WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

WV Coal to Methanol to Gasoline to Zeolite Catalysis

United States Patent: 4499327


In the course of our reportage, we have made frequent reference to, and documented the reality of, ExxonMobil's "MTG"(r), Methanol-To-Gasoline, technology, wherein the Methanol is posited to be made from Coal.

As we have noted, catalyst formulations based on zeolite minerals are key to that process.

Herein, we learn that ExxonMobil's Coal conversion technology might, actually, only be derivative of similar technology first developed in West Virginia.


Australia CO2 to Methanol; US Methanol to Gasoline

United States Patent: 4366260


Herein, from Australia, is yet further confirmation of the fact that Carbon Dioxide, as in other of our reports, can be utilized and consumed in the synthesis of Methanol.

The Disclosure, in fact, doesn't seem to reveal much about the process of Methanol synthesis itself, but focuses instead on the details of catalyst preparation.

Perhaps of interest, though, is the rather detailed Prior Art documentation, within the full Disclosure, of the fact that both Carbon Dioxide and Coal can be converted into Methanol.

Standard Oil and Germany CO2 and Coal to Gasoline

United States Patent: 4564513

We present two, somewhat contemporary, developments of fairly recent vintage in this dispatch.

Taken together, the documents confirm related facts establishing the overall truth that Carbon Dioxide can be recycled through interaction with hot Coal, with the subsequent utilization of Water; and, via the combination of those processes, be consumed in the synthesis of hydrocarbon fuels.

Japan Gets More Gasoline from Coal

United States Patent: 4622308


As in many of our examples of Coal liquefaction art, the Japanese inventors named in this United States Patent, for an improved process of indirect Coal liquefaction, don't really talk about Coal all that much.

They reveal only the details of an improved process for converting "the synthesis gas" into liquid hydrocarbons, and don't, until their exposition of Background, reveal where "the synthesis gas" comes from.

Pittsburgh Hydrogenates Solid Coal

United States Patent: 4116808


We have previously cited the Coal conversion achievements of Pittsburgh, PA's former Gulf Oil Company, since assimilated into Chevron, multiple times.

We have also previously cited the Gulf Oil Coal scientist named as lead inventor herein, where is described a somewhat different way in which Coal can be converted into more versatile hydrocarbons.

First, note must be made that the reaction conditions specified in this US-Patented Coal conversion process are, or can be, "severe", to employ a phrase commonly utilized by the petroleum refining industry.