WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Texas Recycles CO2 to Hydrocarbon Syngas

Production of hydrogen and carbon monoxide


We previously submitted report, as accessible via: Eastman Chemical CO2 to Hydrocarbon Syngas | Research & Development | News; of: "United States Patent 5,068,057 - Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Carbon Monoxide; 1991; Assignee; Eastman Kodak Company, New York", wherein Eastman company scientists working at their Kingsport, Tennessee, Coal-to-Methanol conversion factory, disclosed their technique for recycling Carbon Dioxide, reclaimed from whatever source, into a synthesis gas which could be catalytically condensed into liquid hydrocarbons.

Herein, we see that other Eastman scientists, working at another Eastman facility, about which we have earlier reported, in Texas, continued to develop that technology for the productive recycling of Carbon Dioxide, and were, later in the same decade, awarded yet another United States Patent, in which is disclosed what we take to be a very sophisticated process - which reflects a very high degree of understanding of the technology among the Eastman scientists involved - wherein Carbon Dioxide can not only be transformed into hydrocarbon synthesis gas; but, the admixtures of other raw materials, including Methane, Steam and elemental Hydrogen, can be adjusted within certain ranges, so that a synthesis gas of variable composition, suitable for catalytic condensation into a range of specific liquid hydrocarbons, can be produced.

Consol 1953 Coal to Hydrogen & Methane with No CO2

Gasification of carbonaceous solid fuels

We enclose, in this dispatch, via links and files, two closely-related and identically-labeled United States Patents, both issued more than one half of a century ago to the Pittsburgh region's Consolidation Coal Company, and one of which we might have reported to you previously.

The lead named inventor is Everett Gorin, Consol's accomplished Coal conversion scientist whom we have already cited for you many times.

California Improves Coal Liquid & Petroleum Compatibility

United States Patent: 4221654


Since we are sending along today, via separate dispatch, report of, among other things, "US Patent 7,726,127 - Solar Power for Thermochemical Production of Hydrogen; 2010; Assignee: Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, Incorporated, CA"; wherein is disclosed how Hydrogen can be effectively and economically generated by the use of inexhaustible solar energy, we wanted to, in this dispatch, emphasize how such Hydrogen could be beneficially applied to the upgrading of liquid hydrocarbons derived from Coal.

Note that such Coal liquid upgrading is, or can be made to be, fully compatible with conventional, already established and practiced, petroleum refining, and petroleum distribution and storage, techniques.

Solar-Powered Hydrogen Generation

United States Patent: 7726127


Enclosed are two links and one attached file, with excerpts, which demonstrate, yet again, how we have been, and how we continue, fooling ourselves - or allowing ourselves to be fooled - about our own potentials for domestically producing and supplying all of our own, United States, hydrocarbon fuel requirements.

Over the long course of our reportage, we have more than thoroughly documented the plain facts that both Coal and Carbon Dioxide can be converted into more versatile hydrocarbons - direct replacements for the gas and liquid fuels we have been allowing ourselves to be extorted beyond all reason for the supply of.

Exxon Recycles CO2 to Gas and Liquids

United States Patent: 5140049


We have previously reported the Carbon conversion expertise demonstrated by Exxon scientist Rocco Fiato.

Herein, we find that he, and some Exxon co-workers, describe a process wherein Carbon Dioxide can be utilized as the primary constituent of hydrocarbon synthesis gas, and be directly catalyzed and condensed into a variety of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons.

Interestingly, though not reflected in our excerpts, but as available via the link, Exxon reveals and documents, in the course of their full Disclosure, a great deal of prior Carbon Dioxide recycling art, some of which we have previously reported to you.