WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

US Army Coal-Powered Helicopters

We have thoroughly documented that airplanes can fly, and have flown, on liquid fuels made from Coal.
Among our reports attesting to that fact have been several concerning the flight by WV's then-Congressman Jennings Randolph, not long after WWII, from Morgantown to Washington, DC, in a small airplane powered by Coal liquids; and, most recently, one revealing the approval by international aviation authorities for commercial use of South Africa Synthetic Oil Limited's, SASOL's, 100% Coal-based jet fuel.
And, we have made reports on work at Penn State University, with another soon to follow, concerning their development of Coal-based aviation fuel.
We have also recorded that the US Department of Defense has been actively developing Coal-based liquid fuels, primarily for the Air Force. That, aside from their development, with the help of contractors such as United Technologies, of liquid fuels synthesized from Carbon Dioxide for use by Navy ships at sea.

CO2 Recycling Options

Since we have been reporting on various developments in the very real science of productive Carbon Dioxide recycling, we wanted to send along in this dispatch a collection of links to presentations made during a recent conference at Columbia University which address that topic in graphic detail.   
We don't offer excerpts from the links.
The presentation titles, we think, should be provocative enough to entice anyone genuinely interested in the health and well-being of our vital Coal industries, our environment and our US national economy to delve into them - and to then start asking some serious questions of our elected representatives; questions about the wisdom of continuing to allow deceptive, exploitive, and wasteful nonsense like Cap & Trade taxation and Geologic Sequestration to be publicly promoted and seriously considered.

Denmark Recycles CO2 via Syntrolysis

We have lately been reporting on "Syntrolysis" technology, which is described as "a process developed by the (USDOE's) Idaho National Laboratory that (consumes) carbon dioxide while creating synthesis gas ... a combination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide used to produce synthetic fuels."
Herein, with even more confirmation of their work to follow in coming days, we see that Denmark, in collaboration with New York's Columbia University, whose Carbon-recycling achievements we have earlier reported, has, as well, been studying and developing such Syntrolysis processes.
The reportage is highly technical, and we thus present, in this dispatch, only the briefest of excerpts.

Low-Grade Coal + Steam = Hydrocarbons

We have been documenting in our posts a couple of facts concerning the conversion of Coal into  hydrocarbon petroleum substitutes.
One is that primary, and long-known, Coal oils can serve as the agents of liquefaction and hydrogenation for raw Coal.
Another is that plain old Steam can serve as the source of Hydrogen that converts the Carbon content of Coal into petroleum-like hydrocarbons.
Yet a third is that synthesis gas, a mixture of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide, most often known as "Syngas", once generated from Coal, like the primary Coal oils above, can also serve to facilitate the conversion of more raw Coal.

Commercial 100% Coal Jet Fuel Approved

We earlier documented and reported that, for some decades, Coal-based synthetic liquid fuel had been being blended into standard jet fuel produced from petroleum at, at least, South Africa's Johannesburg International Airport.
We also documented that, recently, international regulating bodies had approved South Africa Synthetic Oil Limited's 100% Coal-based jet fuel, and certified it for commercial use.
Herein, we see that such commercial use of that 100% Coal-based jet fuel has begun.