WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

USDOE Coal Conversion Encyclopedia

As many of our earlier reports have documented, our United States Government, as embodied in the Department of Energy, the Patent and Trademark Office and the Department of Defense, and in other of it's offices and bureaus, actually knows quite a lot about the very real, very practical technologies which exist that would enable us to begin converting our abundant Coal, and allied, Carbon-recycling resources, into the liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons we are now crippled by reliance on the international petroleum industry, and it's alliance of OPEC governments and Big Oil corporations, for the supply of.
Herein, we see that our National Energy Technology Laboratories have compiled a somewhat extensive, though, as evidenced by the many records we've provided to the West Virginia Coal Association, still incomplete, file on the Carbon conversion technologies that we do have available to us, and which we should have long ago begun reducing to wide, and public, practice.
They drolly refer to their publicly-available body of knowledge as the "Gasification Gasifipedia", and the link we've enclosed above should take you to it.

Efficient Recycling of CO2 to Methane

We have made frequent reference to, and reports of, the Sabatier process - which was awarded the 1912 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, but which is now, as we've documented, being employed by NASA - wherein Carbon Dioxide is transformed into Methane.
Aside from what should be the obvious benefits of converting an accused greenhouse pollutant into substitute "natural" gas, the Methane so produced has special attributes that ought to make it be seen as a nearly precious raw material.
Methane can, for instance, be converted directly into Gasoline.

Texaco Methanol from Coal

Via separate dispatch this day, we are making report of research at Japan's Mie University, which discloses that solutions of Carbon Dioxide in Methanol, which is an effective absorbent of CO2 specified in some commercialized technologies for the collection of CO2 arising from industrial processes, can be efficiently electrolyzed and made to produce, along with some commercially-valuable by-products, Methane.
The vast utility of that "natural" gas aside, we wanted, in this submission,  to again confirm that the needed Methanol can itself be efficiently synthesized, via long-known technologies, from Coal.

USDOE Converts CO2 to Diesel Fuel

In accordance with some of our earlier reports, the USDOE's Sandia National Laboratory has achieved success in the development of Carbon Dioxide recycling technologies based on the utilization of environmental energy.
There should be nothing new of a technical nature in this dispatch, presuming you to have followed our posts thus far.
Simply put: The technologies exist that would, if implemented, enable us to both reclaim Carbon Dioxide and then transform it into hydrocarbon fuels.

Pittsburgh USBM Improves Coal Hydrogasification

In confirmation of several of our earlier reports, we see herein that our own United States Government, as embodied in the Pittsburgh, PA, office of the US Bureau of Mines, demonstrated, nearly one half of a century ago, that Coal could be reacted with Steam and thus made to produce, concurrently, both hydrocarbon synthesis gas and Methane.
That fact has implications which should by now be obvious, but which we will again emphasize following brief excerpts from the enclosed link to, and attached file of:
"United States Patent 3,463,63 - Process for Gasifying Caking Coals
Date: August, 1969