WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Canada CO2 to CO to Synfuel

We have been unable to ascertain the credentials or affiliations of the Canadian inventor named in this United States Patent.
However, we have previously documented the facts as presented herein from other, well-known and credible, sources, and we present this document only as confirmation of a few straightforward truths, as officially confirmed by at least one branch, the Patent Office, of the United States Government.

Texaco 1954 Coal + Coal Oil + H2O = Syngas


Herein is yet another half-century old Coal conversion technology from the former Texaco Corporation, now a part of the Chevron conglomerate.
We find it interesting, since it provides even more confirmation of several facts concerning Coal gasification and liquefaction we have lately been focusing on.
First, the hydrogenation of Coal, of Carbon, can be accomplished through interactions with Steam.
Second, Carbon Dioxide can be added to processes of Coal gasification wherein Steam is employed, since excess Hydrogen, above that needed to hydrogenate the Coal, can be generated from the Steam in quantities sufficient to hydrogenate additional CO2; and, the temperatures  within a Coal gasification zone are, as we read it, high enough to make the CO2 reactive.

Illinois Carbon-Recycling "C"TL

In this case, the "C" doesn't stand for Coal, but, for Crap.
Hog Crap, specifically, as herein; although the male Bovine variety might be more appropriate, given the obfuscation and misdirection that has been unpleasantly showered on the very real technology and proven science of converting Coal into more versatile hydrocarbons.
We find this submission encouraging, though, since it does confirm, as we have been documenting, that processes for converting Coal into more versatile hydrocarbons can be applied, as well, to other, renewable and Carbon-recycling, resources.
Trusting that you recall our more recent dispatches concerning US Government scientist Herbert Appell, at the Pittsburgh outpost of the US Bureau of Mines, and his and his colleague's, Irving Wender's, dissertation on "The Hydrogenation of Coal with Carbon Monoxide and Water"; and, Appell's subsequent United States Patent, Number 3,733,255, for the "Conversion of ... Sewage Sludge ... to Heavy Oil", with rights assigned to the US Government, wherein it was disclosed that Appell's and Wender's earlier-defined process of hydrogenating Coal could be applied to carbonaceous wastes, we don't expect it will surprise you to learn that Coal conversion technology based on Carbon Monoxide and Water can be applied to other, equally impolite, sources of recyclable Carbon.

Standard Oil 1952 Coal + Steam = Hydrocarbons

We must point out that the phrases and words "liquid fuel" and "fuel gas" and "hydrocarbons" aren't even used in the exposition of this US Government-certified Big Oil Coal conversion technology from more than 50 years ago.
"Volatile products" was, apparently, the fig leaf in fashion for Coal conversion technologies that year.
It does sort of tantalize the imagination, though, doesn't it?

USDOE Recycles Carbon with CoalTL

Our own US Government developed, and assigned itself the rights to, the Coal conversion process we report herein.
The facts that We the People paid for it's development and, thus, in theory, own, but, for whatever suspect reasons, haven't yet been privileged to benefit from, or even to be told of, it, for the moment aside, consider that it confirms a few things we have been reporting to you about the technology of Coal conversion, as already established by other developers of the art.
First, all of the Hydrogen needed to hydrogenate the primarily Carbon content of Coal can be generated from one step in an integrated process, wherein still-carbonaceous Coal conversion residues are reacted with Steam, as in this preview from the full excerpts below: "solid char containing residual carbonaceous material is contacted with steam and oxygen to produce a gas containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide as a source of hydrogen".