WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

CO2 as Plastics Raw Material

Herein, originally from Italy, though housed in the USDOE's National Laboratory library, we present a discussion about the productive recycling of Carbon Dioxide, as might originate in an industrial process utilizing Coal.
The premise, in confirmation of other documentation attesting to CO2 recycling potentials we have already provided you, is that CO2 can be used as a "substitute" raw material, in place of other chemicals, such as the highly-toxic Phosgene (aka: Mustard Gas), in the manufacture of useful, and common, plastics.
And, as interesting as such practical use of CO2 might be, these Italian scientists make a point that, due to the awkwardness of translation, might be missed:
Not only can Carbon Dioxide be productively utilized in place of other, some highly-toxic, materials, such practical use of Carbon Dioxide prevents the generation of more Carbon Dioxide in the commercial manufacture of those other raw materials.

WVU CO2-Free Coal to Oil

International Companies to Demonstrate WVU CO2-Free Coal-to-Oil Technology


West Virginia University researchers have developed a way to convert coal into synthetic oil in a carbon dioxide-free economical process and, through a licensing agreement, two international firms are planning to demonstrate its viability.
Quantex Energy Inc. of Canada and New Hope Corporation Ltd of Australia announced an agreement in September to commercialize the technology acquired under license from WVU.  The companies are hoping to eventually produce up to 50,000 barrels of synthetic oil per day in up to three different demonstration facilities.
The plan calls for New Hope and Quantex to have a 25-year exclusive license for the WVU technology that converts coal into synthetic crude oil.  This new process is cheaper than previous systems and does not produce any carbon dioxide.  WVU researchers explained that in the process, coal is not gasified, but rather dissolved.
Eliminating hydrogen from the liquefaction process results in a lower capital cost.  As a result, WVU technologies involving coal conversion offer an affordable means for achieving lower carbon footprint and overall reduced environmental impact compared to current practices. 
The researchers believe that cleaner products can be made from coal liquids rather than from heavy petroleum residues thanks to the use of solvent extraction and low emissions technologies for processing."


South Africa Recycles CO2 & CoalTL Waste Gas

We have thoroughly documented that Carbon Dioxide can, on a practical basis, be reclaimed, even from the atmosphere itself, and then be productively recycled in the synthesis of valuable products, including liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon fuels.
We have also noted that some processes for the conversion of Coal into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons generate some incidental Carbon Dioxide, which, as we have also previously documented, can, in processes of Indirect Coal Liquefaction (ICL), be reclaimed and recycled into the Coal conversion process, and thereby made to enhance and increase the production of valuable hydrocarbon synthesis gas, "syngas".
Herein, from the world leader in Coal conversion technology, South Africa, we submit further documentation of that fact, as inventors we believe to be associated both with South Africa Synthetic Oil Limited, SASOL, and with the University of Witwatersrand, explain that, not only can Carbon Dioxide be recycled into the synthetic fuel production process; but, energy requirements for that process can, at the same time, thus be reduced and further Carbon economies consequently achieved.

USDOE CoalTL Overview

We find it impractical to make direct excerpts from the 2009 United States Department of Energy presentation we enclose, via the enclosed link and attached file, herein.
However, within it you will find a number of facts concerning the conversion of Coal into liquid transportation fuels, as seemingly confirmed by our own United States Government, as follows:
1. Liquid fuels can be made from Coal, even low-grade Coal, at a cost between $30 and $40 per barrel.
2. Hydrogen needed to hydrogenate the carbon content of Coal can be readily obtained from the Steam gasification of Coal.
3. Coal liquefaction processes can be successfully applied to a range of Coals, even low-grade Coals, and other raw materials, including waste plastics.

Saudia Arabia Recycles More CO2 into Fuel

A few days ago, we sent you information concerning: "United States Patent Application Publication Number US2010/0190874A1; for the "Catalytic Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide into Syngas Mixtures", a process for recycling Carbon Dioxide by converting it into hydrocarbon fuels, which is claimed jointly by inventors in Saudi Arabia and Texas.
We now believe, based on web-based references, and on the information we enclose herein, that the named inventors in that Application are all employed by "SABIC" - Saudi Arabia Basic Industries Corporation - which has offices in Texas, among many other places; and, they may also be associated with "ARAMCO" - the Arabian American Company - which was long ago established to manage joint Saudi Arabian and US petroleum interests.
As we indicated in that previous dispatch, the technology disclosed in US Patent Application Publication Number US2010/0190874A1 is not the only process devised by Saudi and American scientists for recycling Carbon Dioxide in the synthesis of valuable hydrocarbons.