oils can be hydrogenated, through pretty standard petroleum refinery techniques, and thereby made to function as the agents of hydrogenation and liquefaction for more raw Coal.

Of special interest could be the fact that this Texaco process might represent a better way of using such Coal-derived Coal solvents, as opposed to WVU's "West Virginia Process" for the direct liquefaction of Coal, wherein, as we understand it, the primary Coal oil, Naphthalene, is first hydrogenated to form the solvent, Tetralin, which is then used to hydrogenate and liquefy more raw Coal.

More Pre-WWII CO2 Recycling

Carbon monoxide manufacture


We submit herein yet another example of technology developed prior to WWII, wherein reclaimed Carbon Dioxide can be reacted with hot Coal, and recycled thereby into Carbon Monoxide.

Of special interest might be the inventor's projected source of the Carbon Dioxide.

The corporate owner of the patent rights, Semet-Solvay Engineering Corporation, might not ring any bells for you, but, according to multiple web-based sources, by the time the enclosed US Patent was issued the company had already been acquired by Allied Chemical, which itself went on, through a series of corporate transformations as Allied Corporation and Allied-Signal, to, finally, undergo a 1999  merger and acquisition with Honeywell, with the Honeywell name being applied to the new entity.

Pennsylvania Hydrogenates CO2

United States Patent: 4766154


We've previously reported, but only once or twice, on the rather extensive Coal conversion prowess of Pennsylvania's Air Products and Chemicals company.

Many of their documented Carbon conversion technical achievements are so highly-developed and complex that we, with our somewhat severe limitations, are simply unable to understand them fully enough to condense and clarify them for you.

That said, however, we see herein that, not only is the Air Products company knowledgeable about the technology of Coal gasification, they know how to productively utilize Carbon Dioxide, as well.

Chicago 1945 Coal to High-Octane Gasoline

Hydrogenation of hydrocarbonaceous materials


We've previously reported on the Coal conversion achievements of Chicago's old Universal Oil Products company, UOP, which, if you recall an earlier post or two, included a surprising pre-WWII contribution from a scientist in Germany, whose name is often associated with Coal conversion technology.

And, it seems appropriate to elaborate a bit on UOP's history by referencing their own take on it, as accessible via: UOP Overview; wherein we learn that:

Pittsburgh USBM Hydrogenates Coal with CO & H2O



We first remind you of an earlier report, now posted on the West Virginia Coal Association's Research and Development site as: 1915 CO2 Recycling | Research & Development | News , and wherein is disclosed "United States Patent 1,163,922 - Producing Carbon Monoxid from Carbon Dioxid", which detailed, in 1915, how we could make Carbon Monoxide by reacting Carbon Dioxide with hot Coal.