WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Exxon 1982 Coal + Steam = Methanol

The enclosed United States Patent, issued very nearly three decades ago to Exxon, thoroughly describes, and plainly confirms, how both Methane and the liquid fuel, Methanol, can be synthesized from raw materials produced by the Steam gasification of Coal.
Moreover, the process is, overall, "thermoneutral"; meaning that, as in other Coal conversion technologies we have documented for you, all of the energy needed to drive the total process of synthesizing gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons from Coal can be generated as one integral function of that Coal conversion process.
In the full Disclosure, it is revealed that at least some of the co-produced Carbon Dioxide is recycled into the synthesis gas generation process, where, presumably, like the Coal, and in the presence of the hot Coal, which, as we have earlier documented, serves to convert CO2 into reactive Carbon Monoxide, the CO2 becomes involved in hydrogenation reactions with the Steam, and, thus, contributes to formation of the Methane and Methanol synthesis gases. 

Japan Recycles CO2 to Liquid Fuels

This brief submission again documents that Carbon Dioxide can be reclaimed and recycled into liquid fuels; in this case, Methanol and/or Dimethyl Ether - a hydrocarbon that can, as we have elsewhere documented, serve as a substitute for Diesel fuel or be further converted, as can Methanol, into Gasoline.

Standard Oil 1950 Coal + Steam = Syngas

We know this submission is redundant to, but we don't think directly repetitive of, earlier of our reports concerning other US-Patented Coal hydrogenation and conversion technologies developed and owned by Standard Oil.
It is further confirmation, from our own United States Government, that the hydrogenation and gasification of Coal, in order to generate a synthesis gas particularly well-suited for catalytic condensation into liquid hydrocarbons, can be accomplished simply by reacting Steam with hot Coal.
Moreover, it also confirms earlier of our reports wherein methods for the Steam gasification of Coal, in order to produce hydrocarbon synthesis gas, can be designed so as to minimize co-production of Carbon Dioxide.
Though not reflected in our excerpts, Standard Oil specifies that their process, as disclosed in the full document, for generating hydrocarbon synthesis gas from Coal, results in the co-production, from the process itself, of an amount of Carbon Dioxide that is only 3 percent of the total amount of hydrocarbon synthesis gas generated.

Texaco Recycles Carbon with USBM CoalTL Tech

Two United States Patents issued to the same team of Texaco scientists are enclosed and disclosed in this dispatch. The latter patent is linked above, and the other, precedent invention follows below.
Both of them, significantly, contain the following:
"The Bureau of Mines Report PB 203,669, entitled "Converting Organic Wastes to Oil", describes the reaction of carbon monoxide and water with various biological wastes containing cellulose, and other carbohydrates. These wastes include wood wastes (largely cellulose and liquid), sewage sludge and other urban wastes (mostly cellulose and other carbohydrates plus proteins and fats), and agricultural wastes such as cow manure. They have found that by reaction of these materials with CO and water a low sulfur oil can be produced."

German Scientist Improves Pittsburgh Coal Conversion

As per some of our earlier reports, the inventor named in this US Patent, Ernest (variously: Ernst) Donath, was a key scientist in Germany's extensive Coal liquefaction industry during WWII.
All indications are that he was established in a remote US Virgin Island exile subsequent to the War, where, for some decades, he continued to develop and refine Coal conversion technologies, the rights to all of which, it seems, were automatically assigned to the Government of the United States, as represented by the Secretary of the Interior.
Keep in mind that, prior to creation of the US Department of Energy, the US Bureau of Mines was a component of the Interior Department.