WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

USDOE "Green Freedom" CO2 to Fuel


We have several times, in the course of our reportage, made brief reference to the United States Department of Energy's "Green Freedom" (TM) concept for recycling atmospheric Carbon Dioxide in the synthesis of liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
Herein, via the enclosed link and attached file, we submit a fuller description and explanation of that technology.
As you will be able to see, the concept and technology are straightforward, even simple. But, the details beg study and public exposition by anyone truly interested in the security of our vital Coal-use industries and of the United States of America.

Texas Recycles More CO2

Trusting you to recall our earlier suggestions, that the good citizens of the Texas oil patch know quite well that Carbon Dioxide can be recycled into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon fuels; and, that such knowledge was behind their enthusiastic support of the government-mandated geologic sequestration of Carbon Dioxide in leaky old oil wells, all at the expense of Coal-use industries and Coal-product consumers; and, the angry response our assertions provoked from a Texas oil industry mouthpiece, we present herein more evidence in support of that thesis.
The University of Houston is at work refining and further developing the 1912 Nobel-winning Sabatier process, which converts Carbon Dioxide into useful hydrocarbons.

Penn State Coal Jet Fuel

We have been documenting that Coal can be converted into perfectly acceptable liquid aviation fuel, most recently in our reports concerning the approval, by international regulating bodies, and the subsequent commercial use of, South Africa Synthetic Oil Limited's 100% Coal-based jet fuel.
We have also previously reported on Penn State University's efforts to develop similar Coal-based aviation fuels, work that has been done, in part, in support of the United States Department of Defense strategic initiative to develop domestic supplies of fuel for military aircraft.
Herein, we present further, though somewhat dated, information concerning their achievements.

Saudi Arabia Coverts CO2 to Fuel

We have provided, in the course of our reportage, clear evidence that Carbon Dioxide, as arises in a small way, relative to natural sources of emission such as volcanoes, from our varied and productive uses of Coal, can be reclaimed and productively recycled in the synthesis of hydrocarbon products, including fuels.
We once suggested that, if we US citizens of US Coal Country didn't soon wake up to that fact, we would, eventually, wind up buying tankers full of recycled Coal plant exhaust fumes from the same folks who now extort us for products made out of natural petroleum.
Herein, with another, and very similar, document soon to follow, we submit more, very clear, evidence attesting to that danger.

USDOE CoalTL Review

We find it difficult to provide cogent excerpts from the document we submit herein. It is, in fact, evidence of on-going development, within the USDOE, of various Coal liquefaction and conversion technologies, about which the majority of us have never even heard.
Within it, though not included in our excerpts, you will find brief discussion of Eastman Chemical's start-up of their now-commercial plant in Kingsport, TN, wherein Coal is converted into the nearly-precious liquid hydrocarbon, Methanol, and of similar operations in LaPorte, TX; both of which we have documented for the West Virginia Coal Association.
Coal conversion technological developments by other major corporations, such as Bechtel and Pennsylvania's Air Products and Chemicals, both of them as we've earlier documented, are also noted.